TranslatorRomanian类 参考

#include <translator_ro.h>

+ 类 TranslatorRomanian 继承关系图:
+ TranslatorRomanian 的协作图:

Public 成员函数

virtual QCString idLanguage ()
virtual QCString latexLanguageSupportCommand ()
virtual QCString trISOLang ()
virtual QCString trRelatedFunctions ()
virtual QCString trRelatedSubscript ()
virtual QCString trDetailedDescription ()
virtual QCString trMemberTypedefDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trMemberEnumerationDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trMemberFunctionDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trMemberDataDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trMore ()
virtual QCString trListOfAllMembers ()
virtual QCString trMemberList ()
virtual QCString trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers ()
virtual QCString trIncludingInheritedMembers ()
virtual QCString trGeneratedAutomatically (const QCString &s)
virtual QCString trEnumName ()
virtual QCString trEnumValue ()
virtual QCString trDefinedIn ()
virtual QCString trModules ()
virtual QCString trClassHierarchy ()
virtual QCString trCompoundList ()
virtual QCString trFileList ()
virtual QCString trCompoundMembers ()
virtual QCString trFileMembers ()
virtual QCString trRelatedPages ()
virtual QCString trExamples ()
virtual QCString trSearch ()
virtual QCString trClassHierarchyDescription ()
virtual QCString trFileListDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trCompoundListDescription ()
virtual QCString trCompoundMembersDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trFileMembersDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trExamplesDescription ()
virtual QCString trRelatedPagesDescription ()
virtual QCString trModulesDescription ()
virtual QCString trDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trModuleIndex ()
virtual QCString trHierarchicalIndex ()
virtual QCString trCompoundIndex ()
virtual QCString trFileIndex ()
virtual QCString trModuleDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trClassDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trFileDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trExampleDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trPageDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trReferenceManual ()
virtual QCString trDefines ()
virtual QCString trTypedefs ()
virtual QCString trEnumerations ()
virtual QCString trFunctions ()
virtual QCString trVariables ()
virtual QCString trEnumerationValues ()
virtual QCString trDefineDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trTypedefDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trEnumerationTypeDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trFunctionDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trVariableDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trCompounds ()
virtual QCString trGeneratedAt (const QCString &date, const QCString &projName)
virtual QCString trClassDiagram (const QCString &clName)
virtual QCString trForInternalUseOnly ()
virtual QCString trWarning ()
virtual QCString trVersion ()
virtual QCString trDate ()
virtual QCString trReturns ()
virtual QCString trSeeAlso ()
virtual QCString trParameters ()
virtual QCString trExceptions ()
virtual QCString trGeneratedBy ()
virtual QCString trNamespaceList ()
virtual QCString trNamespaceListDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trFriends ()
virtual QCString trRelatedFunctionDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trCompoundReference (const QCString &clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isTemplate)
virtual QCString trFileReference (const QCString &fileName)
virtual QCString trNamespaceReference (const QCString &namespaceName)
virtual QCString trPublicMembers ()
virtual QCString trPublicSlots ()
virtual QCString trSignals ()
virtual QCString trStaticPublicMembers ()
virtual QCString trProtectedMembers ()
virtual QCString trProtectedSlots ()
virtual QCString trStaticProtectedMembers ()
virtual QCString trPrivateMembers ()
virtual QCString trPrivateSlots ()
virtual QCString trStaticPrivateMembers ()
virtual QCString trWriteList (int numEntries)
virtual QCString trInheritsList (int numEntries)
virtual QCString trInheritedByList (int numEntries)
virtual QCString trReimplementedFromList (int numEntries)
virtual QCString trReimplementedInList (int numEntries)
virtual QCString trNamespaceMembers ()
virtual QCString trNamespaceMemberDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trNamespaceIndex ()
virtual QCString trNamespaceDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trNamespaces ()
virtual QCString trGeneratedFromFiles (ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool single)
virtual QCString trReturnValues ()
virtual QCString trMainPage ()
virtual QCString trPageAbbreviation ()
virtual QCString trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile ()
virtual QCString trDefinedInSourceFile ()
virtual QCString trDeprecated ()
virtual QCString trCollaborationDiagram (const QCString &clName)
virtual QCString trInclDepGraph (const QCString &fName)
virtual QCString trConstructorDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trGotoSourceCode ()
virtual QCString trGotoDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trPrecondition ()
virtual QCString trPostcondition ()
virtual QCString trInvariant ()
virtual QCString trInitialValue ()
virtual QCString trCode ()
virtual QCString trGraphicalHierarchy ()
virtual QCString trGotoGraphicalHierarchy ()
virtual QCString trGotoTextualHierarchy ()
virtual QCString trPageIndex ()
virtual QCString trNote ()
virtual QCString trPublicTypes ()
virtual QCString trPublicAttribs ()
virtual QCString trStaticPublicAttribs ()
virtual QCString trProtectedTypes ()
virtual QCString trProtectedAttribs ()
virtual QCString trStaticProtectedAttribs ()
virtual QCString trPrivateTypes ()
virtual QCString trPrivateAttribs ()
virtual QCString trStaticPrivateAttribs ()
virtual QCString trTodo ()
virtual QCString trTodoList ()
virtual QCString trReferencedBy ()
virtual QCString trRemarks ()
virtual QCString trAttention ()
virtual QCString trInclByDepGraph ()
virtual QCString trSince ()
virtual QCString trLegendTitle ()
virtual QCString trLegendDocs ()
virtual QCString trLegend ()
virtual QCString trTest ()
virtual QCString trTestList ()
virtual QCString trProperties ()
virtual QCString trPropertyDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trClasses ()
virtual QCString trPackage (const QCString &name)
virtual QCString trPackageList ()
virtual QCString trPackageListDescription ()
virtual QCString trPackages ()
virtual QCString trDefineValue ()
virtual QCString trBug ()
virtual QCString trBugList ()
virtual QCString trRTFansicp ()
virtual QCString trRTFCharSet ()
virtual QCString trRTFGeneralIndex ()
virtual QCString trClass (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trFile (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trNamespace (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trGroup (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trPage (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trMember (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trGlobal (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trAuthor (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trReferences ()
virtual QCString trImplementedFromList (int numEntries)
virtual QCString trImplementedInList (int numEntries)
virtual QCString trRTFTableOfContents ()
virtual QCString trDeprecatedList ()
virtual QCString trEvents ()
virtual QCString trEventDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trPackageTypes ()
virtual QCString trPackageMembers ()
virtual QCString trStaticPackageMembers ()
virtual QCString trPackageAttribs ()
virtual QCString trStaticPackageAttribs ()
virtual QCString trAll ()
virtual QCString trCallGraph ()
virtual QCString trSearchResultsTitle ()
virtual QCString trSearchResults (int numDocuments)
virtual QCString trSearchMatches ()
virtual QCString trSourceFile (QCString &filename)
virtual QCString trDirIndex ()
virtual QCString trDirDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trDirectories ()
virtual QCString trDirDescription ()
virtual QCString trDirReference (const QCString &dirName)
virtual QCString trDir (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trOverloadText ()
virtual QCString trCallerGraph ()
virtual QCString trEnumerationValueDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran ()
virtual QCString trCompoundListFortran ()
virtual QCString trCompoundMembersFortran ()
virtual QCString trCompoundListDescriptionFortran ()
virtual QCString trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trCompoundIndexFortran ()
virtual QCString trTypeDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trSubprograms ()
virtual QCString trSubprogramDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trDataTypes ()
virtual QCString trModulesList ()
virtual QCString trModulesListDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trCompoundReferenceFortran (const QCString &clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isTemplate)
virtual QCString trModuleReference (const QCString &namespaceName)
virtual QCString trModulesMembers ()
virtual QCString trModulesMemberDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trModulesIndex ()
virtual QCString trModule (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trGeneratedFromFilesFortran (ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool single)
virtual QCString trType (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trSubprogram (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trTypeConstraints ()
virtual QCString trDirRelation (const QCString &name)
virtual QCString trLoading ()
virtual QCString trGlobalNamespace ()
virtual QCString trSearching ()
virtual QCString trNoMatches ()
virtual QCString trFileIn (const QCString &name)
virtual QCString trIncludesFileIn (const QCString &name)
virtual QCString trDateTime (int year, int month, int day, int dayOfWeek, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, bool includeTime)
 Compiles a date string. 更多...
virtual QCString trCiteReferences ()
virtual QCString trCopyright ()
virtual QCString trDirDepGraph (const QCString &name)
virtual QCString trDetailLevel ()
virtual QCString trTemplateParameters ()
virtual QCString trAndMore (const QCString &number)
virtual QCString trEnumGeneratedFromFiles (bool single)
virtual QCString trEnumReference (const QCString &name)
virtual QCString trInheritedFrom (const QCString &members, const QCString &what)
virtual QCString trAdditionalInheritedMembers ()
virtual QCString trPanelSynchronisationTooltip (bool enable)
virtual QCString trProvidedByCategory ()
virtual QCString trExtendsClass ()
virtual QCString trClassMethods ()
virtual QCString trInstanceMethods ()
virtual QCString trMethodDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trInterfaces ()
 old style UNO IDL services: implemented interfaces 更多...
virtual QCString trServices ()
 old style UNO IDL services: inherited services 更多...
virtual QCString trConstantGroups ()
 UNO IDL constant groups 更多...
virtual QCString trConstantGroupReference (const QCString &namespaceName)
 UNO IDL constant groups 更多...
virtual QCString trServiceReference (const QCString &sName)
 UNO IDL service page title 更多...
virtual QCString trSingletonReference (const QCString &sName)
 UNO IDL singleton page title 更多...
virtual QCString trServiceGeneratedFromFiles (bool single)
 UNO IDL service page 更多...
virtual QCString trSingletonGeneratedFromFiles (bool single)
 UNO IDL singleton page 更多...
- Public 成员函数 继承自 TranslatorAdapter_1_8_15
virtual QCString updateNeededMessage ()
virtual QCString trDesignUnitHierarchy ()
virtual QCString trDesignUnitList ()
virtual QCString trDesignUnitMembers ()
virtual QCString trDesignUnitListDescription ()
virtual QCString trDesignUnitIndex ()
virtual QCString trDesignUnits ()
virtual QCString trFunctionAndProc ()
virtual QCString trVhdlType (uint64 type, bool single)
virtual QCString trCustomReference (const QCString &name)
virtual QCString trConstants ()
virtual QCString trConstantDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trSequences ()
virtual QCString trSequenceDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trDictionaries ()
virtual QCString trDictionaryDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trSliceInterfaces ()
virtual QCString trInterfaceIndex ()
virtual QCString trInterfaceList ()
virtual QCString trInterfaceListDescription ()
virtual QCString trInterfaceHierarchy ()
virtual QCString trInterfaceHierarchyDescription ()
virtual QCString trInterfaceDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trStructs ()
virtual QCString trStructIndex ()
virtual QCString trStructList ()
virtual QCString trStructListDescription ()
virtual QCString trStructDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trExceptionIndex ()
virtual QCString trExceptionList ()
virtual QCString trExceptionListDescription ()
virtual QCString trExceptionHierarchy ()
virtual QCString trExceptionHierarchyDescription ()
virtual QCString trExceptionDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trCompoundReferenceSlice (const QCString &clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isLocal)
virtual QCString trOperations ()
virtual QCString trOperationDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trDataMembers ()
virtual QCString trDataMemberDocumentation ()
- Public 成员函数 继承自 TranslatorAdapter_1_8_19
virtual QCString trDesignUnitDocumentation ()
- Public 成员函数 继承自 TranslatorAdapter_1_9_2
virtual QCString trConcept (bool first_capital, bool singular)
virtual QCString trConceptReference (const QCString &conceptName)
virtual QCString trConceptList ()
virtual QCString trConceptIndex ()
virtual QCString trConceptDocumentation ()
virtual QCString trConceptListDescription (bool extractAll)
virtual QCString trConceptDefinition ()
- Public 成员函数 继承自 Translator
virtual ~Translator ()
virtual QCString latexFontenc ()
virtual QCString latexFont ()
virtual QCString latexDocumentPre ()
virtual QCString latexDocumentPost ()
virtual QCString latexCommandName ()


