[详情级别 1234]
 NregNamespace for the regular expression functions
 NvhdlToken literal values and constants
 CAccessStackHelper class representing the stack of items considered while resolving the scope
 CActiveRowSpanHelper class to compute the grid for an HTML style table
 CAlphaIndexTableCellClass representing a cell in the alphabetical class index
 CArgumentThis class contains the information about the argument of a function or template
 CArgumentListThis class represents an function or template argument list
 CBaseClassDefClass that contains information about an inheritance relation
 CBaseInfoThis class stores information about an inheritance relation
 CBaseOutputDocInterfaceBase Interface used for generating output outside of the comment blocks
 CBodyInfoData associated with description found in the body
 CBriefInfoData associated with a brief description
 CBufStrBuffer used to store strings
 CCachedItemWrapper for data that needs to be cached
 CCallContextRepresents the call context
 CCitationManagerCitation manager class
 CCiteInfoCitation-related data
 CClangParserWrapper for to let libclang assisted parsing
 CClangTUParserClang parser object for a single translation unit, which consists of a source file and the directly or indirectly included headers
 CClassDefA abstract class representing of a compound symbol
 CClassDefImplImplementation of the ClassDef interface
 CClassDiagramClass representing a built-in class diagram
 CCmhlInfoHelper class representing a class member in the navigation menu
 CCodeOutputInterfaceOutput interface for code parser
 CCodeParserInterfaceAbstract interface for code parsers
 CColorHelper struct representing a RGBA color
 CColoredImageClass representing a bitmap image colored based on hue/sat/gamma settings
 CColoredImgDataItemData associated with a HSV colored image
 CCommandMapCall representing a mapping from a command name to a command ID
 CCompAcceptDefault accept implementation for compound nodes in the abstract syntax tree
 CCondParserCopyright (C) 1997-2015 by Dimitri van Heesch
 CConfigBoolClass representing a Boolean type option
 CConfigDisabledSection marker for compile time optional options
 CConfigEnumClass representing an enum type option
 CConfigImplSingleton for configuration variables
 CConfigInfoSection marker for grouping the configuration options
 CConfigIntClass representing an integer type option
 CConfigListClass respresenting a list type option
 CConfigObsoleteSection marker for obsolete options
 CConfigOptionAbstract base class for any configuration option
 CConfigStringClass representing a string type option
 CConstraintClassDefClass that contains information about a type constraint relations
 CCOutlineParserC-like language parser using state-based lexical scanning
 CCPPValueA class representing a C-preprocessor value
 CDebugClass containing a print function for diagnostics
 CDefineA class representing a macro definition
 CDefinitionThe common base class of all entity definitions found in the sources
 CDevNullCodeDocInterfaceClass implementing CodeOutputInterface by throwing away everything
 CDiagramItemClass representing a single node in the built-in class diagram
 CDiagramRowClass representing a row in the built-in class diagram
 CDirClass representing a directory in the file system
 CDirDefA model of a directory symbol
 CDirLinkedMapA linked map of directories
 CDirListA list of directories
 CDirRelationA usage relation between two directories
 CDocAnchorNode representing an anchor
 CDocAutoListNode representing an auto List
 CDocAutoListItemNode representing an item of a auto list
 CDocbookDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for Docbook output
 CDocCiteNode representing a citation of some bibliographic reference
 CDocDiaFileNode representing a dia file
 CDocDotFileNode representing a dot file
 CDocEmojiNode representing a n emoji
 CDocFormulaNode representing an item of a cross-referenced list
 CDocHorRulerNode representing a horizontal ruler
 CDocHRefNode representing a Hypertext reference
 CDocHtmlBlockQuoteNode representing an HTML blockquote
 CDocHtmlCaptionNode representing a HTML table caption
 CDocHtmlCellNode representing a HTML table cell
 CDocHtmlDescDataNode representing a HTML description data
 CDocHtmlDescListNode representing a Html description list
 CDocHtmlDescTitleNode representing a Html description item
 CDocHtmlHeaderNode Html heading
 CDocHtmlListNode representing a Html list
 CDocHtmlListItemNode representing a HTML list item
 CDocHtmlRowNode representing a HTML table row
 CDocHtmlTableNode representing a HTML table
 CDocImageNode representing an image
 CDocIncludeNode representing an included text block from file
 CDocIncOperatorNode representing a include/dontinclude operator block
 CDocIndexEntryNode representing an entry in the index
