2. Cyber RT Python¶
2.1. 1. Background¶
The core functions of Cyber RT are developed in C++. We also provide more python interfaces to help developers build their own utilities for specific projects.
2.2. 2. Cyber RT Python Interfaces¶
The python interfaces of Cyber RT are wrapper the corresponding C++ interfaces. The implementation doesn’t rely on other third-party tools, e.g. swig, which makes it easier to maintain.
2.3. 3. Overview of Python Interfaces in Cyber RT¶
So far, the python interfaces covers:
access the information of channels
server/client communication
query informatoin in record files
read and write from/to record files
Time/Duration/Rate related operations
2.3.1. 3.1 Read/Write of Channels¶
Steps shown as below:
First create a Node;
Create corresponding reader or writer;
If write to a channel, use write interface in writer.
If read from a channel, use the spin interface in the node, and process the messages in your callback function
The interfaces are shown below:
class Node:
Class for cyber Node wrapper.
def create_writer(self, name, data_type, qos_depth=1):
create a topic writer for send message to topic.
@param self
@param name str: topic name
@param data_type proto: message class for serialization
def create_reader(self, name, data_type, callback, args=None):
create a topic reader for receive message from topic.
@param self
@param name str: topic name
@param data_type proto: message class for serialization
@callback fn: function to call (fn(data)) when data is
received. If args is set, the function must
accept the args as a second argument,
i.e. fn(data, args)
@args any: additional arguments to pass to the callback
def create_client(self, name, request_data_type, response_data_type):
def create_service(self, name, req_data_type, res_data_type, callback, args=None):
def spin(self):
spin in wait and process message.
@param self
class Writer(object):
Class for cyber writer wrapper.
def write(self, data):
writer msg string
2.3.2. 3.2 Record Interfaces¶
Read from record:
Create a RecordReader;
Read messages from Record;
Write to record:
Create a RecordWriter
Write messages to record;
The interfaces are shown below:
class RecordReader(object):
Class for cyber RecordReader wrapper.
def read_messages(self, start_time=0, end_time=18446744073709551615):
read message from bag file.
@param self
@param start_time:
@param end_time:
@return: generator of (message, data_type, timestamp)
def get_messagenumber(self, channel_name):
return message count.
def get_messagetype(self, channel_name):
return message type.
def get_protodesc(self, channel_name):
return message protodesc.
def get_headerstring(self):
return message header string.
def reset(self):
return reset.
return _CYBER_RECORD.PyRecordReader_Reset(self.record_reader)
def get_channellist(self):
return channel list.
return _CYBER_RECORD.PyRecordReader_GetChannelList(self.record_reader)
class RecordWriter(object):
Class for cyber RecordWriter wrapper.
def open(self, path):
open record file for write.
def write_channel(self, channel_name, type_name, proto_desc):
writer channel by channelname,typename,protodesc
def write_message(self, channel_name, data, time, raw = True):
writer msg:channelname,data,time,is data raw
def set_size_fileseg(self, size_kilobytes):
return filesegment size.
def set_intervaltime_fileseg(self, time_sec):
return file interval time.
def get_messagenumber(self, channel_name):
return message count.
def get_messagetype(self, channel_name):
return message type.
def get_protodesc(self, channel_name):
return message protodesc.
2.3.3. 3.3 Time Interfaces¶
class Time(object):
def now():
time_now = Time(_CYBER_TIME.PyTime_now())
return time_now
def mono_time():
mono_time = Time(_CYBER_TIME.PyTime_mono_time())
return mono_time
def to_sec(self):
return _CYBER_TIME.PyTime_to_sec(self.time)
def to_nsec(self):
return _CYBER_TIME.PyTime_to_nsec(self.time)
def sleep_until(self, nanoseconds):
return _CYBER_TIME.PyTime_sleep_until(self.time, nanoseconds)
2.3.4. 3.4 Timer Interfaces¶
class Timer(object):
def set_option(self, period, callback, oneshot=0):
set the option of timer.
@param period The period of the timer, unit is ms.
@param callback The tasks that the timer needs to perform.