- Protected 成员函数 继承自 TranslatorAdapterBase
virtual ~TranslatorAdapterBase ()
QCString createUpdateNeededMessage (const QCString &languageName, const QCString &versionString)
- Protected 属性 继承自 TranslatorAdapterBase
TranslatorEnglish english


在文件 translator_ro.h45 行定义.


◆ idLanguage()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::idLanguage ( )

Used for identification of the language. The identification should not be translated. It should be replaced by the name of the language in English using lower-case characters only (e.g. "czech", "japanese", "russian", etc.). It should be equal to the identification used in language.cpp.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h72 行定义.

74  {

◆ latexLanguageSupportCommand()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::latexLanguageSupportCommand ( )

Used to get the LaTeX command(s) for the language support. This method should return string with commands that switch LaTeX to the desired language. For example




The English LaTeX does not use such commands. Because of this the empty string is returned in this implementation.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h88 行定义.

90  { return "(Atenţie: acestea nu sunt funcţii membre.)"; }

◆ trAdditionalInheritedMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trAdditionalInheritedMembers ( )

Header of the sections with inherited members specific for the base class(es)

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1911 行定义.

1918  {

◆ trAll()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trAll ( )

Used in the quick index of a class/file/namespace member list page to link to the unfiltered list of all members.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1430 行定义.

1433  {

◆ trAndMore()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trAndMore ( const QCString number)

Used in dot graph when UML_LOOK is enabled and there are many fields

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1887 行定义.

1887  { return QCString(name)+" Referință Enum"; }

◆ trAttention()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trAttention ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h997 行定义.

1002  {

◆ trAuthor()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trAuthor ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This text is generated when the \author command is used and for the author section in man pages.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1305 行定义.

1316  {

◆ trBug()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trBug ( )

Used as a marker that is put before a \bug item

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1163 行定义.

1166  :
1167  * Charset Name Charset Value(hex) Codepage number

◆ trBugList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trBugList ( )

Used as the header of the bug list

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1168 行定义.

1188  {

◆ trCallerGraph()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCallerGraph ( )

This is used to introduce a caller (or called-by) graph

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1562 行定义.

1564  { return "Documentaţia Funcţiei Membre/Subrutinei"; }

◆ trCallGraph()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCallGraph ( )

Put in front of the call graph for a function.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1435 行定义.

1445  {

◆ trCiteReferences()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCiteReferences ( )

Header for the page with bibliographic citations

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1863 行定义.

1865  { return "nivel de detaliu"; }

◆ trClass()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trClass ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1226 行定义.

1234  {

◆ trClassDiagram()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trClassDiagram ( const QCString clName)

this text is put before a class diagram

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h543 行定义.

543  { return "Versiunea"; }
545  /*! this text is generated when the \\date command is used. */
546  virtual QCString trDate()

◆ trClassDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trClassDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all classes, structs and unions.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h414 行定义.

416  { return "Documentaţia Fişierelor"; }
418  /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
419  * the documentation of all examples.
420  */
422  { return "Documentaţia Exemplelor"; }
424  /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
425  * the documentation of all related pages.

◆ trClasses()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trClasses ( )

Used for Java classes in the summary section of Java packages

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1121 行定义.

1124  {
1125  return "Lista Pachetelor";
1126  }
1127  /*! The description of the package index page */
1129  {
1130  return "Lista pachetelor, însoţită de scurte explicaţii, acolo unde acestea există:";
1131  }

◆ trClassHierarchy()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trClassHierarchy ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the class hierarchy

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h188 行定义.

192  { return "Lista fişierelor"; }

◆ trClassHierarchyDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trClassHierarchyDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the class hierarchy.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h250 行定义.

252  {
253  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trClassMethods()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trClassMethods ( )

Used as the header of a list of class methods in Objective-C. These are similar to static public member functions in C++.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1949 行定义.

1950  {
1951  return "Documentația Metodelor";
1952  }

◆ trCode()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCode ( )

Text used the source code in the file index

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h896 行定义.

898  {
899  return "Indexul Paginilor";

◆ trCollaborationDiagram()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCollaborationDiagram ( const QCString clName)

this text is put before a collaboration diagram

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h851 行定义.

852  {
853  return "Vezi sursele.";
854  }

◆ trCompoundIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCompoundIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the annotated compound index.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h386 行定义.