 CDocInfoData associated with a detailed description
 CDocInternalNode representing an internal section of documentation
 CDocInternalRefNode representing an internal reference to some item
 CDocLineBreakNode representing a line break
 CDocLinkNode representing a link to some item
 CDocLinkedWordNode representing a word that can be linked to something
 CDocMscFileNode representing a msc file
 CDocNodeAbstract node interface with type information
 CDocParaNode representing a paragraph in the documentation tree
 CDocParamListNode representing a parameter list
 CDocParamSectNode representing a parameter section
 CDocParBlockNode representing an block of paragraphs
 CDocParserContextParser's context to store all global variables
 CDocRefNode representing a reference to some item
 CDocRootRoot node of documentation tree
 CDocSecRefItemNode representing a reference to a section
 CDocSecRefListNode representing a list of section references
 CDocSectionNode representing a normal section
 CDocSeparatorNode representing a separator
 CDocSetsA class that generates docset files
 CDocSimpleListNode representing a simple list
 CDocSimpleListItemNode representing a simple list item
 CDocSimpleSectNode representing a simple section
 CDocSimpleSectSepNode representing a separator between two simple sections of the same type
 CDocStyleChangeNode representing a style change
 CDocSymbolNode representing a special symbol
 CDocTextRoot node of a text fragment
 CDocTitleNode representing a simple section title
 CDocURLNode representing a URL (or email address)
 CDocVerbatimNode representing a verbatim, unparsed text fragment
 CDocVhdlFlowNode representing a VHDL flow chart
 CDocVisitorAbstract visitor that participates in the visitor pattern
 CDocWhiteSpaceNode representing some amount of white space
 CDocWordNode representing a word
 CDocXRefItemNode representing an item of a cross-referenced list
 CDotCallGraphRepresentation of an call graph
 CDotClassGraphRepresentation of a class inheritance or dependency graph
 CDotDirDepsRepresentation of an directory dependency graph
 CDotDirPropertyProperties are used to format the directories in the graph distinctively
 CDotDirPropertyBuilderBuilder helper to create instances of the DotDirProperty struct
 CDotFilePatcherHelper class to insert a set of map file into an output file
 CDotGfxHierarchyTableRepresents a graphical class hierarchy
 CDotGraphA dot graph
 CDotGroupCollaborationRepresentation of a group collaboration graph
 CDotInclDepGraphRepresentation of an include dependency graph
 CDotLegendGraphRepresentation of a legend explaining the meaning of boxes, arrows, and colors
 CDotManagerSingleton that manages parallel dot invocations and patching files for embedding image maps
 CDotNodeA node in a dot graph
 CDotRunnerHelper class to run dot from doxygen from multiple threads
 CDotRunnerQueueQueue of dot jobs to run
 CDotWorkerThreadWorker thread to execute a dot run
 CDoxygenThis class serves as a namespace for global variables used by doxygen
 CDualDirIteratorHelper class representing an iterator that can iterate forwards or backwards
 CEclipseHelpGenerator for Eclipse help files
 CEdgeInfoAttributes of an edge of a dot graph
 CEdgePropertiesHelper struct holding the properties of a edge in a dot graph
 CEmojiEntityMapperSingleton helper class to map emoji entities to other formats
 CEntryRepresents an unstructured piece of information, about an entity found in the sources
 CExampleData associated with an example
 CExprAstBase class for all nodes in the abstract syntax tree of an expression
 CExprAstBinaryClass representing a binary operator in the AST
 CExprAstFilterClass representing a filter in the AST
 CExprAstFilterApplClass representing a filter applied to an expression in the AST
 CExprAstLiteralClass representing a string literal in the AST
 CExprAstNegateClass representing a negation (not) operator in the AST
 CExprAstNumberClass representing a number in the AST
 CExprAstVariableClass representing a variable in the AST
 CExpressionParserRecursive decent parser for Django style template expressions
 CFileCodeParserGeneric code parser
 CFileDefA model of a file symbol
 CFileInfoMinimal replacement for QFileInfo
 CFileNameClass representing all files with a certain base name
 CFileNameFnCustom combined key compare and hash functor that uses a lower case string in case CASE_SENSE_NAMES is set to NO
 CFileNameLinkedMapOrdered dictionary of FileName objects
 CFilePairClass representing a pair of FileDef objects
 CFilePairLinkedMapA linked map of file pairs
 CFilterAddThe implementation of the "add" filter
 CFilterAlphaIndexThe implementation of the "alphaIndex" filter
 CFilterAppendThe implementation of the "append" filter
 CFilterDecodeURLThe implementation of the "decodeURL" filter The leading character is removed from the value in case it is a ^ or !
