Cyber RT Python API : An Example

This document is an example demonstrating how to use Cyber RT Python API to write your own Python3 programs. Please make sure you have built Apollo successfully.

Step 1: Write your own code.

Save it as, say, path/to/

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys

from cyber.python.cyber_py3 import cyber


if not cyber.ok():
    print('Well, something went wrong.')

# Do your job here.

Step 2: Write Python rule for Bazel to build

Edit path/to/BUILD file, add the followng section:

load("@rules_python//python:defs.bzl", "py_binary")

# blablahblah...

# Add your own section here
    name = "my_demo",
    srcs = [""],
    deps = [

Note: Like C++, Python code is also managed by Bazel starting from Apollo 6.0. Please refer to How to Build and Run Python Apps in Apollo for more on that.

Step 3: Build and run the demo program

Now you can run the following commands to build and run the demo program.

bazel build //path/to:my_demo

Or simply run

bazel run //path/to:my_demo

More Examples …

Learn more Cyber RT Python examples under the examples and tests directory.