388  { return "Indexul Fişierelor"; }
390  /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
391  * the documentation of all groups.
392  */
394  { return "Documentaţia Modulelor"; }
396  /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
397  * the documentation of all classes, structs and unions.

◆ trCompoundIndexFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCompoundIndexFortran ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the annotated compound index (Fortran).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1616 行定义.

1620  { return "Documentaţia Funcţiilor/Subrutinelor"; }

◆ trCompoundList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCompoundList ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated classes

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h192 行定义.

192  { return "Lista fişierelor"; }
194  /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds. */
195  virtual QCString trCompoundMembers()
196  {
197  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
198  {
199  return "Câmpurile de Date";
200  }
201  else
202  {
203  return "Membrii Componenţi"; //cu articol hotarat

◆ trCompoundListDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCompoundListDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the annotated compound list.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h266 行定义.

271  {
272  QCString result="Lista tuturor ";
274  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
275  {
276  result+="câmpurilor ";
277  if (!extractAll) result+=" documentate ";
278  result+="din structuri si uniuni ";
279  }
280  else
281  {
282  result+="membrilor ";

◆ trCompoundListDescriptionFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCompoundListDescriptionFortran ( )

This is an introduction to the annotated compound list (Fortran).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1590 行定义.

1592  {

◆ trCompoundListFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCompoundListFortran ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated data types (Fortran).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1582 行定义.

1583  {

◆ trCompoundMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCompoundMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h210 行定义.

210  {
211  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
212  {
213  return "Globale";
214  }
215  else
216  {
217  return "Membrii din Fişier"; //cu articol hotarat
218  }
220  }

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trCompoundMembersDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCompoundMembersDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all class members.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h285 行定义.

288  {
289  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
290  {
291  result+="documentaţia structurii/uniunii pentru fiecare câmp în parte:";
292  }
293  else
294  {
295  result+="documentaţia clasei pentru fiecare membru în parte:";
296  }
297  }
298  else
299  {
300  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
301  {
302  result+="structurile/uniunile de care aparţin:";
303  }
304  else
305  {
306  result+="clasele de care aparţin:";
307  }
308  }
310  return result;
311  }
313  /*! This is an introduction to the page with all file members. */
314  virtual QCString trFileMembersDescription(bool extractAll)
315  {
316  QCString result="Lista tuturor ";
317  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
318  {
319  result+="funcţiilor, variabilelor, definiţiilor, enumerărilor şi definiţiilor de tip";
320  if (!extractAll) result+=" documentate";
321  }
322  else
323  {
324  result+="membrilor ";
325  if (!extractAll) result+="documentaţi ";
326  result+="din toate fişierele";

◆ trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all data types (Fortran).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1594 行定义.

1602  { return "Indexul Tipurilor de Date"; }
1604  /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
1605  * the documentation of all data types (Fortran).
1606  */
1607  virtual QCString trTypeDocumentation()
1608  { return "Documentaţia Tipurilor de Date"; }
1610  /*! This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the
1611  * list of (global) subprograms (Fortran).

◆ trCompoundMembersFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCompoundMembersFortran ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds (Fortran).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1586 行定义.

1588  {

◆ trCompoundReference()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCompoundReference ( const QCString clName,
ClassDef::CompoundType  compType,
bool  isTemplate 

used as the title of the HTML page of a class/struct/union

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h621 行定义.

630  {
631  QCString result="Referinţă la fişierul ";
632  result+=fileName;
633  return result;
634  }
636  /*! used as the title of the HTML page of a namespace */
637  virtual QCString trNamespaceReference(const QCString &namespaceName)
638  {
639  QCString result="Referinţă la Namespace-ul ";
640  result+=namespaceName;
641  return result;

◆ trCompoundReferenceFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCompoundReferenceFortran ( const QCString clName,
ClassDef::CompoundType  compType,
bool  isTemplate 

used as the title of the HTML page of a module/type (Fortran)

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1657 行定义.

1664  {
1665  QCString result="Referinţă la Modulul ";
1666  result += namespaceName;
1667  return result;
1668  }
1670  /*! This is put above each page as a link to all members of modules. (Fortran) */
1671  virtual QCString trModulesMembers()
1672  { return "Membrii Modulului"; }
1674  /*! This is an introduction to the page with all modules members (Fortran) */
1675  virtual QCString trModulesMemberDescription(bool extractAll)
1676  {

◆ trCompounds()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCompounds ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before the list of links to documented compounds

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h518 行定义.

520  {
521  QCString result=(QCString)"Generat "+date;
522  if (!projName.isEmpty()) result+=(QCString)" pentru "+projName;
523  result+=(QCString)" de către";
524  return result;
525  }
527  /*! this text is put before a class diagram */
528  virtual QCString trClassDiagram(const QCString &clName)
529  {

引用了 QCString::isEmpty().

◆ trConstantGroupReference()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trConstantGroupReference ( const QCString namespaceName)

UNO IDL constant groups

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1986 行定义.

1986  {
1987  QCString result=(QCString)sName;
1988  result+=" Referință Singleton";
1989  return result;
1990  }
1991  /** UNO IDL service page */

◆ trConstantGroups()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trConstantGroups ( )

UNO IDL constant groups

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1982 行定义.

1986  {

◆ trConstructorDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trConstructorDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of constructor/destructors.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h861 行定义.

862  {
863  return "Precondiţie";
864  }

◆ trCopyright()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trCopyright ( )

Text for copyright paragraph

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1867 行定义.

1869  { return "Parametri Template"; }

◆ trDataTypes()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDataTypes ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before the list of links to documented compounds (Fortran)

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1640 行定义.

◆ trDate()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDate ( )

this text is generated when the \date command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h561 行定义.

563  { return "Excepţii"; }

◆ trDateTime()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDateTime ( int  year,
int  month,
int  day,
int  dayOfWeek,
int  hour,
int  minutes,
int  seconds,
bool  includeTime 

Compiles a date string.

yearYear in 4 digits
monthMonth of the year: 1=January
dayDay of the Month: 1..31
dayOfWeekDay of the week: 1=Monday..7=Sunday
hourHour of the day: 0..23
minutesMinutes in the hour: 0..59
secondsSeconds within the minute: 0..59
includeTimeInclude time in the result string?

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1841 行定义.

1849  { return "Referințe Bibliografice"; }
1851  /*! Text for copyright paragraph */
1852  virtual QCString trCopyright()
1853  { return "Copyright"; }
1855  /*! Header for the graph showing the directory dependencies */
1856  virtual QCString trDirDepGraph(const QCString &name)

◆ trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h828 行定义.

837  {

◆ trDefinedIn()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDefinedIn ( )

put after an undocumented member in the list of all members

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h176 行定义.

178  {

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trDefinedInSourceFile()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDefinedInSourceFile ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h832 行定义.

837  {

◆ trDefineDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDefineDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file before the list of documentation blocks for defines

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h488 行定义.

492  { return "Documentaţia funcţiilor"; }

◆ trDefines()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDefines ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of defines

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h452 行定义.

456  { return "Funcţii"; }

◆ trDefineValue()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDefineValue ( )

Text shown before a multi-line define

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1153 行定义.

1154  {
1155  return "Lista de Probleme (Bugs)";
1156  }

◆ trDeprecated()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDeprecated ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h841 行定义.

842  {
843  return (QCString)"Graful dependenţelor prin incluziune pentru "+fName+":";
844  }

◆ trDeprecatedList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDeprecatedList ( )

Used as the header of the list of item that have been flagged deprecated

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1362 行定义.

1365  {

◆ trDetailedDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDetailedDescription ( )

header that is put before the detailed description of files, classes and namespaces.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h108 行定义.

110  {

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trDetailLevel()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDetailLevel ( )

Detail level selector shown for hierarchical indices

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1879 行定义.

1879  :";
1880  else

◆ trDir()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDir ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This returns the word directory with or without starting capital (first_capital) and in sigular or plural form (singular).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1536 行定义.

1536  {
1537  return "Aceasta este o funcţie membră suprascrisă. "
1538  "Diferă de funcţia de mai sus "
1539  "doar prin argumentele acceptate.";
1540  }

◆ trDirDepGraph()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDirDepGraph ( const QCString name)

Header for the graph showing the directory dependencies

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1871 行定义.

