TranslatorAfrikaans类 参考

#include <translator_za.h>

+ 类 TranslatorAfrikaans 继承关系图:
+ TranslatorAfrikaans 的协作图:

Public 成员函数

virtual QCString idLanguage ()
virtual QCString latexLanguageSupportCommand ()
virtual QCString trISOLang ()
virtual QCString trRelatedFunctions ()
virtual QCString trRelatedSubscript ()
virtual QCString trDetailedDescription ()
virtual QCString trMemberTypedefDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trMemberEnumerationDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trMemberFunctionDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trMemberDataDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trMore ()
virtual QCString trListOfAllMembers ()
virtual QCString trMemberList ()
virtual QCString trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers ()
virtual QCString trIncludingInheritedMembers ()
virtual QCString trGeneratedAutomatically (const QCString &s)
virtual QCString trEnumName ()
virtual QCString trEnumValue ()
virtual QCString trDefinedIn ()
virtual QCString trModules ()
virtual QCString trClassHierarchy ()
virtual QCString trCompoundList ()
virtual QCString trFileList ()
virtual QCString trCompoundMembers ()
virtual QCString trFileMembers ()
virtual QCString trRelatedPages ()
virtual QCString trExamples ()
virtual QCString trSearch ()
virtual QCString trClassHierarchyDescription ()
virtual QCString trFileListDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trCompoundListDescription ()
virtual QCString trCompoundMembersDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trFileMembersDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trExamplesDescription ()
virtual QCString trRelatedPagesDescription ()
virtual QCString trModulesDescription ()
virtual QCString trDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trModuleIndex ()
virtual QCString trHierarchicalIndex ()
virtual QCString trCompoundIndex ()
virtual QCString trFileIndex ()
virtual QCString trModuleDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trClassDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trFileDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trExampleDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trPageDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trReferenceManual ()
virtual QCString trDefines ()
virtual QCString trTypedefs ()
virtual QCString trEnumerations ()
virtual QCString trFunctions ()
virtual QCString trVariables ()
virtual QCString trEnumerationValues ()
virtual QCString trDefineDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trTypedefDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trEnumerationTypeDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trFunctionDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trVariableDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trCompounds ()
virtual QCString trGeneratedAt (const QCString &date, const QCString &projName)
virtual QCString trClassDiagram (const QCString &clName)
virtual QCString trForInternalUseOnly ()
virtual QCString trWarning ()
virtual QCString trVersion ()
virtual QCString trDate ()
virtual QCString trReturns ()
virtual QCString trSeeAlso ()
virtual QCString trParameters ()
virtual QCString trExceptions ()
virtual QCString trGeneratedBy ()
virtual QCString trNamespaceList ()
virtual QCString trNamespaceListDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trFriends ()
virtual QCString trRelatedFunctionDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trCompoundReference (const QCString &clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isTemplate)
virtual QCString trFileReference (const QCString &fileName)
virtual QCString trNamespaceReference (const QCString &namespaceName)
virtual QCString trPublicMembers ()
virtual QCString trPublicSlots ()
virtual QCString trSignals ()
virtual QCString trStaticPublicMembers ()
virtual QCString trProtectedMembers ()
virtual QCString trProtectedSlots ()
virtual QCString trStaticProtectedMembers ()
virtual QCString trPrivateMembers ()
virtual QCString trPrivateSlots ()
virtual QCString trStaticPrivateMembers ()
virtual QCString trWriteList (int numEntries)
virtual QCString trInheritsList (int numEntries)
virtual QCString trInheritedByList (int numEntries)
virtual QCString trReimplementedFromList (int numEntries)
virtual QCString trReimplementedInList (int numEntries)
virtual QCString trNamespaceMembers ()
virtual QCString trNamespaceMemberDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trNamespaceIndex ()
virtual QCString trNamespaceDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trNamespaces ()
virtual QCString trGeneratedFromFiles (ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool single)
virtual QCString trReturnValues ()
virtual QCString trMainPage ()
virtual QCString trPageAbbreviation ()
virtual QCString trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile ()
virtual QCString trDefinedInSourceFile ()
virtual QCString trDeprecated ()
virtual QCString trCollaborationDiagram (const QCString &clName)
virtual QCString trInclDepGraph (const QCString &fName)
virtual QCString trConstructorDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trGotoSourceCode ()
virtual QCString trGotoDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trPrecondition ()
virtual QCString trPostcondition ()
virtual QCString trInvariant ()
virtual QCString trInitialValue ()
virtual QCString trCode ()
virtual QCString trGraphicalHierarchy ()
virtual QCString trGotoGraphicalHierarchy ()
virtual QCString trGotoTextualHierarchy ()
virtual QCString trPageIndex ()
virtual QCString trNote ()
virtual QCString trPublicTypes ()
virtual QCString trPublicAttribs ()
virtual QCString trStaticPublicAttribs ()
virtual QCString trProtectedTypes ()
virtual QCString trProtectedAttribs ()
virtual QCString trStaticProtectedAttribs ()
virtual QCString trPrivateTypes ()
virtual QCString trPrivateAttribs ()
virtual QCString trStaticPrivateAttribs ()
virtual QCString trTodo ()
virtual QCString trTodoList ()
virtual QCString trReferencedBy ()
virtual QCString trRemarks ()
virtual QCString trAttention ()
virtual QCString trInclByDepGraph ()
virtual QCString trSince ()
virtual QCString trLegendTitle ()
virtual QCString trLegendDocs ()
virtual QCString trLegend ()
virtual QCString trTest ()
virtual QCString trTestList ()
virtual QCString trProperties ()
virtual QCString trPropertyDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trClasses ()
virtual QCString trPackage (const QCString &name)
virtual QCString trPackageList ()
virtual QCString trPackageListDescription ()
virtual QCString trPackages ()
virtual QCString trDefineValue ()
virtual QCString trBug ()
virtual QCString trBugList ()
virtual QCString trRTFansicp ()
virtual QCString trRTFCharSet ()
virtual QCString trRTFGeneralIndex ()
virtual QCString trClass (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trFile (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trNamespace (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trGroup (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trPage (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trMember (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trGlobal (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trAuthor (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trReferences ()
virtual QCString trImplementedFromList (int numEntries)
virtual QCString trImplementedInList (int numEntries)
virtual QCString trRTFTableOfContents ()
virtual QCString trDeprecatedList ()
virtual QCString trEvents ()
virtual QCString trEventDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trPackageTypes ()
virtual QCString trPackageMembers ()
virtual QCString trStaticPackageMembers ()
virtual QCString trPackageAttribs ()
virtual QCString trStaticPackageAttribs ()
virtual QCString trAll ()
virtual QCString trCallGraph ()
virtual QCString trSearchResultsTitle ()
virtual QCString trSearchResults (int numDocuments)
virtual QCString trSearchMatches ()
virtual QCString trSourceFile (QCString &filename)
virtual QCString trDirIndex ()
virtual QCString trDirDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trDirectories ()
virtual QCString trDirDescription ()
virtual QCString trDirReference (const QCString &dirName)
virtual QCString trDir (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trOverloadText ()
virtual QCString trCallerGraph ()
virtual QCString trEnumerationValueDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran ()
virtual QCString trCompoundListFortran ()
virtual QCString trCompoundMembersFortran ()
virtual QCString trCompoundListDescriptionFortran ()
virtual QCString trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trCompoundIndexFortran ()
virtual QCString trTypeDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trSubprograms ()
virtual QCString trSubprogramDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trDataTypes ()
virtual QCString trModulesList ()
virtual QCString trModulesListDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trCompoundReferenceFortran (const QCString &clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isTemplate)
virtual QCString trModuleReference (const QCString &namespaceName)
virtual QCString trModulesMembers ()
virtual QCString trModulesMemberDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trModulesIndex ()
virtual QCString trModule (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trGeneratedFromFilesFortran (ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool single)
virtual QCString trType (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trSubprogram (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trTypeConstraints ()
- Public 成员函数 继承自 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0
virtual QCString updateNeededMessage ()
virtual QCString trDirRelation (const QCString &name)
virtual QCString trLoading ()
virtual QCString trGlobalNamespace ()
virtual QCString trSearching ()
virtual QCString trNoMatches ()
- Public 成员函数 继承自 TranslatorAdapter_1_7_5
virtual QCString trCiteReferences ()
virtual QCString trCopyright ()
virtual QCString trDirDepGraph (const QCString &name)
virtual QCString trFileIn (const QCString &name)
virtual QCString trIncludesFileIn (const QCString &name)
virtual QCString trDateTime (int year, int month, int day, int dayOfWeek, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, bool includeTime)
- Public 成员函数 继承自 TranslatorAdapter_1_8_0
virtual QCString trDetailLevel ()
virtual QCString trTemplateParameters ()
virtual QCString trAndMore (const QCString &number)
virtual QCString trEnumGeneratedFromFiles (bool single)
virtual QCString trEnumReference (const QCString &name)
virtual QCString trInheritedFrom (const QCString &members, const QCString &what)
virtual QCString trAdditionalInheritedMembers ()
- Public 成员函数 继承自 TranslatorAdapter_1_8_2
virtual QCString trPanelSynchronisationTooltip (bool enable)
virtual QCString trProvidedByCategory ()
virtual QCString trExtendsClass ()
virtual QCString trClassMethods ()
virtual QCString trInstanceMethods ()
virtual QCString trMethodDocumentation ()
- Public 成员函数 继承自 TranslatorAdapter_1_8_4
virtual QCString trInterfaces ()
virtual QCString trServices ()
virtual QCString trConstantGroups ()
virtual QCString trConstantGroupReference (const QCString &namespaceName)
virtual QCString trServiceReference (const QCString &sName)
virtual QCString trSingletonReference (const QCString &sName)
virtual QCString trServiceGeneratedFromFiles (bool single)
virtual QCString trSingletonGeneratedFromFiles (bool single)
- Public 成员函数 继承自 TranslatorAdapter_1_8_15
virtual QCString trDesignUnitHierarchy ()
virtual QCString trDesignUnitList ()
virtual QCString trDesignUnitMembers ()
virtual QCString trDesignUnitListDescription ()
virtual QCString trDesignUnitIndex ()
virtual QCString trDesignUnits ()
virtual QCString trFunctionAndProc ()
virtual QCString trVhdlType (uint64 type, bool single)
virtual QCString trCustomReference (const QCString &name)
virtual QCString trConstants ()
virtual QCString trConstantDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trSequences ()
virtual QCString trSequenceDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trDictionaries ()
virtual QCString trDictionaryDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trSliceInterfaces ()
virtual QCString trInterfaceIndex ()
virtual QCString trInterfaceList ()
virtual QCString trInterfaceListDescription ()
virtual QCString trInterfaceHierarchy ()
virtual QCString trInterfaceHierarchyDescription ()
virtual QCString trInterfaceDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trStructs ()
virtual QCString trStructIndex ()
virtual QCString trStructList ()
virtual QCString trStructListDescription ()
virtual QCString trStructDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trExceptionIndex ()
virtual QCString trExceptionList ()
virtual QCString trExceptionListDescription ()
virtual QCString trExceptionHierarchy ()
virtual QCString trExceptionHierarchyDescription ()
virtual QCString trExceptionDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trCompoundReferenceSlice (const QCString &clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isLocal)
virtual QCString trOperations ()
virtual QCString trOperationDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trDataMembers ()
virtual QCString trDataMemberDocumentation ()
- Public 成员函数 继承自 TranslatorAdapter_1_8_19
virtual QCString trDesignUnitDocumentation ()
- Public 成员函数 继承自 TranslatorAdapter_1_9_2
virtual QCString trConcept (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trConceptReference (const QCString &conceptName)
virtual QCString trConceptList ()
virtual QCString trConceptIndex ()
virtual QCString trConceptDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trConceptListDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trConceptDefinition ()
- Public 成员函数 继承自 Translator
virtual ~Translator ()
virtual QCString latexFontenc ()
virtual QCString latexFont ()
virtual QCString latexDocumentPre ()
virtual QCString latexDocumentPost ()
virtual QCString latexCommandName ()