@param oneshot 1:perform the callback only after the first timing cycle
0:perform the callback every timed period
def start(self):
def stop(self):
2.4. 4. Examples¶
2.4.1. 4.1 Read from Channel (in cyber/python/cyber_py3/examples/listener.py)¶
from cyber_py3 import cyber
from cyber.proto.unit_test_pb2 import ChatterBenchmark
def callback(data):
Reader message callback.
print("=" * 80)
print("py:reader callback msg->:")
print("=" * 80)
def test_listener_class():
Reader message.
print("=" * 120)
test_node = cyber.Node("listener")
test_node.create_reader("channel/chatter", ChatterBenchmark, callback)
if __name__ == '__main__':
2.4.2. 4.2 Write to Channel(in cyber/python/cyber_py3/examples/talker.py)¶
import time
from cyber_py3 import cyber
from cyber.proto.unit_test_pb2 import ChatterBenchmark
def test_talker_class():
Test talker.
msg = ChatterBenchmark()
msg.content = "py:talker:send Alex!"
msg.stamp = 9999
msg.seq = 0
test_node = cyber.Node("node_name1")
g_count = 1
writer = test_node.create_writer("channel/chatter", ChatterBenchmark, 6)
while not cyber.is_shutdown():
g_count = g_count + 1
msg.seq = g_count
msg.content = "I am python talker."
print("=" * 80)
print("write msg -> %s" % msg)
if __name__ == '__main__':
2.4.3. 4.3 Read and Write Messages from/to Record File(in cyber/python/cyber_py3/examples/record.py)¶
Module for example of record.
Run with:
bazel run //cyber/python/cyber_py3/examples:record
import time
from google.protobuf.descriptor_pb2 import FileDescriptorProto
from cyber.proto.unit_test_pb2 import Chatter
from cyber.python.cyber_py3 import record
from modules.common.util.testdata.simple_pb2 import SimpleMessage
MSG_TYPE = "apollo.common.util.test.SimpleMessage"
MSG_TYPE_CHATTER = "apollo.cyber.proto.Chatter"
def test_record_writer(writer_path):
Record writer.
fwriter = record.RecordWriter()
if not fwriter.open(writer_path):
print('Failed to open record writer!')
print('+++ Begin to writer +++')
# Writer 2 SimpleMessage
msg = SimpleMessage()
msg.text = "AAAAAA"
file_desc = msg.DESCRIPTOR.file
proto = FileDescriptorProto()
proto.name = file_desc.name
desc_str = proto.SerializeToString()
'simplemsg_channel', msg.DESCRIPTOR.full_name, desc_str)
fwriter.write_message('simplemsg_channel', msg, 990, False)
fwriter.write_message('simplemsg_channel', msg.SerializeToString(), 991)
# Writer 2 Chatter
msg = Chatter()
msg.timestamp = 99999
msg.lidar_timestamp = 100
msg.seq = 1
file_desc = msg.DESCRIPTOR.file
proto = FileDescriptorProto()
proto.name = file_desc.name
desc_str = proto.SerializeToString()
fwriter.write_channel('chatter_a', msg.DESCRIPTOR.full_name, desc_str)
fwriter.write_message('chatter_a', msg, 992, False)
msg.seq = 2
fwriter.write_message("chatter_a", msg.SerializeToString(), 993)
def test_record_reader(reader_path):
Record reader.
freader = record.RecordReader(reader_path)
print('+' * 80)
print('+++ Begin to read +++')
count = 0
for channel_name, msg, datatype, timestamp in freader.read_messages():
count += 1
print('=' * 80)
print('read [%d] messages' % count)
print('channel_name -> %s' % channel_name)
print('msgtime -> %d' % timestamp)
print('msgnum -> %d' % freader.get_messagenumber(channel_name))
print('msgtype -> %s' % datatype)
print('message is -> %s' % msg)
print('***After parse(if needed),the message is ->')
if datatype == MSG_TYPE:
msg_new = SimpleMessage()
elif datatype == MSG_TYPE_CHATTER:
msg_new = Chatter()
if __name__ == '__main__':
test_record_file = "/tmp/test_writer.record"
print('Begin to write record file: {}'.format(test_record_file))
print('Begin to read record file: {}'.format(test_record_file))