1873  { return "și încă " + number; }

◆ trDirDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDirDescription ( )

This returns a sentences that introduces the directory hierarchy. and the fact that it is sorted alphabetically per level

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1519 行定义.

1522  {

◆ trDirDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDirDocumentation ( )

This is used as the name of the chapter containing the documentation of the directories.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1507 行定义.

1513  {

◆ trDirectories()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDirectories ( )

This is used as the title of the directory index and also in the Quick links of a HTML page, to link to the directory hierarchy.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1513 行定义.

1513  {
1514  QCString result="Director-referinţă "; result+=dirName;

◆ trDirIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDirIndex ( )

This is used as the name of the chapter containing the directory hierarchy.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1501 行定义.

1505  { return "Această ierarhie de directoare este sortată în general, "

◆ trDirReference()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDirReference ( const QCString dirName)

This returns the title of a directory page. The name of the directory is passed via dirName.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1527 行定义.

1536  {

◆ trDirRelation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDirRelation ( const QCString name)

directory relation for name

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1780 行定义.

1784  {

◆ trDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trDocumentation ( )

This is used in HTML as the title of index.html.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h368 行定义.

372  {

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trEnumerations()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trEnumerations ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of enumerations

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h464 行定义.

468  { return "Valori de enumerări"; }

◆ trEnumerationTypeDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trEnumerationTypeDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for enumeration types

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h500 行定义.

504  {

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trEnumerationValueDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trEnumerationValueDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for enumeration values

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1570 行定义.

1572  { return "Câmpuri de date"; }

◆ trEnumerationValues()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trEnumerationValues ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) variables

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h482 行定义.

486  { return "Documentaţia enumerărilor"; }

◆ trEnumGeneratedFromFiles()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trEnumGeneratedFromFiles ( bool  single)

Used file list for a Java enum

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1891 行定义.

1891  { return QCString(members)+" moștenit(e) din "+what; }
1893  /*! Header of the sections with inherited members specific for the
1894  * base class(es)
1895  */
1897  { return "Membri Moșteniți Adiționali"; }

◆ trEnumName()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trEnumName ( )

put after an enum name in the list of all members

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h168 行定义.

170  { return "Module"; }

◆ trEnumReference()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trEnumReference ( const QCString name)

Header of a Java enum page (Java enums are represented as classes).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1901 行定义.

1908  {

◆ trEnumValue()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trEnumValue ( )

put after an enum value in the list of all members

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h172 行定义.

174  { return "Ierarhia Claselor"; }

◆ trEventDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trEventDocumentation ( )

Header used for the documentation section of a class' events.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1379 行定义.

1383  {

◆ trEvents()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trEvents ( )

Used as a header for declaration section of the events found in a C# program

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1374 行定义.

1376  {
1377  return "Tipuri în pachet";

◆ trExampleDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trExampleDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all examples.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h436 行定义.

438  { return "Definiţii"; }

◆ trExamples()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trExamples ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all examples.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h242 行定义.

242  {
243  QCString result="Lista tuturor ";

◆ trExamplesDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trExamplesDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the page with the list of all examples

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h353 行定义.

354  { return "Documentaţie"; }

◆ trExceptions()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trExceptions ( )

this text is generated when the \exception command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h577 行定义.

577  {
578  QCString result="Lista tuturor ";

◆ trExtendsClass()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trExtendsClass ( )

Used in a method of an Objective-C category that extends a class. Note that the @1 marker is required and is replaced by a link to the class method.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1941 行定义.

1943  {
1944  return "Metodele Instanței";

◆ trFile()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trFile ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1237 行定义.

1245  {

◆ trFileDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trFileDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all files.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h430 行定义.

432  { return "Manual de utilizare"; }

◆ trFileIn()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trFileIn ( const QCString name)

when clicking a directory dependency label, a page with a table is shown. The heading for the first column mentions the source file that has a relation to another file.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1817 行定义.

1818  : 1=January
1819  * @param day Day of the Month: 1..31
1820  * @param dayOfWeek Day of the week: 1=Monday..7=Sunday

◆ trFileIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trFileIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the list of all files.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h402 行定义.

402  {
403  return "Documentaţia Structurilor de Date";

◆ trFileList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trFileList ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of documented files

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h206 行定义.

210  {

◆ trFileListDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trFileListDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the list with all files.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h256 行定义.

258  {
259  return "Lista claselor, cu scurte descrieri:";
260  }
261  else
262  {
263  return "Lista claselor, structurilor, uniunilor şi interfeţelor"

◆ trFileMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trFileMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of files.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h224 行定义.

224  { return "Pagini înrudite"; }
226  /*! This is put above each page as a link to all examples. */
227  virtual QCString trExamples()
228  { return "Exemple"; }
230  /*! This is put above each page as a link to the search engine. */
231  virtual QCString trSearch()
232  { return "Caută"; }
234  /*! This is an introduction to the class hierarchy. */

◆ trFileMembersDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trFileMembersDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all file members.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h329 行定义.

330  :";
331  else
332  result+="documentaţia aferentă:";
334  return result;
335  }
337  /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of all examples */
338  virtual QCString trExamplesDescription()
339  { return "Lista tuturor exemplelor:"; }
341  /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of related pages */
342  virtual QCString trRelatedPagesDescription()
343  { return "Lista tuturor documentaţiilor înrudite:"; }
345  /*! This is an introduction to the page with the list of class/file groups */
346  virtual QCString trModulesDescription()
347  { return "Lista tuturor modulelor:"; }
349  // index titles (the project name is prepended for these)

◆ trFileReference()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trFileReference ( const QCString fileName)

used as the title of the HTML page of a file

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h644 行定义.

646  { return "Metode Publice"; }
647  virtual QCString trPublicSlots()
648  { return "Conectori (slots) Publici"; }
649  virtual QCString trSignals()

◆ trForInternalUseOnly()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trForInternalUseOnly ( )

this text is generated when the \internal command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h549 行定义.

551  { return "Întoarce"; }

◆ trFriends()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trFriends ( )

used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all friends of a class

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h603 行定义.

◆ trFunctionDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trFunctionDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for functions

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h506 行定义.

506  {
507  return "Structuri de Date";

◆ trFunctions()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trFunctions ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) functions

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h470 行定义.

474  { return "Documentaţia definiţiilor"; }

◆ trGeneratedAt()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trGeneratedAt ( const QCString date,
const QCString projName 

This is used in the standard footer of each page and indicates when the page was generated

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h534 行定义.

535  { return "Doar pentru uz intern."; }
537  /*! this text is generated when the \\warning command is used. */
538  virtual QCString trWarning()
539  { return "Atenţie"; }

◆ trGeneratedAutomatically()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trGeneratedAutomatically ( const QCString s)

this is put at the author sections at the bottom of man pages. parameter s is name of the project name.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h160 行定义.

162  { return "definit în"; }
164  // quick reference sections

◆ trGeneratedBy()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trGeneratedBy ( )

this text is used in the title page of a LaTeX document.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h581 行定义.

581  :";
582  return result;

◆ trGeneratedFromFiles()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trGeneratedFromFiles ( ClassDef::CompoundType  compType,
bool  single 

This is put at the bottom of a class documentation page and is followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h784 行定义.

786  :"; else result+="ele:";
787  return result;
788  }
790 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
791 // new since 0.49-990901
792 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
794  /*! This is used as the heading text for the retval command. */
795  virtual QCString trReturnValues()
796  { return "Valori returnate"; }
798  /*! This is in the (quick) index as a link to the main page (index.html)
799  */
800  virtual QCString trMainPage()
801  { return "Pagina principală"; }
803  /*! This is used in references to page that are put in the LaTeX

◆ trGeneratedFromFilesFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trGeneratedFromFilesFortran ( ClassDef::CompoundType  compType,
bool  single 

This is put at the bottom of a module documentation page and is followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1726 行定义.

1728  :"; else result+="arele fişiere:";
1729  return result;
1730  }
1731  /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1732  * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1733  * of the category.
1734  */
1735  virtual QCString trType(bool first_capital, bool singular)
1736  {
1737  QCString result((first_capital ? "Tip" : "tip"));
1738  if (singular) result+="ul";
1739  else result += "urile";
1740  return result;
1741  }
1742  /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1743  * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1744  * of the category.
1745  */

◆ trGlobal()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trGlobal ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1292 行定义.