- Protected 成员函数 继承自 TranslatorAdapterBase
virtual ~TranslatorAdapterBase ()
QCString createUpdateNeededMessage (const QCString &languageName, const QCString &versionString)
- Protected 属性 继承自 TranslatorAdapterBase
TranslatorEnglish english


在文件 translator_za.h29 行定义.


◆ idLanguage()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::idLanguage ( )

Used for identification of the language. The identification should not be translated. It should be replaced by the name of the language in English using lower-case characters only (e.g. "czech", "japanese", "russian", etc.). It should be equal to the identification used in language.cpp.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h56 行定义.

59  {

◆ latexLanguageSupportCommand()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::latexLanguageSupportCommand ( )

Used to get the LaTeX command(s) for the language support. This method should return string with commands that switch LaTeX to the desired language. For example




The Afrikaans LaTeX does not use such commands. Because of this the empty string is returned in this implementation.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h73 行定义.

75  { return "(Let daarop dat hierdie nie lede funksies is nie.)"; }

◆ trAll()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trAll ( )

Used in the quick index of a class/file/namespace member list page to link to the unfiltered list of all members.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1402 行定义.

1405  {

◆ trAttention()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trAttention ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h964 行定义.

969  {

◆ trAuthor()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trAuthor ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This text is generated when the \author command is used and for the author section in man pages.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1277 行定义.

1288  {

◆ trBug()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trBug ( )

Used as a marker that is put before a \bug item

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1135 行定义.

1138  :
1139  * Charset Name Charset Value(hex) Codepage number

◆ trBugList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trBugList ( )

Used as the header of the bug list

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1140 行定义.

1160  {

◆ trCallerGraph()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCallerGraph ( )

This is used to introduce a caller (or called-by) graph

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1531 行定义.

1533  { return "Lede Funksie/Subroetine Dokumentasie"; }

◆ trCallGraph()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCallGraph ( )

Put in front of the call graph for a function.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1407 行定义.

1417  {

◆ trClass()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trClass ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1198 行定义.

1206  {

◆ trClassDiagram()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trClassDiagram ( const QCString clName)

this text is put before a class diagram

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h513 行定义.

513  { return "Weergawe"; }
515  /*! this text is generated when the \\date command is used. */
516  virtual QCString trDate()

◆ trClassDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trClassDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all classes, structs and unions.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h386 行定义.

