TreeDiagram类 参考

Class representing the tree layout for the built-in class diagram. 更多...

Public 类型

using Ptr = std::unique_ptr< DiagramRow >
using Vec = std::vector< Ptr >
using iterator = typename Vec::iterator

Public 成员函数

 TreeDiagram (const ClassDef *root, bool doBases)
void computeLayout ()
uint computeRows ()
void moveChildren (DiagramItem *root, int dx)
void computeExtremes (uint *labelWidth, uint *xpos)
void drawBoxes (TextStream &t, Image *image, bool doBase, bool bitmap, uint baseRows, uint superRows, uint cellWidth, uint cellHeight, QCString relPath="", bool generateMap=TRUE)
void drawConnectors (TextStream &t, Image *image, bool doBase, bool bitmap, uint baseRows, uint superRows, uint cellWidth, uint cellheight)
DiagramRowrow (int index)
uint numRows () const
DiagramRowaddRow (uint l)
iterator begin ()
iterator end ()

Private 成员函数

bool layoutTree (DiagramItem *root, uint row)
TreeDiagramoperator= (const TreeDiagram &)
 TreeDiagram (const TreeDiagram &)

Private 属性

Vec m_rows


Class representing the tree layout for the built-in class diagram.

在文件 diagram.cpp100 行定义.


◆ iterator

using TreeDiagram::iterator = typename Vec::iterator

在文件 diagram.cpp105 行定义.

◆ Ptr

using TreeDiagram::Ptr = std::unique_ptr<DiagramRow>

在文件 diagram.cpp103 行定义.

◆ Vec

using TreeDiagram::Vec = std::vector<Ptr>

在文件 diagram.cpp104 行定义.


◆ TreeDiagram() [1/2]

TreeDiagram::TreeDiagram ( const ClassDef root,
bool  doBases 

在文件 diagram.cpp377 行定义.

378 {
379  auto row = std::make_unique<DiagramRow>(this,0);
380  DiagramRow *row_ptr = row.get();
381  m_rows.push_back(std::move(row));
382  row_ptr->insertClass(0,root,doBases,Public,Normal,QCString());
383 }

引用了 DiagramRow::insertClass(), m_rows, Normal, Public , 以及 row().

◆ TreeDiagram() [2/2]

TreeDiagram::TreeDiagram ( const TreeDiagram )


◆ addRow()

DiagramRow* TreeDiagram::addRow ( uint  l)

在文件 diagram.cpp123 行定义.

124  { m_rows.push_back(std::make_unique<DiagramRow>(this,l)); return m_rows.back().get(); }

引用了 m_rows.

被这些函数引用 DiagramRow::insertClass().

◆ begin()

iterator TreeDiagram::begin ( )

在文件 diagram.cpp125 行定义.

125 { return m_rows.begin(); }

引用了 m_rows.

◆ computeExtremes()

void TreeDiagram::computeExtremes ( uint labelWidth,
uint xpos 

在文件 diagram.cpp515 行定义.

516 {
517  uint ml=0,mx=0;
518  for (const auto &dr : m_rows) // for each row
519  {
520  bool done=FALSE;
521  for (const auto &di : *dr) // for each item in a row
522  {
523  if (di->isInList()) done=TRUE;
524  if (maxXPos) mx=std::max(mx,(uint)di->xPos());
525  if (maxLabelLen) ml=std::max(ml,Image::stringLength(di->label()));
526  }
527  if (done) break;
528  }
529  if (maxLabelLen) *maxLabelLen=ml;
530  if (maxXPos) *maxXPos=mx;
531 }

引用了 FALSE, m_rows, Image::stringLength , 以及 TRUE.

◆ computeLayout()

void TreeDiagram::computeLayout ( )

在文件 diagram.cpp434 行定义.