1292  : "autor"));
1293  result+= singular ? "ul":"ii";
1294  return result;
1295  }
1297 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

◆ trGlobalNamespace()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trGlobalNamespace ( )

Label used for search results in the global namespace

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1792 行定义.

1803  {

◆ trGotoDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trGotoDocumentation ( )

Used in the file sources to point to the corresponding documentation.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h871 行定义.

872  {
873  return "Invariant";
874  }

◆ trGotoGraphicalHierarchy()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trGotoGraphicalHierarchy ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h904 行定义.

907  {

◆ trGotoSourceCode()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trGotoSourceCode ( )

Used in the file documentation to point to the corresponding sources.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h866 行定义.

867  {
868  return "Postcondiţie";
869  }

◆ trGotoTextualHierarchy()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trGotoTextualHierarchy ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h908 行定义.

911  {

◆ trGraphicalHierarchy()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trGraphicalHierarchy ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h900 行定义.

907  {

◆ trGroup()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trGroup ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1259 行定义.

1267  {

◆ trHierarchicalIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trHierarchicalIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the class hierarchy.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h380 行定义.

388  { return "Indexul Fişierelor"; }

◆ trImplementedFromList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trImplementedFromList ( int  numEntries)

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of members that are implemented by this one.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1330 行定义.

1336  {

◆ trImplementedInList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trImplementedInList ( int  numEntries)

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of all members that implement this abstract member.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1338 行定义.

1348  {

◆ trInclByDepGraph()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trInclByDepGraph ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1001 行定义.

1002  {
1003  return "Legenda grafului";
1004  }
1005  /*! page explaining how the dot graph's should be interpreted */

◆ trInclDepGraph()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trInclDepGraph ( const QCString fName)

this text is put before an include dependency graph

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h856 行定义.

857  {
858  return "Vezi documentaţia.";
859  }

◆ trIncludesFileIn()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trIncludesFileIn ( const QCString name)

when clicking a directory dependency label, a page with a table is shown. The heading for the second column mentions the destination file that is included.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1826 行定义.

1829  {

引用了 QCString::sprintf().

◆ trIncludingInheritedMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trIncludingInheritedMembers ( )

this is the remainder of the sentence after the class name

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h154 行定义.

154  { return "nume enumerare"; }

◆ trInheritedByList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trInheritedByList ( int  numEntries)

used in class documentation to produce a list of super classes, if class diagrams are disabled.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h717 行定义.

719  {
720  return "Reimplementat în "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";

引用了 trWriteList().

◆ trInheritedFrom()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trInheritedFrom ( const QCString members,
const QCString what 

Used for a section containing inherited members

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1905 行定义.

1908  {

◆ trInheritsList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trInheritsList ( int  numEntries)

used in class documentation to produce a list of base classes, if class diagrams are disabled.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h709 行定义.

711  {
712  return "Reimplementat din "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";

引用了 trWriteList().

◆ trInitialValue()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trInitialValue ( )

Text shown before a multi-line variable/enum initialization

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h891 行定义.

894  {

◆ trInstanceMethods()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trInstanceMethods ( )

Used as the header of a list of instance methods in Objective-C. These are similar to public member functions in C++.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1957 行定义.

1960  { return "Interfețe exportate"; }

◆ trInterfaces()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trInterfaces ( )

old style UNO IDL services: implemented interfaces

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1974 行定义.

1979  {

◆ trInvariant()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trInvariant ( )

Text for the \invariant command

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h886 行定义.

886  {
887  return "Ierarhia Claselor în mod grafic";
888  }

◆ trISOLang()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trISOLang ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h92 行定义.

94  { return "Descriere Detaliată"; }

◆ trLegend()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trLegend ( )

text for the link to the legend page

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1081 行定义.

1082  {
1083  return "Listă de teste";
1084  }

◆ trLegendDocs()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trLegendDocs ( )

page explaining how the dot graph's should be interpreted

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1021 行定义.

1022  { };\n\n"
1023  "/*! Clasă care este moştenită în mod protejat */\n"
1024  "class ProtectedBase { };\n\n"
1025  "/*! Clasă care este moştenită în mod privat */\n"
1026  "class PrivateBase { };\n\n"
1027  "/*! Clasă care este folosită de clasa Inherited */\n"
1028  "class Used { };\n\n"
1029  "/*! Superclasă care moşteneşte un număr de alte clase */\n"
1030  "class Inherited : public PublicBase,\n"
1031  " protected ProtectedBase,\n"
1032  " private PrivateBase,\n"
1033  " public Undocumented,\n"
1034  " public Templ<int>\n"
1035  "{\n"
1036  " private:\n"
1037  " Used *m_usedClass;\n"
1038  "};\n"
1039  "\\endcode\n"
1040  "Dacă tagul \\c MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT din fişierul de configurare "
1041  "este setat la 200, acesta este graful rezultat:"
1042  "<p><center><img src=\"graph_legend."+getDotImageExtension()+"\"></center>\n"
1043  "<p>\n"
1044  "Căsuţele din partea de sus au următoarea semnificaţie:\n"
1045  "<ul>\n"
1046  "<li>O căsuţă neagră reprezintă structura sau clasa pentru care "
1047  "graful este generat.\n"
1048  "<li>O căsuţă cu marginea neagră reprezintă o structură sau o clasă documentate.\n"
1049  "<li>O căsuţă cu marginea gri reprezintă o structură sau o clasă nedocumentate.\n"
1050  "<li>O căsuţă cu marginea roşie reprezintă o structură sau o clasă documentate, pentru\n"
1051  "care nu toate relaţiile de moştenire/incluziune sunt arătate. Un graf este "
1052  "tăiat dacă nu încape în marginile specificate."
1053  "</ul>\n"
1054  "Săgeţile au următoarea semnificaţie:\n"
1055  "<ul>\n"
1056  "<li>O săgeată de un albastru închis este folosită când avem o relaţie de "
1057  "moştenire publică între două clase.\n"
1058  "<li>O săgeată de un verde închis este folosită când avem o moştenire protejată.\n"
1059  "<li>O săgeată de un roşu închis este folosită când avem o moştenire privată.\n"
1060  "<li>O săgeată violetă punctată este folosită pentru o clasă conţinută sau folosită "
1061  "de o altă clasă. Săgeata este marcată cu variabila(e) "
1062  "prin care este accesibilă clasa sau structura spre care este îndreptată. \n"
1063  "</ul>\n";
1064  }
1065  /*! text for the link to the legend page */
1066  virtual QCString trLegend()
1067  {
1068  return "legenda";
1069  }
1071 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1072 // new since 1.2.0
1073 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1075  /*! Used as a marker that is put before a test item */
1076  virtual QCString trTest()
1077  {
1078  return "Test";
1079  }

◆ trLegendTitle()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trLegendTitle ( )

title of the graph legend page

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1016 行定义.

1016  : public Invisible { };\n\n"
1017  "/* Clasă necomentată în stil doxygen */\n"
1018  "class Undocumented { };\n\n"
1019  "/*! Clasă care este moştenită în mod public */\n"

◆ trListOfAllMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trListOfAllMembers ( )

put in the class documentation

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h142 行定义.

146  { QCString result="Generat automat de Doxygen";

◆ trLoading()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trLoading ( )

Loading message shown when loading search results

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1786 行定义.

1790  {

◆ trMainPage()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trMainPage ( )

This is in the (quick) index as a link to the main page (index.html)

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h815 行定义.

818  {

◆ trMember()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trMember ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1281 行定义.

1291  {

◆ trMemberDataDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trMemberDataDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of member attributes.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h124 行定义.

124  { return "Mai mult..."; }
126  /*! put in the class documentation */
127  virtual QCString trListOfAllMembers()
128  { return "Lista tuturor membrilor"; }
130  /*! used as the title of the "list of all members" page of a class */
131  virtual QCString trMemberList()
132  { return "Lista Membrilor"; }
134  /*! this is the first part of a sentence that is followed by a class name */

◆ trMemberEnumerationDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trMemberEnumerationDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of enumerations.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h116 行定义.

116  {
117  return "Documentaţia Datelor Membre";

◆ trMemberFunctionDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trMemberFunctionDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of member functions.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h120 行定义.