387  { return "Leër Dokumentasie"; }
389  /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
390  * the documentation of all examples.
391  */
393  { return "Voorbeeld Dokumentasie"; }
395  /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
396  * the documentation of all related pages.

◆ trClasses()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trClasses ( )

Used for Java classes in the summary section of Java packages

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1093 行定义.

1096  {
1097  return "Pakket Lys";
1098  }
1099  /*! The description of the package index page */
1101  {
1102  return "Die pakkette met kort beskrywings (indien beskikbaar):";
1103  }

◆ trClassHierarchy()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trClassHierarchy ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the class hierarchy

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h172 行定义.

175  { return "Leër Lys"; }

◆ trClassHierarchyDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trClassHierarchyDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the class hierarchy.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h231 行定义.

232  {
234  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trCode()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCode ( )

Text used the source code in the file index

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h864 行定义.

866  {
867  return "Bladsy Indeks";

◆ trCollaborationDiagram()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCollaborationDiagram ( const QCString clName)

this text is put before a collaboration diagram

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h819 行定义.

820  {
821  return "Skakel na die bron kode van hierdie leër.";
822  }

◆ trCompoundIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCompoundIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the annotated compound index.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h359 行定义.

360  { return "Leër Indeks"; }
362  /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
363  * the documentation of all groups.
364  */
366  { return "Module Dokumentasie"; }
368  /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
369  * the documentation of all classes, structs and unions.

◆ trCompoundIndexFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCompoundIndexFortran ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the annotated compound index (Fortran).

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1586 行定义.

1590  { return "Funksies/Subroetine Dokumentasie"; }

◆ trCompoundList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCompoundList ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated classes

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h176 行定义.

179  {
180  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
181  {
182  return "Data Velde";
183  }
184  else
185  {
186  return "Klas Lede";

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trCompoundListDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCompoundListDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the annotated compound list.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h246 行定义.

251  {
252  QCString result="'n Lys van alle ";
253  if (!extractAll)
254  {
255  result+="gedokumenteerde ";
256  }
257  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
258  {
259  result+="struct en union velde";
260  }
261  else
262  {

◆ trCompoundListDescriptionFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCompoundListDescriptionFortran ( )

This is an introduction to the annotated compound list (Fortran).

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1559 行定义.

1562  {

◆ trCompoundListFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCompoundListFortran ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated data types (Fortran).

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1551 行定义.

1552  {

◆ trCompoundMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCompoundMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h193 行定义.

194  {
195  return "Globals";
196  }
197  else
198  {
199  return "Leër Lede";
200  }
201  }
203  /*! This is put above each page as a link to all related pages. */

◆ trCompoundMembersDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCompoundMembersDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all class members.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h265 行定义.

267  {
268  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
269  {
270  result+="die struct/union dokumentasie vir elke veld:";
271  }
272  else
273  {
274  result+="die klas dokumentasie vir elke lid:";
275  }
276  }
277  else
278  {
279  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
280  {
281  result+="die structures/unions waaraan hulle behoort:";
282  }
283  else
284  {
285  result+="die klasse waaraan hulle behoort:";
286  }
287  }
288  return result;
289  }
291  /*! This is an introduction to the page with all file members. */
292  virtual QCString trFileMembersDescription(bool extractAll)
293  {
294  QCString result="'n Lys van alle ";
295  if (!extractAll) result+="gedokumenteerde ";
297  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
298  {
299  result+="funksies, veranderlikes, defines, enums, en typedefs";
300  }
301  else
302  {
303  result+="leër lede";
304  }

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all data types (Fortran).

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1563 行定义.

1563  :";
1564  }
1565  return result;
1566  }
1568  /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the
1569  * annotated compound index (Fortran).
1570  */
1571  virtual QCString trCompoundIndexFortran()
1572  { return "Data Tipe Indeks"; }
1574  /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
1575  * the documentation of all data types (Fortran).
1576  */
1577  virtual QCString trTypeDocumentation()
1578  { return "Data Tipe Dokumentasie"; }
1580  /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
1581  * list of (global) subprograms (Fortran).

◆ trCompoundMembersFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCompoundMembersFortran ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds (Fortran).

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1555 行定义.

1558  {

◆ trCompoundReference()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCompoundReference ( const QCString clName,
ClassDef::CompoundType  compType,
bool  isTemplate 

used as the title of the HTML page of a class/struct/union

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h592 行定义.

600  {
601  QCString result=fileName;
602  result+=" Leër Verwysing";
603  return result;
604  }
606  /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a namespace */
607  virtual QCString trNamespaceReference(const QCString &namespaceName)
608  {
609  QCString result=namespaceName;
610  result+=" Namespace Verwysing";
611  return result;

◆ trCompoundReferenceFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCompoundReferenceFortran ( const QCString clName,
ClassDef::CompoundType  compType,
bool  isTemplate 

used as the title of the HTML page of a module/type (Fortran)

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1627 行定义.

1634  {
1635  QCString result=namespaceName;
1636  result+=" Module Bron";
1637  return result;
1638  }
1640  /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of modules. (Fortran) */
1641  virtual QCString trModulesMembers()
1642  { return "Module Lede"; }
1644  /*! This is an introduction to the page with all modules members (Fortran) */
1645  virtual QCString trModulesMemberDescription(bool extractAll)
1646  {

◆ trCompounds()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trCompounds ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before the list of links to documented compounds

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h489 行定义.

490  {
491  QCString result=(QCString)"Gegenereer op "+date;
492  if (!projName.isEmpty()) result+=(QCString)" vir "+projName;
493  result+=(QCString)" deur";
494  return result;
495  }
497  /*! this text is put before a class diagram */
498  virtual QCString trClassDiagram(const QCString &clName)
499  {

引用了 QCString::isEmpty().

◆ trConstructorDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trConstructorDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of constructor/destructors.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h829 行定义.

830  {
831  return "Prekondisie";
832  }

◆ trDataTypes()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDataTypes ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before the list of links to documented compounds (Fortran)

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1610 行定义.

◆ trDate()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDate ( )

this text is generated when the \date command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h531 行定义.

533  { return "Exceptions"; }

◆ trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h796 行定义.

805  {

◆ trDefinedIn()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDefinedIn ( )

put after an undocumented member in the list of all members

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h160 行定义.

162  {

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trDefinedInSourceFile()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDefinedInSourceFile ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h800 行定义.

805  {

◆ trDefineDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDefineDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file before the list of documentation blocks for defines

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h459 行定义.

463  { return "Funksie Dokumentasie"; }

◆ trDefines()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDefines ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of defines

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h423 行定义.

427  { return "Funksies"; }

◆ trDefineValue()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDefineValue ( )

Text shown before a multi-line define

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1125 行定义.

1126  {
1127  return "Bug Lys";
1128  }

◆ trDeprecated()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDeprecated ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h809 行定义.

810  {
811  return (QCString)"Insluitings afhanklikheid diagram vir "+fName+":";
812  }

◆ trDeprecatedList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDeprecatedList ( )

Used as the header of the list of item that have been flagged deprecated

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1334 行定义.

1337  {

◆ trDetailedDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDetailedDescription ( )

header that is put before the detailed description of files, classes and namespaces.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h93 行定义.