 CFilterDefaultThe implementation of the "default" filter
 CFilterDivisibleByThe implementation of the "divisibleby" filter
 CFilterEscapeThe implementation of the "e" filter
 CFilterFlattenThe implementation of the "flatten" filter
 CFilterGetThe implementation of the "get" filter
 CFilterGroupByThe implementation of the "groupBy" filter
 CFilterHexThe implementation of the "upper" filter
 CFilterIsAbsoluteURLThe implementation of the "isRelativeURL" filter
 CFilterIsRelativeURLThe implementation of the "isRelativeURL" filter
 CFilterKeepThe implementation of the "keep" filter
 CFilterLengthThe implementation of the "length" filter
 CFilterListThe implementation of the "list" filter
 CFilterListSortThe implementation of the "listsort" filter
 CFilterLowerThe implementation of the "lower" filter
 CFilterNoWrapThe implementation of the "default" filter
 CFilterPaginateThe implementation of the "paginate" filter
 CFilterPrependThe implementation of the "prepend" filter
 CFilterRawThe implementation of the "raw" filter
 CFilterRelativeThe implementation of the "relative" filter
 CFilterStripPathThe implementation of the "default" filter
 CFilterTexIndexThe implementation of the "texindex" filter
 CFilterTexLabelThe implementation of the "texlabel" filter
 CFilterUpperThe implementation of the "upper" filter
 CFindFileCacheElemCache element for the file name to FileDef mapping cache
 CFmhlInfoHelper class representing a file member in the navigation menu
 CFortranOutlineParserFortran language parser using state-based lexical scanning
 CFTVHelpA class that generates a dynamic tree view side panel
 CGenericConstIteratorTemplate List iterator support
 CGenericNodeListContextStandard template list implementation
 CGroupDefA model of a group of symbols
 CGroupingGrouping info
 CGrowBufClass representing a string buffer optimised for growing
 CHtagsThis class is a namespace for HTAGS related functions
 CHtmlAttribClass representing a HTML attribute
 CHtmlAttribListClass representing a list of HTML attributes
 CHtmlDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for HTML output
 ChtmlEntityInfoStructure defining all HTML4 entities, doxygen extensions and doxygen commands representing special symbols
 CHtmlEntityMapperSingleton helper class to map html entities to other formats
 CHtmlGeneratorGenerator for HTML output
 CHtmlHelpA class that generated the HTML Help specific files
 CHtmlHelpIndexA helper class for HtmlHelp that manages a two level index in alphabetical order
 CHtmlHelpRecoderHelper class to deal with recoding the UTF8 encoded text back to the native encoding specified by CHM_INDEX_ENCODING
 CImageClass representing a bitmap image generated by doxygen
 CIncludeInfoClass representing the data associated with a #include statement
 CIndexFieldClass representing a field in the HTML help index
 CIndexIntfAbstract interface for index generators
 CIndexListA list of index interfaces
 CLatexDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for LaTeX output
 CLatexGeneratorGenerator for LaTeX output
 CLayoutDocEntryBase class representing a piece of a documentation page
 CLayoutDocEntryMemberDeclRepresents of a member declaration list with configurable title and subtitle
 CLayoutDocEntryMemberDefRepresents of a member definition list with configurable title
 CLayoutDocEntrySimpleRepresents of a piece of a documentation page without configurable parts
 CLayoutDocManagerSingleton providing access to the (user configurable) layout of the documentation
 CLayoutNavEntryBase class for the layout of a navigation item at the top of the HTML pages
 CLexCodeParserLEX code scanner
 CLexOutlineParserLex language parser using state-based lexical scanning
 CLinkedMapContainer class representing a vector of objects with keys
 CLinkedRefMapContainer class representing a vector of objects with keys
 CLocalDefClass representing a local class definition found while generating syntax highlighted code
 CManDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for LaTeX output
 CManGeneratorGenerator for Man page output
 CMapperClass representing a mapping from command names to command IDs
 CMappersClass representing a namespace for the doxygen and HTML command mappers
 CMarkdownHelper class to process markdown formatted text
 CMemberDefA model of a class/file/namespace member symbol
 CMemberGroupA class representing a group of members
 CMemberGroupInfoData collected for a member group
 CMemberInfoData associated with a MemberDef in an inheritance relation