124  { return "Mai mult..."; }

◆ trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran ( )

header that is put before the list of member subprograms (Fortran).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1578 行定义.

1580  {

◆ trMemberList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trMemberList ( )

used as the title of the "list of all members" page of a class

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h146 行定义.

146  { QCString result="Generat automat de Doxygen";
147  if (!s.isEmpty()) result+=(QCString)" pentru "+s;

引用了 QCString::isEmpty().

◆ trMemberTypedefDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trMemberTypedefDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of typedefs.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h112 行定义.

112  {
113  return "Documentaţia Câmpurilor";

◆ trMethodDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trMethodDocumentation ( )

Used as the header of the member functions of an Objective-C class.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1964 行定义.

1964  { return "Servicii Incluse"; }
1966  /** UNO IDL constant groups */
1967  virtual QCString trConstantGroups()

◆ trModule()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trModule ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1716 行定义.

1717  {
1718  case ClassDef::Class: result+="modulului"; break;
1719  case ClassDef::Struct: result+="tipului"; break;
1720  case ClassDef::Union: result+="uniunii"; break;
1721  case ClassDef::Interface: result+="interfeţei"; break;
1722  case ClassDef::Protocol: result+="protocolului"; break;

引用了 ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct , 以及 ClassDef::Union.

◆ trModuleDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trModuleDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all groups.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h408 行定义.

416  { return "Documentaţia Fişierelor"; }

◆ trModuleIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trModuleIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all groups.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h374 行定义.

374  {
375  return "Indexul Structurilor de Date";

◆ trModuleReference()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trModuleReference ( const QCString namespaceName)

used as the title of the HTML page of a module (Fortran)

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1678 行定义.

1681  {
1682  result+="documentaţia modulului pentru fiecare membru:";
1683  }

◆ trModules()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trModules ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of all groups of compounds or files (see the \group command).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h184 行定义.

184  {
185  return "Lista Claselor";

◆ trModulesDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trModulesDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the page with the list of class/file groups

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h361 行定义.

366  { return "Index Ierarhic"; }

◆ trModulesIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trModulesIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all modules (Fortran).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1709 行定义.

◆ trModulesList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trModulesList ( )

used as the title of page containing all the index of all modules (Fortran).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1644 行定义.

1645  {

◆ trModulesListDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trModulesListDescription ( bool  extractAll)

used as an introduction to the modules list (Fortran)

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1648 行定义.

1648  {
1649  case ClassDef::Class: result+="Modulul "; break;
1650  case ClassDef::Struct: result+="Tipul "; break;
1651  case ClassDef::Union: result+="Uniunea "; break;
1652  case ClassDef::Interface: result+="Interfaţa "; break;
1653  case ClassDef::Protocol: result+="Protocolul "; break;
1654  case ClassDef::Category: result+="Categoria "; break;

引用了 ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct , 以及 ClassDef::Union.

◆ trModulesMemberDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trModulesMemberDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all modules members (Fortran)

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1690 行定义.

1695  { return "Indexul Modulelor"; }
1697  /*! This is used for translation of the word that will possibly
1698  * be followed by a single name or by a list of names
1699  * of the category.
1700  */
1701  virtual QCString trModule(bool first_capital, bool singular)
1702  {
1703  QCString result((first_capital ? "Modul" : "modul"));
1704  if (singular) result+="ul";

◆ trModulesMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trModulesMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of modules. (Fortran)

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1686 行定义.

1686  :";
1687  }

◆ trMore()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trMore ( )

this is the text of a link put after brief descriptions.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h138 行定义.

140  { return ", inclusiv a tuturor membrilor moşteniţi."; }

◆ trNamespace()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trNamespace ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1248 行定义.

1256  {

◆ trNamespaceDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trNamespaceDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all namespaces.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h764 行定义.

◆ trNamespaceIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trNamespaceIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all namespaces.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h758 行定义.

760  { return "Namespace-uri"; }

◆ trNamespaceList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trNamespaceList ( )

used as the title of page containing all the index of all namespaces.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h587 行定义.

589  { return "Prieteni"; }

◆ trNamespaceListDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trNamespaceListDescription ( bool  extractAll)

used as an introduction to the namespace list

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h591 行定义.

599  { return "Documentaţia funcţiilor prietene sau înrudite"; }

◆ trNamespaceMemberDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trNamespaceMemberDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all namespace members

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h743 行定义.

744  { return "Indexul Namespace-ului"; }
746  /*! This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing
747  * the documentation of all namespaces.
748  */
750  { return "Documentaţia Namespace-ului"; }
752 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
753 // new since 0.49-990522
754 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

◆ trNamespaceMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trNamespaceMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of namespaces.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h739 行定义.

744  { return "Indexul Namespace-ului"; }

◆ trNamespaceReference()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trNamespaceReference ( const QCString namespaceName)

used as the title of the HTML page of a namespace

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h652 行定义.

652  { return "Metode Statice Publice"; }
653  virtual QCString trProtectedMembers()
654  { return "Metode Protejate"; }
655  virtual QCString trProtectedSlots()
656  { return "Conectori (slots) Protejaţi"; }

◆ trNamespaces()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trNamespaces ( )

This is used in the documentation before the list of all namespaces in a file.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h774 行定义.

775  {

引用了 ClassDef::Category, ClassDef::Class, ClassDef::Exception, ClassDef::Interface, ClassDef::Protocol, ClassDef::Struct , 以及 ClassDef::Union.

◆ trNoMatches()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trNoMatches ( )

Text shown when no search results are found

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1804 行定义.

1812  {

◆ trNote()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trNote ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h921 行定义.

921  {
922  return "Atribute Publice";
923  }

◆ trOverloadText()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trOverloadText ( )

This text is added to the documentation when the \overload command is used for a overloaded function.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1550 行定义.

1556  { return "Documentaţia Enumeratorilor"; }

◆ trPackage()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPackage ( const QCString name)

Used as the title of a Java package

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1133 行定义.

1134  {
1135  return "Pachete";
1136  }

◆ trPackageAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPackageAttribs ( )

Used as a heading for a list of Java class variables with package scope.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1411 行定义.

1416  {

◆ trPackageList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPackageList ( )

Title of the package index page

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1138 行定义.

1139  {
1140  return "Valoare:";
1141  }

◆ trPackageListDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPackageListDescription ( )

The description of the package index page

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1143 行定义.

1149  {

◆ trPackageMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPackageMembers ( )

Used as a heading for a list of Java class functions with package scope.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1397 行定义.

1397  {
1398  return "Atribute în pachet";
1399  }
1400  /*! Used as a heading for a list of static Java class variables with

◆ trPackages()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPackages ( )

The link name in the Quick links header for each page

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1148 行定义.

1149  {
1150  return "Problema (Bug)";
1151  }

◆ trPackageTypes()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPackageTypes ( )

Used as a heading for a list of Java class types with package scope.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1390 行定义.

1390  {
1391  return "Funcţii statice în pachet";
1392  }
1393  /*! Used as a heading for a list of Java class variables with package

◆ trPage()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPage ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1270 行定义.

1278  {

◆ trPageAbbreviation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPageAbbreviation ( )

This is used in references to page that are put in the LaTeX documentation. It should be an abbreviation of the word page.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h821 行定义.

827  {

◆ trPageDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPageDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all related pages.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h442 行定义.

444  { return "Definiţii de tipuri"; }

◆ trPageIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPageIndex ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h912 行定义.

915  {

◆ trPanelSynchronisationTooltip()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPanelSynchronisationTooltip ( bool  enable)

Used as a tooltip for the toggle button that appears in the navigation tree in the HTML output when GENERATE_TREEVIEW is enabled. This tooltip explains the meaning of the button.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1922 行定义.

1927  {

◆ trParameters()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trParameters ( )

this text is generated when the \param command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h573 行定义.

573  { return "Lista de Namespace-uri"; }

◆ trPostcondition()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPostcondition ( )

Text for the \post command

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h881 行定义.

882  {
883  return "cod";
884  }

◆ trPrecondition()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPrecondition ( )

Text for the \pre command

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h876 行定义.

877  {
878  return "Valoarea iniţială:";
879  }

◆ trPrivateAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPrivateAttribs ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h961 行定义.