95  {

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trDir()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDir ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This returns the word directory with or without starting capital (first_capital) and in sigular or plural form (singular).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1505 行定义.

1505  {
1506  return "Hierdie is 'n oorlaaide lede funksie, "
1507  "vertoon vir volledigheid. Dit verskil slegs van die bogegewe "
1508  "funksie in die argument(e) wat dit aanvaar.";
1509  }

◆ trDirDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDirDescription ( )

This returns a sentences that introduces the directory hierarchy. and the fact that it is sorted alphabetically per level

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1491 行定义.

1491  {
1492  QCString result((first_capital ? "Director" : "director"));
1493  if (singular) result+="y"; else result+="ies";
1494  return result;

◆ trDirDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDirDocumentation ( )

This is used as the name of the chapter containing the documentation of the directories.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1479 行定义.

1485  { QCString result=dirName; result+=" Directory Verwysing"; return result; }

◆ trDirectories()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDirectories ( )

This is used as the title of the directory index and also in the Quick links of a HTML page, to link to the directory hierarchy.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1485 行定义.

1485  { QCString result=dirName; result+=" Directory Verwysing"; return result; }

◆ trDirIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDirIndex ( )

This is used as the name of the chapter containing the directory hierarchy.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1473 行定义.

1477  { return "Hierdie directory hiërargie is min of meer alfabeties "

◆ trDirReference()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDirReference ( const QCString dirName)

This returns the title of a directory page. The name of the directory is passed via dirName.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1499 行定义.

1505  {

◆ trDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trDocumentation ( )

This is used in HTML as the title of index.html.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h341 行定义.

345  {

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trEnumerations()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trEnumerations ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of enumerations

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h435 行定义.

439  { return "Enumeration waardes"; }

◆ trEnumerationTypeDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trEnumerationTypeDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for enumeration types

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h471 行定义.

475  {

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trEnumerationValueDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trEnumerationValueDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for enumeration values

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1539 行定义.

1541  { return "Data Velde"; }

◆ trEnumerationValues()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trEnumerationValues ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) variables

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h453 行定义.

457  { return "Enumeration Type Dokumentasie"; }

◆ trEnumName()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trEnumName ( )

put after an enum name in the list of all members

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h152 行定义.

154  { return "Modules"; }

◆ trEnumValue()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trEnumValue ( )

put after an enum value in the list of all members

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h156 行定义.

158  { return "Klas Hierargie"; }

◆ trEventDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trEventDocumentation ( )

Header used for the documentation section of a class' events.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1351 行定义.

1355  {

◆ trEvents()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trEvents ( )

Used as a header for declaration section of the events found in a C# program

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1346 行定义.

1348  {
1349  return "Pakket Tipes";

◆ trExampleDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trExampleDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all examples.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h407 行定义.

409  { return "Definiesies"; }

◆ trExamples()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trExamples ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all examples.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h223 行定义.

223  {
224  QCString result="Hier is 'n lys van alle ";

◆ trExamplesDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trExamplesDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the page with the list of all examples

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h329 行定义.

333  { return "Module Indeks"; }

◆ trExceptions()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trExceptions ( )

this text is generated when the \exception command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h547 行定义.

549  {

◆ trFile()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trFile ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1209 行定义.

1217  {

◆ trFileDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trFileDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all files.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h401 行定义.

403  { return "Verwysings Handleiding"; }

◆ trFileIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trFileIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the list of all files.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h374 行定义.

374  {
375  return "Data Strukture Dokumentasie";

◆ trFileList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trFileList ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of documented files

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h189 行定义.

192  {

◆ trFileListDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trFileListDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the list with all files.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h237 行定义.

239  {
240  return "Klasse met kort beskrywings:";
241  }
242  else
243  {

◆ trFileMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trFileMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of files.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h206 行定义.

209  { return "Voorbeelde"; }
211  /*! This is put above each page as a link to the search engine. */
212  virtual QCString trSearch()
213  { return "Soek"; }
215  /*! This is an introduction to the class hierarchy. */

◆ trFileMembersDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trFileMembersDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all file members.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h307 行定义.

307  :";
308  else
309  result+="die dokumentasie:";
310  return result;
311  }
313  /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of all examples */
314  virtual QCString trExamplesDescription()
315  { return "'n Lys van alle voorbeelde:"; }
317  /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of related pages */
318  virtual QCString trRelatedPagesDescription()
319  { return "'n Lys van alle verwante dokumentasie:"; }
321  /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of class/file groups */
322  virtual QCString trModulesDescription()
323  { return "'n Lys van alle modules:"; }
325  /*! This is used in HTML as the title of index.html. */
326  virtual QCString trDocumentation()

◆ trFileReference()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trFileReference ( const QCString fileName)

used as the title of the HTML page of a file

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h614 行定义.

615  { return "Publieke Lede Funksies"; }
616  virtual QCString trPublicSlots()
617  { return "Publieke Slots"; }
618  virtual QCString trSignals()
619  { return "Signals"; }

◆ trForInternalUseOnly()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trForInternalUseOnly ( )

this text is generated when the \internal command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h519 行定义.

521  { return "Returns"; }

◆ trFriends()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trFriends ( )

used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all friends of a class

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h574 行定义.

◆ trFunctionDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trFunctionDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for functions

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h477 行定义.

477  {
478  return "Data Strukture";

◆ trFunctions()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trFunctions ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) functions

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h441 行定义.

445  { return "Define Documentation"; }

◆ trGeneratedAt()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trGeneratedAt ( const QCString date,
const QCString projName 

This is used in the standard footer of each page and indicates when the page was generated

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h504 行定义.

505  { return "Slegs vir interne gebruik."; }
507  /*! this text is generated when the \\warning command is used. */
508  virtual QCString trWarning()
509  { return "Waarskuwing"; }

◆ trGeneratedAutomatically()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trGeneratedAutomatically ( const QCString s)

this is put at the author sections at the bottom of man pages. parameter s is name of the project name.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h144 行定义.

146  { return "gedefinieër in"; }
148  // quick reference sections

◆ trGeneratedBy()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trGeneratedBy ( )

this text is used in the title page of a LaTeX document.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h551 行定义.

552  :";

◆ trGeneratedFromFiles()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trGeneratedFromFiles ( ClassDef::CompoundType  compType,
bool  single 

This is put at the bottom of a class documentation page and is followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h752 行定义.

754  :"; else result+="s:";
755  return result;
756  }
758 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
759 // new since 0.49-990901
760 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
762  /*! This is used as the heading text for the retval command. */
763  virtual QCString trReturnValues()
764  { return "Return waardes"; }
766  /*! This is in the (quick) index as a link to the main page (index.html)
767  */
768  virtual QCString trMainPage()
769  { return "Hoof Bladsy"; }
771  /*! This is used in references to page that are put in the LaTeX

◆ trGeneratedFromFilesFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trGeneratedFromFilesFortran ( ClassDef::CompoundType  compType,
bool  single 

This is put at the bottom of a module documentation page and is followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1695 行定义.

1697  :"; else result+="s:";
1698  return result;
1699  }
1700  /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1701  * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1702  * of the category.
1703  */
1704  virtual QCString trType(bool first_capital, bool singular)
1705  {
1706  QCString result((first_capital ? "Tipe" : "tipe"));
1707  if (!singular) result+="s";
1708  return result;
1709  }
1710  /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1711  * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1712  * of the category.
1713  */
1714  virtual QCString trSubprogram(bool first_capital, bool singular)

◆ trGlobal()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trGlobal ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1264 行定义.

