NumPy 教程#
- Determining Moore’s Law with real data in NumPy
- Saving and sharing your NumPy arrays
- What you’ll learn
- What you’ll do
- What you’ll need
- Create your arrays
- Save your arrays with NumPy’s
- Remove the saved arrays and load them back with NumPy’s
- Reassign the NpzFile arrays to
- Success
- Another option: saving to human-readable csv
- Rearrange the data into a single 2D array
- Save the data to csv file using
- Our arrays as a csv file
- Success, but remember your types
- Wrapping up
- Analyzing the impact of the lockdown on air quality in Delhi, India
- Deep learning on MNIST
- Deep reinforcement learning with Pong from pixels
- Masked Arrays
- Plotting Fractals
- Determining Static Equilibrium in NumPy
- Linear algebra on n-dimensional arrays
- X-ray image processing