 CMemberListA list of MemberDef objects as shown in documentation sections
 CMemberNameLinkedMapOrdered dictionary of MemberName objects
 CMemberVectorA vector of MemberDef object
 CNamespaceDefAn abstract interface of a namespace symbol
 CNmhlInfoHelper class representing a namespace member in the navigation menu
 CNullOutlineParser/dev/null outline parser
 COperatorClass representing operators that can appear in template expressions
 COutlineParserInterfaceAbstract interface for outline parsers
 COutputDocInterfaceInterface used for generating documentation
 COutputGeneratorAbstract output generator
 COutputListClass representing a list of output generators that are written to in parallel
 CPageDefA model of a page symbol
 CParserManagerManages programming language parsers
 CPerlModDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for PerlMod output
 CPlantumlManagerSingleton that manages plantuml relation actions
 CPropertyMapClass representing a mapping of properties and the corresponding getter function
 CPythonOutlineParserPython Language parser using state-based lexical scanning
 CQCStringThis is an alternative implementation of QCString
 CRefItemThis struct represents an item in the list of references
 CRefListList of cross-referenced items
 CResourceCompiled resource
 CResourceMgrSingleton for managing resources compiled into an executable
 CRTFDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for RTF output
 CRTFGeneratorGenerator for RTF output
 CSectionInfoClass that provide information about a section
 CSectionManagerSingleton class that owns the list of all sections
 CSectionRefsClass that represents a list of constant references to sections
 CSQLCodeParserSQL scanner
 CSTLInfoA struct contained the data for an STL class
 CSymbolMapClass implementing a symbol map that maps symbol names to objects
 CSymbolResolverHelper class to find a class definition or check if A symbol is accessible in a given scope
 CTagAnchorInfoInformation about an linkable anchor
 CTagClassInfoContainer for class specific info that can be read from a tagfile
 CTagCompoundInfoBase class for all compound types
 CTagConceptInfoContainer for concept specific info that can be read from a tagfile
 CTagDirInfoContainer for directory specific info that can be read from a tagfile
 CTagEnumValueInfoContainer for enum values that are scoped within an enum
 CTagFileInfoContainer for file specific info that can be read from a tagfile
 CTagFileParserTag file parser
 CTagGroupInfoContainer for group specific info that can be read from a tagfile
 CTagIncludeInfoContainer for include info that can be read from a tagfile
 CTagInfoThis struct is used to capture the tag file information for an Entry
 CTagMemberInfoContainer for member specific info that can be read from a tagfile
 CTagNamespaceInfoContainer for namespace specific info that can be read from a tagfile
 CTagPackageInfoContainer for package specific info that can be read from a tagfile
 CTagPageInfoContainer for page specific info that can be read from a tagfile
 CTemplateAbstract interface for a template
 CTemplateBlockContextClass holding stacks of blocks available in the context
 CTemplateContextAbstract interface for a template context
 CTemplateContextImplInternal class representing the implementation of a template context
 CTemplateEngineEngine to create templates and template contexts
 CTemplateEscapeIntfInterface used to escape characters in a string
 CTemplateFilterFactoryFactory singleton for registering and creating filters
 CTemplateImmutableListDefault implementation of a immutable context value of type list
 CTemplateImmutableStructDefault implementation of an immutable context value of type struct
 CTemplateImplInternal class representing the implementation of a template
 CTemplateInstanceDefClass that contains information about a template instance relation
 CTemplateKeyValueA container to store a key-value pair
 CTemplateLexerLexer class for turning a template into a list of tokens
 CTemplateListDefault implementation of a context value of type list
 CTemplateListIntfAbstract read-only interface for a context value of type list
 CTemplateNodeBase class of all nodes in a template's AST
 CTemplateNodeBlockClass representing a 'block' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeCloseSubIndexClass representing an 'closesubindex' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeCreateClass representing an 'create' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeCreatorHelper class for creating template AST tag nodes and returning the template for a given node