1264  : "outeur"));
1265  if (!singular) result+="s";
1266  return result;
1267  }
1269 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

◆ trGotoDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trGotoDocumentation ( )

Used in the file sources to point to the corresponding documentation.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h839 行定义.

840  {
841  return "Invariant";
842  }

◆ trGotoGraphicalHierarchy()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trGotoGraphicalHierarchy ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h872 行定义.

875  {

◆ trGotoSourceCode()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trGotoSourceCode ( )

Used in the file documentation to point to the corresponding sources.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h834 行定义.

835  {
836  return "Postkondisie";
837  }

◆ trGotoTextualHierarchy()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trGotoTextualHierarchy ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h876 行定义.

879  {

◆ trGraphicalHierarchy()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trGraphicalHierarchy ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h868 行定义.

875  {

◆ trGroup()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trGroup ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1231 行定义.

1239  {

◆ trHierarchicalIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trHierarchicalIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the class hierarchy.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h353 行定义.

360  { return "Leër Indeks"; }

◆ trImplementedFromList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trImplementedFromList ( int  numEntries)

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of members that are implemented by this one.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1302 行定义.

1308  {

◆ trImplementedInList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trImplementedInList ( int  numEntries)

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of all members that implement this abstract member.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1310 行定义.

1320  {

◆ trInclByDepGraph()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trInclByDepGraph ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h968 行定义.

969  {
970  return "Diagram beskrywing";
971  }
972  /*! page explaining how the dot graph's should be interpreted

◆ trInclDepGraph()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trInclDepGraph ( const QCString fName)

this text is put before an include dependency graph

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h824 行定义.

825  {
826  return "Skakel na die dokumentasie van hierdie leër.";
827  }

◆ trIncludingInheritedMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trIncludingInheritedMembers ( )

this is the remainder of the sentence after the class name

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h138 行定义.

138  { return "enum naam"; }

◆ trInheritedByList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trInheritedByList ( int  numEntries)

used in class documentation to produce a list of super classes, if class diagrams are disabled.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h686 行定义.

688  {
689  return "Hergeimplimenter in "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";

引用了 trWriteList().

◆ trInheritsList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trInheritsList ( int  numEntries)

used in class documentation to produce a list of base classes, if class diagrams are disabled.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h678 行定义.

680  {
681  return "Hergeimplimenteer van "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";

引用了 trWriteList().

◆ trInitialValue()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trInitialValue ( )

Text shown before a multi-line variable/enum initialization

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h859 行定义.

862  {

◆ trInvariant()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trInvariant ( )

Text for the \invariant command

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h854 行定义.

854  {
855  return "Grafiese Klasse Hierargie";
856  }

◆ trISOLang()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trISOLang ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h77 行定义.

79  { return "Detail Beskrywing"; }

◆ trLegend()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trLegend ( )

text for the link to the legend page

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1053 行定义.

1054  {
1055  return "Toets Lys";
1056  }

◆ trLegendDocs()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trLegendDocs ( )

page explaining how the dot graph's should be interpreted The A in the text below are to prevent link to classes called "A".

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h990 行定义.

991  { };\n\n"
992  "/*! 'n Klas wat afgelei is met 'n beskermde verwantskap */\n"
993  "class ProtectedBase { };\n\n"
994  "/*! 'n Klas wat afgelei is met 'n private verwantskap */\n"
995  "class PrivateBase { };\n\n"
996  "/*! 'n Klas wat gebrui word deur die Afgeleide klas */\n"
997  "class GebruikMy { };\n\n"
998  "/*! 'n Super klas wat afgelei word van 'n aantal basis klasse */\n"
999  "class Inherited : public PublicBase,\n"
1000  " protected ProtectedBase,\n"
1001  " private PrivateBase,\n"
1002  " public Ongedokumenteer,\n"
1003  " public Templ<int>\n"
1004  "{\n"
1005  " private:\n"
1006  " Used *m_usedClass;\n"
1007  "};\n"
1008  "\\endcode\n"
1009  "As die \\c MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT merker in die konfigurasie leër "
1010  "aan 240 gelyk gestel is, word die volgende diagram geproduseer:"
1011  "<p><center><img alt=\"\" src=\"graph_legend."+getDotImageExtension()+"\"></center>\n"
1012  "<p>\n"
1013  "Die reghoeke in die diagram het die volgende betekenis:\n"
1014  "<ul>\n"
1015  "<li>%'n Soliede swart reghoek verteenwoordig die klas waarvoor "
1016  "die diagram gegenereer is.\n"
1017  "<li>%'n Reghoek met 'n swart omlyning verteenwoordig 'n gedokumenteerde klas.\n"
1018  "<li>%'n Reghoek met 'n grys omlyning verteenwoordig 'n ongedokumenteerde klas.\n"
1019  "<li>%'n Reghoek met 'n rooi omlyning verteenwoordig 'n gedokumenteerde klas waarvoor"
1020  "alle verwante klasse (afgeleide of gebruik) nie getoon word nie. %'n Diagram word "
1021  "op hierie manier afgekort as dit nie in die gespesifiseerde raam pas nie.\n"
1022  "</ul>\n"
1023  "Die pyltjies het die volgende betekenis:\n"
1024  "<ul>\n"
1025  "<li>%'n Donker blou pyltjie verteenwoordig 'n publieke afgeleide "
1026  "verwantskap tussen twee klasse.\n"
1027  "<li>%'n Donker groen pyltjie word gebruik vir 'n beskermde verwantskap.\n"
1028  "<li>%'n Donker rooi pyltjie verteenwoordig private verwantskappe.\n"
1029  "<li>%'n Pers pyltjie word gebruik as 'n klas gebruik of bevat word "
1030  "deur 'n ander klas. Die pyltjie word gemerk met die veranderlike(s) waar deur "
1031  "die verwysde klass verkrygbaar is.\n"
1032  "<li>%'n Geel stippel pyl verteenwoordig die verwantslap tussen 'n template instansie en "
1033  "die template waarvan die klas vervaardig is. Die pyltjie word gemerk met die "
1034  "template parameters van die instansie.\n"
1035  "</ul>\n";
1036  }
1037  /*! text for the link to the legend page */
1038  virtual QCString trLegend()
1039  {
1040  return "beskrywing";
1041  }
1043 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1044 // new since 1.2.0
1045 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1047  /*! Used as a marker that is put before a test item */
1048  virtual QCString trTest()
1049  {
1050  return "Toets";
1051  }

◆ trLegendTitle()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trLegendTitle ( )

title of the graph legend page

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h983 行定义.

983  { };\n\n"
984  "/*! Afgekorte klas, afgeleide verwantskap word versteek */\n"
985  "class Truncated : public Invisible { };\n\n"
986  "/* Ongedokumenteerde Klas, geen doxygen kommentaar nie */\n"

◆ trListOfAllMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trListOfAllMembers ( )

put in the class documentation

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h126 行定义.

130  { QCString result="Automaties gegenereer deur Doxygen";

◆ trMainPage()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trMainPage ( )

This is in the (quick) index as a link to the main page (index.html)

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h783 行定义.

