这个笔记本演示了如何使用小部件为 IPython 内核创建一个工作的变量检查器,就像在流行的商业科学计算环境中看到的那样。
import ipywidgets as widgets # Loads the Widget framework.
from IPython.core.magics.namespace import NamespaceMagics # Used to query namespace.
# For this example, hide these names, just to avoid polluting the namespace further
get_ipython().user_ns_hidden['widgets'] = widgets
get_ipython().user_ns_hidden['NamespaceMagics'] = NamespaceMagics
class VariableInspectorWindow(object):
instance = None
def __init__(self, ipython):
"""Public constructor."""
if VariableInspectorWindow.instance is not None:
raise Exception("""Only one instance of the Variable Inspector can exist at a
time. Call close() on the active instance before creating a new instance.
If you have lost the handle to the active instance, you can re-obtain it
via `VariableInspectorWindow.instance`.""")
VariableInspectorWindow.instance = self
self.closed = False
self.namespace = NamespaceMagics()
self.namespace.shell = ipython.kernel.shell
self._box = widgets.Box()
self._box.layout.overflow = 'visible scroll'
self._table = widgets.HTML(value = 'Not hooked')
self._box.children = [self._table]
self._ipython = ipython
self._ipython.events.register('post_run_cell', self._fill)
def close(self):
"""Close and remove hooks."""
if not self.closed:
self._ipython.events.unregister('post_run_cell', self._fill)
self.closed = True
VariableInspectorWindow.instance = None
def _fill(self):
"""Fill self with variable information."""
values = self.namespace.who_ls()
self._table.value = '<div class="rendered_html jp-RenderedHTMLCommon"><table><thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Value</th></tr></thead><tr><td>' + \
'</td></tr><tr><td>'.join(['{0}</td><td>{1}</td><td>{2}'.format(v, type(eval(v)).__name__, str(eval(v))) for v in values]) + \
def _repr_mimebundle_(self, **kwargs):
return self._box._repr_mimebundle_(**kwargs)
inspector = VariableInspectorWindow(get_ipython())
Error in callback <bound method VariableInspectorWindow._fill of <__main__.VariableInspectorWindow object at 0x7ffb302db650>> (for post_run_cell), with arguments args (<ExecutionResult object at 7ffb302db590, execution_count=4 error_before_exec=None error_in_exec=None info=<ExecutionInfo object at 7ffb302db560, raw_cell="inspector = VariableInspectorWindow(get_ipython()).." store_history=True silent=False shell_futures=True cell_id=None> result=<__main__.VariableInspectorWindow object at 0x7ffb302db650>>,),kwargs {}:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
TypeError: VariableInspectorWindow._fill() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
a = 5
Error in callback <bound method VariableInspectorWindow._fill of <__main__.VariableInspectorWindow object at 0x7ffb302db650>> (for post_run_cell), with arguments args (<ExecutionResult object at 7ffb303059d0, execution_count=5 error_before_exec=None error_in_exec=None info=<ExecutionInfo object at 7ffb30305b20, raw_cell="a = 5" store_history=True silent=False shell_futures=True cell_id=None> result=None>,),kwargs {}:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
TypeError: VariableInspectorWindow._fill() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
b = 3.0
Error in callback <bound method VariableInspectorWindow._fill of <__main__.VariableInspectorWindow object at 0x7ffb302db650>> (for post_run_cell), with arguments args (<ExecutionResult object at 7ffb30307350, execution_count=6 error_before_exec=None error_in_exec=None info=<ExecutionInfo object at 7ffb303072c0, raw_cell="b = 3.0" store_history=True silent=False shell_futures=True cell_id=None> result=None>,),kwargs {}:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
TypeError: VariableInspectorWindow._fill() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
c = a * b
Error in callback <bound method VariableInspectorWindow._fill of <__main__.VariableInspectorWindow object at 0x7ffb302db650>> (for post_run_cell), with arguments args (<ExecutionResult object at 7ffb302db830, execution_count=7 error_before_exec=None error_in_exec=None info=<ExecutionInfo object at 7ffb30305580, raw_cell="c = a * b" store_history=True silent=False shell_futures=True cell_id=None> result=None>,),kwargs {}:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
TypeError: VariableInspectorWindow._fill() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
d = "String"
Error in callback <bound method VariableInspectorWindow._fill of <__main__.VariableInspectorWindow object at 0x7ffb302db650>> (for post_run_cell), with arguments args (<ExecutionResult object at 7ffb30305d30, execution_count=8 error_before_exec=None error_in_exec=None info=<ExecutionInfo object at 7ffb30307cb0, raw_cell="d = "String"" store_history=True silent=False shell_futures=True cell_id=None> result=None>,),kwargs {}:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
TypeError: VariableInspectorWindow._fill() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
del b
Error in callback <bound method VariableInspectorWindow._fill of <__main__.VariableInspectorWindow object at 0x7ffb302db650>> (for post_run_cell), with arguments args (<ExecutionResult object at 7ffb30190b90, execution_count=9 error_before_exec=None error_in_exec=None info=<ExecutionInfo object at 7ffb30190c50, raw_cell="del b" store_history=True silent=False shell_futures=True cell_id=None> result=None>,),kwargs {}:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
TypeError: VariableInspectorWindow._fill() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given