961  {
962  return "De făcut";
963  }
964  /*! Used as the header of the todo list */

◆ trPrivateMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPrivateMembers ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h674 行定义.

675  {

◆ trPrivateSlots()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPrivateSlots ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h676 行定义.

681  {

◆ trPrivateTypes()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPrivateTypes ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h957 行定义.

961  {

◆ trProperties()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trProperties ( )

Used as a section header for IDL properties

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1106 行定义.

1107  {
1108  if (Config_getBool(OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C))
1109  {

引用了 Config_getBool.

◆ trPropertyDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPropertyDocumentation ( )

Used as a section header for IDL property documentation

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1111 行定义.

1113  {
1114  return "Clase";

◆ trProtectedAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trProtectedAttribs ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h949 行定义.

951  {
952  return "Atribute Statice Private";

◆ trProtectedMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trProtectedMembers ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h668 行定义.

670  {

◆ trProtectedSlots()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trProtectedSlots ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h670 行定义.

670  {
671  QCString result;

◆ trProtectedTypes()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trProtectedTypes ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h945 行定义.

947  {
948  return "Atribute Private";

◆ trProvidedByCategory()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trProvidedByCategory ( )

Used in a method of an Objective-C class that is declared in a a category. Note that the @1 marker is required and is replaced by a link.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1932 行定义.

1935  {

◆ trPublicAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPublicAttribs ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h929 行定义.

931  {
932  return "Tipuri Protejate";
933  }
934  virtual QCString trProtectedAttribs()
935  {
936  return "Atribute Protejate";
937  }
939  {
940  return "Atribute Statice Protejate";

◆ trPublicMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPublicMembers ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h660 行定义.

660  { return "Metode Private"; }
661  virtual QCString trPrivateSlots()

◆ trPublicSlots()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPublicSlots ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h662 行定义.

662  { return "Conectori (slots) Privaţi"; }

◆ trPublicTypes()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trPublicTypes ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h925 行定义.

927  {
928  return "Atribute Statice Publice";

◆ trReferencedBy()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trReferencedBy ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h989 行定义.

989  :";
990  }
991  virtual QCString trSince()
992  {

◆ trReferenceManual()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trReferenceManual ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the document

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h446 行定义.

450  { return "Enumerări"; }

◆ trReferences()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trReferences ( )

This text is put before the list of members referenced by a member

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1318 行定义.

1324  {

◆ trReimplementedFromList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trReimplementedFromList ( int  numEntries)

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of members that are hidden by this one.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h725 行定义.

725  { return "Membrii Namespace-ului"; }
727  /*! This is an introduction to the page with all namespace members */
728  virtual QCString trNamespaceMemberDescription(bool extractAll)

◆ trReimplementedInList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trReimplementedInList ( int  numEntries)

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of all member that overwrite the implementation of this member.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h733 行定义.

735  :";
736  else

◆ trRelatedFunctionDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trRelatedFunctionDocumentation ( )

used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all related classes

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h613 行定义.

613  : result+="clasa "; break;
614  case ClassDef::Struct: result+="structura "; break;

◆ trRelatedFunctions()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trRelatedFunctions ( )

used in the compound documentation before a list of related functions.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h100 行定义.

102  { return "Documentaţia Enumerărilor Membre"; }

◆ trRelatedPages()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trRelatedPages ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all related pages.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h238 行定义.

242  {

◆ trRelatedPagesDescription()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trRelatedPagesDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the page with the list of related pages

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h357 行定义.

360  { return "Indexul Modulelor"; }

◆ trRelatedSubscript()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trRelatedSubscript ( )

subscript for the related functions.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h104 行定义.

106  { return "Documentaţia Funcţiilor Membre"; }

◆ trRemarks()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trRemarks ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h993 行定义.

1002  {

◆ trReturns()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trReturns ( )

this text is generated when the \return command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h565 行定义.

567  { return "Generat de"; }

◆ trReturnValues()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trReturnValues ( )

This is used as the heading text for the retval command.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h810 行定义.

814  {

◆ trRTFansicp()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trRTFansicp ( )

Used as ansicpg for RTF file

The following table shows the correlation of Charset name, Charset Value and

Codepage number:
Charset Name       Charset Value(hex)  Codepage number
DEFAULT_CHARSET           1 (x01)
SYMBOL_CHARSET            2 (x02)
OEM_CHARSET             255 (xFF)
ANSI_CHARSET              0 (x00)            1252
RUSSIAN_CHARSET         204 (xCC)            1251
EE_CHARSET              238 (xEE)            1250
GREEK_CHARSET           161 (xA1)            1253
TURKISH_CHARSET         162 (xA2)            1254
BALTIC_CHARSET          186 (xBA)            1257
HEBREW_CHARSET          177 (xB1)            1255
ARABIC _CHARSET         178 (xB2)            1256
SHIFTJIS_CHARSET        128 (x80)             932
HANGEUL_CHARSET         129 (x81)             949
GB2313_CHARSET          134 (x86)             936
CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET     136 (x88)             950

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1202 行定义.

1203  {
1204  return "Index";
1205  }

◆ trRTFCharSet()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trRTFCharSet ( )

Used as ansicpg for RTF fcharset

trRTFansicp() for a table of possible values.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1211 行定义.

1212  {
1213  QCString result((first_capital ? "Clas" : "clas"));
1214  result+= singular ? "a":"ele";

◆ trRTFGeneralIndex()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trRTFGeneralIndex ( )

Used as header RTF general index

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1217 行定义.

1223  {

◆ trRTFTableOfContents()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trRTFTableOfContents ( )

used in RTF documentation as a heading for the Table of Contents.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1350 行定义.

1360  {

◆ trSearch()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trSearch ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the search engine.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h246 行定义.

246  :";
247  return result;

◆ trSearching()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trSearching ( )

Message shown while searching

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1798 行定义.

1803  {

◆ trSearchMatches()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trSearchMatches ( )

This string is put before the list of matched words, for each search result. What follows is the list of words that matched the query.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1478 行定义.

1487  { return "Ierarhia directoarelor"; }

◆ trSearchResults()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trSearchResults ( int  numDocuments)

This string is put just before listing the search results. The text can be different depending on the number of documents found. Inside the text you can put the special marker $num to insert the number representing the actual number of search results. The numDocuments parameter can be either 0, 1 or 2, where the value 2 represents 2 or more matches. HTML markup is allowed inside the returned string.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1459 行定义.

1464  {
1465  return "Găsite:";
1466  }
1468 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1469 // new since 1.3.8
1470 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1472  /*! This is used in HTML as the title of page with source code for file filename
1473  */
1474  virtual QCString trSourceFile(QCString& filename)

◆ trSearchResultsTitle()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trSearchResultsTitle ( )

This string is used as the title for the page listing the search results.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1447 行定义.

1447  {
1448  return "Din păcate nu am găsit nici un document care să corespundă cererii.";
1449  }
1450  else if (numDocuments==1)

◆ trSeeAlso()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trSeeAlso ( )

this text is generated when the \sa command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h569 行定义.

573  { return "Lista de Namespace-uri"; }

◆ trServiceGeneratedFromFiles()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trServiceGeneratedFromFiles ( bool  single)

UNO IDL service page

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h2007 行定义.

2010  :";
2011  else
2012  result += "următoarele fișiere:";
2013  return result;
2014  }
2016 };

◆ trServiceReference()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trServiceReference ( const QCString sName)

UNO IDL service page title

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1993 行定义.

1993  {
1994  // single is true implies a single file
1995  QCString result=(QCString)"Documentația pentru acest serviciu "
1996  "a fost generată din ";
1997  if (single)
1998  result += "următorul fișier:";

◆ trServices()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trServices ( )

old style UNO IDL services: inherited services

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1978 行定义.

1979  {

◆ trSignals()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trSignals ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h664 行定义.

664  { return "Metode Statice Private"; }

◆ trSince()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trSince ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1006 行定义.

1007  {
1008  return
1009  "Această pagină arată modul în care trebuie să interpretaţi "

◆ trSingletonGeneratedFromFiles()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trSingletonGeneratedFromFiles ( bool  single)

UNO IDL singleton page

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h2019 行定义.

◆ trSingletonReference()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trSingletonReference ( const QCString sName)

UNO IDL singleton page title

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h2000 行定义.