786  {

◆ trMember()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trMember ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1253 行定义.

1263  {

◆ trMemberDataDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trMemberDataDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of member attributes.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h109 行定义.

112  { return "Lys van alle lede"; }
114  /*! used as the title of the "list of all members" page of a class */
115  virtual QCString trMemberList()
116  { return "Lede Lys"; }
118  /*! this is the first part of a sentence that is followed by a class name */

◆ trMemberEnumerationDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trMemberEnumerationDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of enumerations.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h101 行定义.

101  {
102  return "Lede Data Dokumentasie";

◆ trMemberFunctionDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trMemberFunctionDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of member functions.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h105 行定义.

108  { return "Meer detail..."; }

◆ trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran ( )

header that is put before the list of member subprograms (Fortran).

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1547 行定义.

1549  {

◆ trMemberList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trMemberList ( )

used as the title of the "list of all members" page of a class

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h130 行定义.

130  { QCString result="Automaties gegenereer deur Doxygen";
131  if (!s.isEmpty()) result+=(QCString)" vir "+s;

引用了 QCString::isEmpty().

◆ trMemberTypedefDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trMemberTypedefDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of typedefs.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h97 行定义.

97  {
98  return "Veld Dokumentasie";

◆ trModule()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trModule ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1686 行定义.

1686  {
1687  case ClassDef::Class: result+="module"; break;
1688  case ClassDef::Struct: result+="tipe"; break;
1689  case ClassDef::Union: result+="unie"; break;
1690  case ClassDef::Interface: result+="Interflak"; break;
1691  case ClassDef::Protocol: result+="protokcol"; break;

引用了 ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct , 以及 ClassDef::Union.

◆ trModuleDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trModuleDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all groups.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h380 行定义.

387  { return "Leër Dokumentasie"; }

◆ trModuleIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trModuleIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all groups.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h347 行定义.

347  {
348  return "Data Strukture Indeks";

◆ trModuleReference()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trModuleReference ( const QCString namespaceName)

used as the title of the HTML page of a module (Fortran)

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1648 行定义.

1651  {
1652  result+="die module dokumentasie vir elke lid:";
1653  }

◆ trModules()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trModules ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of all groups of compounds or files (see the \group command).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h168 行定义.

168  {
169  return "Klas Lys";

◆ trModulesDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trModulesDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the page with the list of class/file groups

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h337 行定义.

339  { return "Hierargiese Indeks"; }

◆ trModulesIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trModulesIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all modules (Fortran).

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1679 行定义.

1682  {

◆ trModulesList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trModulesList ( )

used as the title of page containing all the index of all modules (Fortran).

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1614 行定义.

1615  {

◆ trModulesListDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trModulesListDescription ( bool  extractAll)

used as an introduction to the modules list (Fortran)

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1618 行定义.

1618  {
1619  case ClassDef::Class: result+=" Module"; break;
1620  case ClassDef::Struct: result+=" Tipe"; break;
1621  case ClassDef::Union: result+=" Unie"; break;
1622  case ClassDef::Interface: result+=" Interflak"; break;
1623  case ClassDef::Protocol: result+=" Protokol"; break;
1624  case ClassDef::Category: result+=" Kategorie"; break;

引用了 ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct , 以及 ClassDef::Union.

◆ trModulesMemberDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trModulesMemberDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all modules members (Fortran)

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1660 行定义.

1665  { return "Modules Indeks"; }
1667  /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1668  * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1669  * of the category.
1670  */
1671  virtual QCString trModule(bool first_capital, bool singular)
1672  {
1673  QCString result((first_capital ? "Module" : "module"));
1674  if (!singular) result+="s";

◆ trModulesMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trModulesMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of modules. (Fortran)

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1656 行定义.

1656  :";
1657  }

◆ trMore()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trMore ( )

this is the text of a link put after brief descriptions.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h122 行定义.

124  { return ", insluitend alle afgeleide lede."; }

◆ trNamespace()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trNamespace ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1220 行定义.

1228  {

◆ trNamespaceDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trNamespaceDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all namespaces.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h732 行定义.

◆ trNamespaceIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trNamespaceIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all namespaces.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h726 行定义.

728  { return "Namespaces"; }

◆ trNamespaceList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trNamespaceList ( )

used as the title of page containing all the index of all namespaces.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h559 行定义.

560  { return "Friends"; }

◆ trNamespaceListDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trNamespaceListDescription ( bool  extractAll)

used as an introduction to the namespace list

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h563 行定义.

570  { return "Friends En Verwante Funksie Dokumentasie"; }

◆ trNamespaceMemberDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trNamespaceMemberDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all namespace members

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h712 行定义.

712  { return "Namespace Indeks"; }
714  /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
715  * the documentation of all namespaces.
716  */
718  { return "Namespace Dokumentasie"; }
720 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
721 // new since 0.49-990522
722 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

◆ trNamespaceMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trNamespaceMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of namespaces.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h708 行定义.

712  { return "Namespace Indeks"; }

◆ trNamespaceReference()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trNamespaceReference ( const QCString namespaceName)

used as the title of the HTML page of a namespace

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h622 行定义.

623  { return "Beskermde Lede Funksies"; }
624  virtual QCString trProtectedSlots()
625  { return "Beskermde Slots"; }
627  { return "Statiese Beskermde Lede Funksies"; }

◆ trNamespaces()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trNamespaces ( )

This is used in the documentation before the list of all namespaces in a file.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h742 行定义.

743  {

引用了 ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct , 以及 ClassDef::Union.

◆ trNote()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trNote ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h889 行定义.

889  {
890  return "Publieke Public Attributes";
891  }
892  }

◆ trOverloadText()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trOverloadText ( )

This text is added to the documentation when the \overload command is used for a overloaded function.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1519 行定义.

1525  { return "Enumerator Dokumentasie"; }

◆ trPackage()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPackage ( const QCString name)

Used as the title of a Java package

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1105 行定义.

1106  {
1107  return "Pakkette";
1108  }

◆ trPackageAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPackageAttribs ( )

Used as a heading for a list of Java class variables with package scope.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1383 行定义.

1388  {

◆ trPackageList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPackageList ( )

Title of the package index page

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1110 行定义.

1111  {
1112  return "Waarde:";
1113  }

◆ trPackageListDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPackageListDescription ( )

The description of the package index page

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1115 行定义.

1121  {

◆ trPackageMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPackageMembers ( )

Used as a heading for a list of Java class functions with package scope.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1369 行定义.

1369  {
1370  return "Pakket Eienskappe";
1371  }
1372  /*! Used as a heading for a list of static Java class variables with

◆ trPackages()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPackages ( )

The link name in the Quick links header for each page

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1120 行定义.

1121  {
1122  return "Bug";
1123  }

◆ trPackageTypes()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPackageTypes ( )

Used as a heading for a list of Java class types with package scope.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1362 行定义.

1362  {
1363  return "Statiese Pakket Funksies";
1364  }
1365  /*! Used as a heading for a list of Java class variables with package

◆ trPage()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPage ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1242 行定义.

1250  {

◆ trPageAbbreviation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPageAbbreviation ( )

This is used in references to page that are put in the LaTeX documentation. It should be an abbreviation of the word page.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h789 行定义.

