Prediction Pedestrian Model Training Service


Prediction Pedestrian Model Treaining Service is a cloud based service to train a prediction model for pedestrian from the data you provide, to better fit the pedestrian behavior in your environment.


Main Steps

  • Data collection

  • Job submit

  • Trained model

Data Collection

Data Recording

Finish several hours of autonomous driving with different scenarios, please make sure to have some pedestrians in sights. Just record them with cyber_recorder.

Data Sanity Check

  • make sure following channels are included in records before submitting them to cloud service






    exits without error message




  • you can check with cyber_recorder

    cyber_recorder info xxxxxx.record.xxxxx

Job Submission

Upload data to BOS

1)Input Data Path is BOS root folder,for users;

2)There should be two folders under your Input Data Path, one named map for the map you are using in Apollo format, the other is records, for the records you collected.

Submit job requests in Dreamview

Goto Apollo Dreamland, login with Baidu account, choose Apollo Fuel--> tasknew task, prediction pedestrian model training,and input correct path as in Upload data to BOS section:

Get Trained models

  • After job is done, you should be expecting emails including the results, the trained model will be in a models folder under your Input Data Path.