How to Create and Run a new Component in Cyber RT¶
Apollo Cyber RT framework is built upon the concept of components. As the building block of Cyber RT, each component is a specific algorithm module which processes a set of inputs and generates its set of outputs.
To successfully create and launch a new component, there are basically 4 steps:
Set up directory layout
Implement the component class
Configuration setup
Launch the component
The example below demonstrates how to create, build and run a simple component
named CommonComponentExample
. To explore more about Cyber RT, you can find a
couple of examples showing different functionalities of Cyber RT under the
Note: The examples need to run after successfully built within Apollo Docker container.
Set up directry layout¶
Take the sample component under cyber/examples/common_component_example
Header file: common_component_example.h
Source file:
DAG file: common.dag
Launch file: common.launch
Implement the sample component class¶
Header file¶
In the header file (common_component_example.h
) for the sample component:
Inherit the
base classDefine your own
functions. Please note that forproc
, input data types need to be specified also.Register the sample component class to be globally visible using the
#include <memory>
#include "cyber/component/component.h"
#include "cyber/examples/proto/examples.pb.h"
using apollo::cyber::Component;
using apollo::cyber::ComponentBase;
using apollo::cyber::examples::proto::Driver;
class CommonComponentSample : public Component<Driver, Driver> {
bool Init() override;
bool Proc(const std::shared_ptr<Driver>& msg0,
const std::shared_ptr<Driver>& msg1) override;
Source File¶
Implement both the Init
and Proc
functions in
#include "cyber/examples/common_component_example/common_component_example.h"
bool CommonComponentSample::Init() {
AINFO << "Commontest component init";
return true;
bool CommonComponentSample::Proc(const std::shared_ptr<Driver>& msg0,
const std::shared_ptr<Driver>& msg1) {
AINFO << "Start common component Proc [" << msg0->msg_id() << "] ["
<< msg1->msg_id() << "]";
return true;
BUILD file¶
load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_binary", "cc_library")
load("//tools:cpplint.bzl", "cpplint")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "",
linkshared = True,
linkstatic = False,
deps = [":common_component_example_lib"],
name = "common_component_example_lib",
srcs = [""],
hdrs = ["common_component_example.h"],
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
deps = [
Configuration setup¶
DAG file¶
To configure the DAG file (common.dag
here), specify the following items:
Channel names: for data input and output
Library path: library built from component class
Class name: the class name of the component
# Define all components in DAG streaming.
module_config {
module_library : "/apollo/bazel-bin/cyber/examples/common_component_example/"
components {
class_name : "CommonComponentSample"
config {
name : "common"
readers {
channel: "/apollo/prediction"
readers {
channel: "/apollo/test"
Launch file¶
To configure the launch (common.launch
) file, specify the following items:
The name of the component
The DAG file created in the previous step
The name of the process to run the component
Launch the component¶
Environment setup¶
Then configure the environment:
source cyber/setup.bash
# To see output from terminal
export GLOG_alsologtostderr=1
Launch the component¶
You can choose either of the two ways to launch the newly built component:
Launch with the launch file (recommended)
cyber_launch start cyber/examples/common_component_example/common.launch
Launch with the DAG file
mainboard -d cyber/examples/common_component_example/common.dag
Feed channel data for the component to process¶
Open another terminal:
source cyber/setup.bash
export GLOG_alsologtostderr=1
Open the 3rd terminal and run:
source cyber/setup.bash
export GLOG_alsologtostderr=1
And you should see output from terminal #1 like the following:
I0331 16:49:34.736016 1774773] [mainboard]Start common component Proc [1094] [766]
I0331 16:49:35.069005 1774775] [mainboard]Start common component Proc [1095] [767]
I0331 16:49:35.402289 1774783] [mainboard]Start common component Proc [1096] [768]