795  {

◆ trPageDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPageDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all related pages.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h413 行定义.

415  { return "Typedefs"; }

◆ trPageIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPageIndex ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h880 行定义.

883  {

◆ trParameters()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trParameters ( )

this text is generated when the \param command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h543 行定义.

545  { return "Namespace Lys"; }

◆ trPostcondition()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPostcondition ( )

Text for the \post command

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h849 行定义.

850  {
851  return "kode";
852  }

◆ trPrecondition()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPrecondition ( )

Text for the \pre command

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h844 行定义.

845  {
846  return "Oorspronklike waarde:";
847  }

◆ trPrivateAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPrivateAttribs ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h928 行定义.

928  {
929  return "Aksies";
930  }
931  /*! Used as the header of the todo list */

◆ trPrivateMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPrivateMembers ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h643 行定义.

644  {

◆ trPrivateSlots()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPrivateSlots ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h645 行定义.

650  {

◆ trPrivateTypes()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPrivateTypes ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h924 行定义.

928  {

◆ trProperties()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trProperties ( )

Used as a section header for IDL properties

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1078 行定义.

1079  {
1080  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
1081  {

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trPropertyDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPropertyDocumentation ( )

Used as a section header for IDL property documentation

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1083 行定义.

1085  {
1086  return "Klasse";

◆ trProtectedAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trProtectedAttribs ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h916 行定义.

918  {
919  return "Statiese Private Attribute";

◆ trProtectedMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trProtectedMembers ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h637 行定义.

639  {

◆ trProtectedSlots()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trProtectedSlots ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h639 行定义.

639  {
640  QCString result;

◆ trProtectedTypes()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trProtectedTypes ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h912 行定义.

914  {
915  return "Private Attribute";

◆ trPublicAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPublicAttribs ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h897 行定义.

898  {
899  return "Beskermde Tipes";
900  }
901  virtual QCString trProtectedAttribs()
902  {
903  return "Beskermde Attribute";
904  }
906  {
907  return "Statiese Beskermde Attribute";

◆ trPublicMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPublicMembers ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h629 行定义.

629  { return "Private Lede Funksies"; }
630  virtual QCString trPrivateSlots()

◆ trPublicSlots()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPublicSlots ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h631 行定义.

631  { return "Private Slots"; }

◆ trPublicTypes()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trPublicTypes ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h893 行定义.

894  {
895  return "Statiese Publieke Attribute";
896  }

◆ trReferencedBy()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trReferencedBy ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h956 行定义.

956  :";
957  }
958  virtual QCString trSince()
959  {

◆ trReferenceManual()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trReferenceManual ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the document

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h417 行定义.

421  { return "Enumerations"; }

◆ trReferences()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trReferences ( )

This text is put before the list of members referenced by a member

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1290 行定义.

1296  {

◆ trReimplementedFromList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trReimplementedFromList ( int  numEntries)

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of members that are hidden by this one.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h694 行定义.

694  { return "Namespace Lede"; }
696  /*! This is an introduction to the page with all namespace members */
697  virtual QCString trNamespaceMemberDescription(bool extractAll)

◆ trReimplementedInList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trReimplementedInList ( int  numEntries)

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of all member that overwrite the implementation of this member.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h702 行定义.

703  :";
704  else
705  result+="die namespaces waaraan hulle behoort:";

◆ trRelatedFunctionDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trRelatedFunctionDocumentation ( )

used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all related classes

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h584 行定义.

584  : result+=" klas"; break;
585  case ClassDef::Struct: result+=" Struct"; break;

◆ trRelatedFunctions()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trRelatedFunctions ( )

used in the compound documentation before a list of related functions.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h85 行定义.

87  { return "Lede Enumerasie Dokumentasie"; }

◆ trRelatedPages()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trRelatedPages ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all related pages.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h219 行定义.

223  {

◆ trRelatedPagesDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trRelatedPagesDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the page with the list of related pages

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h333 行定义.

333  { return "Module Indeks"; }

◆ trRelatedSubscript()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trRelatedSubscript ( )

subscript for the related functions.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h89 行定义.

91  { return "Lede Funksie Dokumentasie"; }

◆ trRemarks()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trRemarks ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h960 行定义.

969  {

◆ trReturns()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trReturns ( )

this text is generated when the \return command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h535 行定义.

537  { return "Gegenereer deur"; }

◆ trReturnValues()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trReturnValues ( )

This is used as the heading text for the retval command.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h778 行定义.

782  {

◆ trRTFansicp()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trRTFansicp ( )

Used as ansicpg for RTF file

The following table shows the correlation of Charset name, Charset Value and

Codepage number:
Charset Name       Charset Value(hex)  Codepage number
DEFAULT_CHARSET           1 (x01)
SYMBOL_CHARSET            2 (x02)
OEM_CHARSET             255 (xFF)
ANSI_CHARSET              0 (x00)            1252
RUSSIAN_CHARSET         204 (xCC)            1251
EE_CHARSET              238 (xEE)            1250
GREEK_CHARSET           161 (xA1)            1253
TURKISH_CHARSET         162 (xA2)            1254
BALTIC_CHARSET          186 (xBA)            1257
HEBREW_CHARSET          177 (xB1)            1255
ARABIC _CHARSET         178 (xB2)            1256
SHIFTJIS_CHARSET        128 (x80)             932
HANGEUL_CHARSET         129 (x81)             949
GB2313_CHARSET          134 (x86)             936
CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET     136 (x88)             950

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1174 行定义.

1175  {
1176  return "Indeks";
1177  }

◆ trRTFCharSet()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trRTFCharSet ( )

Used as ansicpg for RTF fcharset

trRTFansicp() for a table of possible values.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1183 行定义.

1184  {
1185  QCString result((first_capital ? "Klas" : "klas"));
1186  if (!singular) result+="se";

◆ trRTFGeneralIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trRTFGeneralIndex ( )

Used as header RTF general index

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1189 行定义.

1195  {

◆ trRTFTableOfContents()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trRTFTableOfContents ( )

used in RTF documentation as a heading for the Table of Contents.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1322 行定义.

1332  {

◆ trSearch()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trSearch ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the search engine.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h227 行定义.

232  {

◆ trSearchMatches()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trSearchMatches ( )

This string is put before the list of matched words, for each search result. What follows is the list of words that matched the query.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1450 行定义.

1459  { return "Directory Hiërargie"; }

◆ trSearchResults()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trSearchResults ( int  numDocuments)

This string is put just before listing the search results. The text can be different depending on the number of documents found. Inside the text you can put the special marker $num to insert the number representing the actual number of search results. The numDocuments parameter can be either 0, 1 or 2, where the value 2 represents 2 or more matches. HTML markup is allowed inside the returned string.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1431 行定义.

1436  {
1437  return "Teikens:";
1438  }
1440 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1441 // new since 1.3.8
1442 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1444  /*! This is used in HTML as the title of page with source code for file filename
1445  */
1446  virtual QCString trSourceFile(QCString& filename)

◆ trSearchResultsTitle()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trSearchResultsTitle ( )

This string is used as the title for the page listing the search results.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1419 行定义.

1419  {
1420  return "Geen dokumente na gelang van jou navraag nie.";
1421  }
1422  else if (numDocuments==1)

◆ trSeeAlso()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trSeeAlso ( )

this text is generated when the \sa command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h539 行定义.