 CTemplateNodeCycleClass representing an 'cycle' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeEncodingClass representing the 'encoding' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeExtendClass representing a 'extend' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeFactoryFactory class for creating tag AST nodes found in a template
 CTemplateNodeForClass representing a 'for' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeIfClass representing an 'if' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeIncludeClass representing an 'include' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeIndexEntryClass representing an 'indexentry' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeListClass representing a list of AST nodes in a template
 CTemplateNodeMarkersClass representing an 'markers' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeMsgClass representing an 'markers' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeOpenSubIndexClass representing an 'opensubindex' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeRangeClass representing a 'range' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeRepeatClass representing a 'for' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeResourceClass representing an 'markers' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeSetClass representing an 'set' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeSpacelessClass representing an 'spaceless' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeTabbingClass representing an 'tabbing' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeTextClass representing a piece of plain text in a template
 CTemplateNodeTreeClass representing an 'tree' tag in a template
 CTemplateNodeVariableClass representing a variable in a template
 CTemplateNodeWithClass representing an 'with' tag in a template
 CTemplateParserParser for templates
 CTemplateSpacelessIntfInterface used to remove redundant spaces inside a spaceless block
 CTemplateStructDefault implementation of a context value of type struct
 CTemplateStructIntfAbstract interface for a context value of type struct
 CTemplateTokenClass representing a lexical token in a template
 CTemplateVariantVariant type which can hold one value of a fixed set of types
 CTextDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for TEXT output
 CTextGeneratorIntfAbstract interface for a hyperlinked text fragment
 CTextGeneratorOLImplImplements TextGeneratorIntf for an OutputDocInterface stream
 CTextGeneratorXMLImplImplements TextGeneratorIntf for an XML stream
 CTextStreamText streaming class that buffers data
 CThreadPoolClass managing a pool of worker threads
 CTokenInfoData associated with a token used by the comment block parser
 CTooltipManagerClass that manages the tooltips for a source file
 CTranslatorAbstract base class for all translatable text fragments
 CTranslatorAdapter_1_4_6Adapter class for languages that only contain translations up to version 1.4.6
 CTranslatorAdapter_1_6_0Adapter class for languages that only contain translations up to version 1.6.0
 CTranslatorAdapter_1_7_5Adapter class for languages that only contain translations up to version 1.7.5
 CTranslatorAdapter_1_8_0Adapter class for languages that only contain translations up to version 1.8.0
 CTranslatorAdapterBaseBase of the translator adapter tree
 CTreeDiagramClass representing the tree layout for the built-in class diagram
 CUsedDirUsage information of a directory
 CUsesClassDefClass that contains information about a usage relation
 CVariantImplementation of a variant container (similar to C++17's std::variant)
 CVariantTypeGeneric declaration of a template type wrapper where VariantType<index,...>::type represents the type of the variant at the given index
 CVariantType< 0, F, Ts... >Specialization to stop the recursion when arrived at index 0 and type F
 CVariantType< index, F, Ts... >Recursive definition of the type wrapper
 CVhdlDocGenClass for generating documentation specific for VHDL
 CVHDLOutlineParserVHDL parser using state-based lexical scanning
 CVhdlStringMinimal string class with std::string like behaviour that fulfills the JavaCC string requirements
 CXMLCodeParserXML scanner
 CXmlDocVisitorConcrete visitor implementation for XML output
 CXMLHandlersEvent handlers that can installed by the client and called while parsing a XML document