集成 Pillow 库

集成 Pillow 库#

从 PIL 图像创建 ImageSurface:

import cairo
import PIL.Image as Image

def from_pil(im: Image, alpha: float=1.0, format: cairo.Format=cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32) -> cairo.ImageSurface:
    :param im: Pillow Image
    :param alpha: 0..1 alpha to add to non-alpha images
    :param format: Pixel format for output surface
    assert format in (
    ), f"Unsupported pixel format: {format}"
    if 'A' not in im.getbands():
        im.putalpha(int(alpha * 256.))
    arr = bytearray(im.tobytes('raw', 'BGRa'))
    surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data(arr, format, im.width, im.height)
    return surface

filename = 'test.jpeg'

# Open image to an ARGB32 ImageSurface
im = Image.open(filename)
surface1 = from_pil(im)

# Open image to an RGB24 ImageSurface
im = Image.open(filename)
surface2 = from_pil(im, format=cairo.FORMAT_RGB24)

# Open image to an ARGB32 ImageSurface, 50% opacity
im = Image.open(filename)
surface3 = from_pil(im, alpha=0.5, format=cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32)

将 ImageSurface 转换为 PIL 图像:

import cairo
import PIL.Image as Image

def to_pil(surface: cairo.ImageSurface) -> Image:
    format = surface.get_format()
    size = (surface.get_width(), surface.get_height())
    stride = surface.get_stride()

    with surface.get_data() as memory:
        if format == cairo.Format.RGB24:
            return Image.frombuffer(
                "RGB", size, memory.tobytes(),
                'raw', "BGRX", stride)
        elif format == cairo.Format.ARGB32:
            return Image.frombuffer(
                "RGBA", size, memory.tobytes(),
                'raw', "BGRa", stride)
            raise NotImplementedError(repr(format))

# Create an image surface from a PNG file (or any other source)
surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png("test.png")

# Convert to a PIL Image
im = to_pil(surface)

# Use Pillow to store it as a JPEG