545  { return "Namespace Lys"; }

◆ trSignals()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trSignals ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h633 行定义.

633  { return "Statiese Private Lede Funksies"; }

◆ trSince()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trSince ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h973 行定义.

976  {

◆ trSourceFile()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trSourceFile ( QCString filename)

This is used in HTML as the title of page with source code for file filename

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1461 行定义.

1465  { return "Directory Documentasie"; }

◆ trStaticPackageAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trStaticPackageAttribs ( )

Used as a heading for a list of static Java class variables with package scope.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1390 行定义.

1393  {

◆ trStaticPackageMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trStaticPackageMembers ( )

Used as a heading for a list of static Java class functions with package scope.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1376 行定义.

1376  {
1377  return "Statiese Pakket Eienskappe";
1378  }

◆ trStaticPrivateAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trStaticPrivateAttribs ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h932 行定义.

933  {
934  return "Aksie Lys";
935  }

◆ trStaticPrivateMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trStaticPrivateMembers ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h647 行定义.

650  {

◆ trStaticProtectedAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trStaticProtectedAttribs ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h920 行定义.

928  {

◆ trStaticProtectedMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trStaticProtectedMembers ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h641 行定义.

644  {

◆ trStaticPublicAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trStaticPublicAttribs ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h908 行定义.

910  {
911  return "Private Tipes";

◆ trStaticPublicMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trStaticPublicMembers ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h635 行定义.

639  {

◆ trSubprogram()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trSubprogram ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1729 行定义.

◆ trSubprogramDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trSubprogramDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for subprograms (Fortran)

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1604 行定义.

1604  {
1605  QCString result="Hier is 'n lys van alle ";

◆ trSubprograms()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trSubprograms ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) subprograms (Fortran).

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1598 行定义.

1600  { return "Modules Lys"; }

◆ trTest()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trTest ( )

Used as a marker that is put before a test item

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1063 行定义.

1064  {
1065  return "Eienskappe";
1066  }

◆ trTestList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trTestList ( )

Used as the header of the test list

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h1068 行定义.

1069  {
1070  return "Eienskap Dokumentasie";
1071  }

◆ trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers ( )

this is the first part of a sentence that is followed by a class name

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h134 行定义.

138  { return "enum naam"; }

◆ trTodo()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trTodo ( )

Used as a marker that is put before a \todo item

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h942 行定义.

942  {
943  return "Verwysing van";
944  }
945  virtual QCString trRemarks()

◆ trTodoList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trTodoList ( )

Used as the header of the todo list

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h947 行定义.

950  {

◆ trType()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trType ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1719 行定义.

1723  {
1724  return "Tipe Limiete";

◆ trTypeConstraints()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trTypeConstraints ( )

C# Type Constraint list

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1737 行定义.

◆ trTypedefDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trTypedefDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for typedefs

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h465 行定义.

469  { return "Veranderlike Dokumentasie"; }

◆ trTypedefs()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trTypedefs ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of typedefs

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h429 行定义.

433  { return "Veranderlikes"; }

◆ trTypeDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trTypeDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all data types (Fortran).

重载 TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0 .

在文件 translator_za.h1592 行定义.

1596  { return "Data Tipes"; }

◆ trVariableDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trVariableDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for variables

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h483 行定义.

490  {

◆ trVariables()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trVariables ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) variables

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h447 行定义.

451  { return "Typedef Dokumentasie"; }

◆ trVersion()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trVersion ( )

this text is generated when the \version command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h527 行定义.

529  { return "Parameters"; }

◆ trWarning()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trWarning ( )

this text is generated when the \warning command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h523 行定义.

525  { return "Sien ook"; }

◆ trWriteList()

virtual QCString TranslatorAfrikaans::trWriteList ( int  numEntries)

this function is used to produce a comma-separated list of items. use generateMarker(i) to indicate where item i should be put.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_za.h653 行定义.

664  {
665  return "Afgelei van"+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
666  }
668  /*! used in class documentation to produce a list of super classes,
669  * if class diagrams are disabled.
670  */
671  virtual QCString trInheritedByList(int numEntries)
672  {
673  return "Afgelei van"+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";

被这些函数引用 trInheritedByList() , 以及 trInheritsList().

QCString getDotImageExtension()
Definition: util.cpp:7032
virtual QCString trModulesMemberDescription(bool extractAll)
Definition: translator_za.h:1660
virtual QCString trNamespaceMemberDescription(bool extractAll)
Definition: translator_za.h:712
virtual QCString trPrivateSlots()
Definition: translator_za.h:645
virtual QCString trStaticProtectedAttribs()
Definition: translator_za.h:920
virtual QCString trClassHierarchyDescription()
Definition: translator_za.h:231
@ Union
Definition: classdef.h:109
virtual QCString trModule(bool first_capital, bool singular)
Definition: translator_za.h:1686
virtual QCString trTest()
Definition: translator_za.h:1063
virtual QCString trStaticProtectedMembers()
Definition: translator_za.h:641
virtual QCString trMemberList()
Definition: translator_za.h:130
virtual QCString trSearch()
Definition: translator_za.h:227
virtual QCString trExampleDocumentation()
Definition: translator_za.h:407
@ Interface
Definition: classdef.h:110
virtual QCString trWriteList(int numEntries)
Definition: translator_za.h:653
@ Class
Definition: classdef.h:107
virtual QCString trGotoGraphicalHierarchy()
Definition: translator_za.h:872
virtual QCString trSignals()
Definition: translator_za.h:633
virtual QCString trModuleDocumentation()
Definition: translator_za.h:380
virtual QCString trClassDiagram(const QCString &clName)
Definition: translator_za.h:513
virtual QCString trModulesMembers()
Definition: translator_za.h:1656
virtual QCString trPublicSlots()
Definition: translator_za.h:631
@ Category
Definition: classdef.h:112
virtual QCString trNamespaceReference(const QCString &namespaceName)
Definition: translator_za.h:622
@ Struct
Definition: classdef.h:108
virtual QCString trLegend()
Definition: translator_za.h:1053
virtual QCString trFileMembersDescription(bool extractAll)
Definition: translator_za.h:307
virtual QCString trWarning()
Definition: translator_za.h:523
virtual QCString trNamespaceDocumentation()
Definition: translator_za.h:732
virtual QCString trDate()
Definition: translator_za.h:531
virtual QCString trRemarks()
Definition: translator_za.h:960
#define Config_getBool(name)
Definition: config.h:33
@ Protocol
Definition: classdef.h:111
virtual QCString trSourceFile(QCString &filename)
Definition: translator_za.h:1461
static const char * hex
Definition: htmldocvisitor.cpp:65
virtual QCString trInheritedByList(int numEntries)
Definition: translator_za.h:686
virtual QCString trPackageListDescription()
Definition: translator_za.h:1115
virtual QCString trProtectedSlots()
Definition: translator_za.h:639
virtual QCString trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers()
Definition: translator_za.h:134
virtual QCString trProtectedAttribs()
Definition: translator_za.h:916
virtual QCString trStaticPrivateMembers()
Definition: translator_za.h:647
This is an alternative implementation of QCString.
Definition: qcstring.h:108