2000  :";
2001  return result;
2002  }
2003  /** UNO IDL singleton page */
2004  virtual QCString trSingletonGeneratedFromFiles(bool single)
2005  {

◆ trSourceFile()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trSourceFile ( QCString filename)

This is used in HTML as the title of page with source code for file filename

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1489 行定义.

1493  { return "Documentaţia directoarelor"; }

◆ trStaticPackageAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trStaticPackageAttribs ( )

Used as a heading for a list of static Java class variables with package scope.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1418 行定义.

1421  {

◆ trStaticPackageMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trStaticPackageMembers ( )

Used as a heading for a list of static Java class functions with package scope.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1404 行定义.

1404  {
1405  return "Atribute statice în pachet";
1406  }

◆ trStaticPrivateAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trStaticPrivateAttribs ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h965 行定义.

966  {
967  return "Lista lucrurilor de făcut";
968  }

◆ trStaticPrivateMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trStaticPrivateMembers ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h678 行定义.

681  {

◆ trStaticProtectedAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trStaticProtectedAttribs ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h953 行定义.

961  {

◆ trStaticProtectedMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trStaticProtectedMembers ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h672 行定义.

675  {

◆ trStaticPublicAttribs()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trStaticPublicAttribs ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h941 行定义.

943  {
944  return "Tipuri Private";

◆ trStaticPublicMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trStaticPublicMembers ( )

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h666 行定义.

670  {

◆ trSubprogram()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trSubprogram ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1761 行定义.

1766  {
1767  return QCString(name)+" Relație";

◆ trSubprogramDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trSubprogramDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for subprograms (Fortran)

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1634 行定义.

1634  {
1635  QCString result="Lista tuturor modulelor ";

◆ trSubprograms()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trSubprograms ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) subprograms (Fortran).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1628 行定义.

1630  { return "Lista Modulelor"; }

◆ trTemplateParameters()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trTemplateParameters ( )

Section header for list of template parameters

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1883 行定义.

1887  { return QCString(name)+" Referință Enum"; }

◆ trTest()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trTest ( )

Used as a marker that is put before a test item

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1091 行定义.

1092  {
1093  return "Proprietăţi";
1094  }

◆ trTestList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trTestList ( )

Used as the header of the test list

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1096 行定义.

1097  {
1098  return "Documentaţia Proprietăţilor";
1099  }

◆ trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers ( )

this is the first part of a sentence that is followed by a class name

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h150 行定义.

154  { return "nume enumerare"; }

◆ trTodo()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trTodo ( )

Used as a marker that is put before a todo item

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h975 行定义.

975  {
976  return "Semnalat de";
977  }
978  virtual QCString trRemarks()

◆ trTodoList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trTodoList ( )

Used as the header of the todo list

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h980 行定义.

983  {

◆ trType()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trType ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1750 行定义.

1756  {

◆ trTypeConstraints()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trTypeConstraints ( )

C# Type Constraint list

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1770 行定义.

1772  {
1773  return "Se încarcă...";

◆ trTypedefDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trTypedefDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for typedefs

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h494 行定义.

498  { return "Documentaţia variabilelor"; }

◆ trTypedefs()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trTypedefs ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of typedefs

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h458 行定义.

462  { return "Variabile"; }

◆ trTypeDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trTypeDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all data types (Fortran).

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h1622 行定义.

1626  { return "Tipuri de Date"; }

◆ trVariableDocumentation()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trVariableDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for variables

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h512 行定义.

520  {

◆ trVariables()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trVariables ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) variables

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h476 行定义.

480  { return "Documentaţia definiţiilor de tipuri"; }

◆ trVersion()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trVersion ( )

this text is generated when the \version command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h557 行定义.

559  { return "Parametri"; }

◆ trWarning()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trWarning ( )

this text is generated when the \warning command is used.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h553 行定义.

555  { return "Vezi şi"; }

◆ trWriteList()

virtual QCString TranslatorRomanian::trWriteList ( int  numEntries)

this function is used to produce a comma-separated list of items. use generateMarker(i) to indicate where item i should be put.

实现了 Translator.

在文件 translator_ro.h684 行定义.

695  {
696  return "Moşteneşte "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";
697  }
699  /*! used in class documentation to produce a list of super classes,
700  * if class diagrams are disabled.
701  */
702  virtual QCString trInheritedByList(int numEntries)
703  {
704  return "Moştenit de "+trWriteList(numEntries)+".";

被这些函数引用 trInheritedByList() , 以及 trInheritsList().

QCString getDotImageExtension()
Definition: util.cpp:7032
virtual QCString trAdditionalInheritedMembers()
Definition: translator_ro.h:1911
virtual QCString trProtectedMembers()
Definition: translator_ro.h:668
virtual QCString trClassDiagram(const QCString &clName)
Definition: translator_ro.h:543
virtual QCString trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers()
Definition: translator_ro.h:150
virtual QCString trClassHierarchyDescription()
Definition: translator_ro.h:250
@ Union
Definition: classdef.h:109
virtual QCString trNamespaceReference(const QCString &namespaceName)
Definition: translator_ro.h:652
virtual QCString trLegend()
Definition: translator_ro.h:1081
virtual QCString trWriteList(int numEntries)
Definition: translator_ro.h:684
virtual QCString trTypeDocumentation()
Definition: translator_ro.h:1622
virtual QCString trFileMembersDescription(bool extractAll)
Definition: translator_ro.h:329
@ Interface
Definition: classdef.h:110
@ Undocumented
Definition: doxygen.cpp:264
virtual QCString trSignals()
Definition: translator_ro.h:664
virtual QCString trPublicSlots()
Definition: translator_ro.h:662
virtual QCString trMemberList()
Definition: translator_ro.h:146
virtual QCString trSearch()
Definition: translator_ro.h:246
@ Class
Definition: classdef.h:107
virtual QCString trPrivateSlots()
Definition: translator_ro.h:676
virtual QCString trNamespaceMemberDescription(bool extractAll)
Definition: translator_ro.h:743
virtual QCString trModulesMembers()
Definition: translator_ro.h:1686
virtual QCString trStaticProtectedAttribs()
Definition: translator_ro.h:953
virtual QCString trModule(bool first_capital, bool singular)
Definition: translator_ro.h:1716
virtual QCString trModuleDocumentation()
Definition: translator_ro.h:408
virtual QCString trListOfAllMembers()
Definition: translator_ro.h:142
virtual QCString trDirDepGraph(const QCString &name)
Definition: translator_ro.h:1871
@ Category
Definition: classdef.h:112
@ Struct
Definition: classdef.h:108
virtual QCString trCompoundMembers()
Definition: translator_ro.h:210
virtual QCString trConstantGroups()
UNO IDL constant groups
Definition: translator_ro.h:1982
virtual QCString trPackageListDescription()
Definition: translator_ro.h:1143
virtual QCString trStaticPrivateMembers()
Definition: translator_ro.h:678
virtual QCString trStaticProtectedMembers()
Definition: translator_ro.h:672
#define Config_getBool(name)
Definition: config.h:33
@ Protocol
Definition: classdef.h:111
static const char * hex
Definition: htmldocvisitor.cpp:65
virtual QCString trRemarks()
Definition: translator_ro.h:993
virtual QCString trProtectedSlots()
Definition: translator_ro.h:670
virtual QCString trWarning()
Definition: translator_ro.h:553
virtual QCString trModulesMemberDescription(bool extractAll)
Definition: translator_ro.h:1690
virtual QCString trTest()
Definition: translator_ro.h:1091
virtual QCString trCopyright()
Definition: translator_ro.h:1867
virtual QCString trSourceFile(QCString &filename)
Definition: translator_ro.h:1489
virtual QCString trExamples()
Definition: translator_ro.h:242
virtual QCString trNamespaceDocumentation()
Definition: translator_ro.h:764
virtual QCString trInheritedByList(int numEntries)
Definition: translator_ro.h:717
virtual QCString trGotoGraphicalHierarchy()
Definition: translator_ro.h:904
virtual QCString trExampleDocumentation()
Definition: translator_ro.h:436
virtual QCString trDate()
Definition: translator_ro.h:561
This is an alternative implementation of QCString.
Definition: qcstring.h:108
virtual QCString trProtectedAttribs()
Definition: translator_ro.h:949