435 {
436  auto it = m_rows.begin();
437  while (it!=m_rows.end() && (*it)->numItems()<maxTreeWidth) ++it;
438  if (it!=m_rows.end())
439  {
440  const auto &row = *it;
441  //printf("computeLayout() list row at %d\n",row->number());
442  DiagramItem *opi=0;
443  int delta=0;
444  bool first=TRUE;
445  for (const auto &di : *row)
446  {
447  DiagramItem *pi=di->parentItem();
448  if (pi==opi && !first) { delta-=gridWidth; }
449  first = pi!=opi;
450  opi=pi;
451  di->move(delta,0); // collapse all items in the same
452  // list (except the first)
453  di->putInList();
454  }
455  }
457  // re-organize the diagram items
458  DiagramItem *root=m_rows.front()->item(0);
459  while (layoutTree(root,0)) { }
461  // move first items of the lists
462  if (it!=m_rows.end())
463  {
464  const auto &row = *it;
465  auto rit = row->begin();
466  while (rit!=row->end())
467  {
468  DiagramItem *pi=(*rit)->parentItem();
469  if (pi->numChildren()>1)
470  {
471  (*rit)->move(gridWidth,0);
472  while (rit!=row->end() && (*rit)->parentItem()==pi)
473  {
474  ++rit;
475  }
476  }
477  else
478  {
479  ++rit;
480  }
481  }
482  }
483 }

引用了 DiagramRow::begin(), DiagramRow::end(), gridWidth, layoutTree(), m_rows, maxTreeWidth, DiagramItem::move(), DiagramItem::numChildren(), DiagramItem::parentItem(), row() , 以及 TRUE.

◆ computeRows()

uint TreeDiagram::computeRows ( )

在文件 diagram.cpp485 行定义.

486 {
487  //printf("TreeDiagram::computeRows()=%d\n",count());
488  uint count=0;
489  auto it = m_rows.begin();
490  while (it!=m_rows.end() && !(*it)->item(0)->isInList())
491  {
492  ++it;
493  ++count;
494  }
496  //printf("count=%d row=%p\n",count,row);
497  if (it!=m_rows.end())
498  {
499  const auto &row = *it;
500  uint maxListLen=0;
501  uint curListLen=0;
502  DiagramItem *opi=0;
503  for (const auto &di : *row) // for each item in a row
504  {
505  if (di->parentItem()!=opi) curListLen=1; else curListLen++;
506  if (curListLen>maxListLen) maxListLen=curListLen;
507  opi=di->parentItem();
508  }
509  //printf("maxListLen=%d\n",maxListLen);
510  count+=maxListLen;
511  }
512  return count;
513 }

引用了 m_rows, DiagramItem::parentItem() , 以及 row().

◆ drawBoxes()

void TreeDiagram::drawBoxes ( TextStream t,
Image image,
bool  doBase,
bool  bitmap,
uint  baseRows,
uint  superRows,
uint  cellWidth,
uint  cellHeight,
QCString  relPath = "",
bool  generateMap = TRUE 

在文件 diagram.cpp568 行定义.

574 {
575  auto it = m_rows.begin();
576  if (it!=m_rows.end() && !doBase) ++it;
577  bool firstRow = doBase;
578  bool done=FALSE;
579  for (;it!=m_rows.end() && !done;++it) // for each row
580  {
581  const auto &dr = *it;
582  uint x=0,y=0;
583  float xf=0.0f,yf=0.0f;
584  DiagramItem *firstDi = dr->item(0);
585  if (firstDi->isInList()) // put boxes in a list
586  {
587  DiagramItem *opi=0;
589  while (!dit.atEnd())
590  {
591  DiagramItem *di = (*dit).get();
592  if (di->parentItem()==opi)
593  {
594  if (bitmap)
595  {
596  if (doBase) y -= cellHeight+labelVertSpacing;
597  else y += cellHeight+labelVertSpacing;
598  }
599  else
600  {
601  if (doBase) yf += 1.0f;
602  else yf -= 1.0f;
603  }
604  }
605  else
606  {
607  if (bitmap)
608  {
609  x = di->xPos()*(cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth;
610  if (doBase)
611  {
612  y = image->height()-
613  superRows*cellHeight-
614  (superRows-1)*labelVertSpacing-
615  di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
616  }
617  else
618  {
619  y = (baseRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)+
620  di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
621  }
622  }
623  else
624  {
625  xf = di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth;
626  if (doBase)
627  {
628  yf = di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight+superRows-1;
629  }
630  else
631  {
632  yf = superRows-1-di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight;
633  }
634  }
635  }
636  opi=di->parentItem();
638  if (bitmap)
639  {
640  bool hasDocs=di->getClassDef()->isLinkable();
641  writeBitmapBox(di,image,x,y,cellWidth,cellHeight,firstRow,
642  hasDocs,di->numChildren()>0);
643  if (!firstRow && generateMap)
644  writeMapArea(t,di->getClassDef(),relPath,x,y,cellWidth,cellHeight);
645  }
646  else
647  {
648  writeVectorBox(t,di,xf,yf,di->numChildren()>0);
649  }
651  ++dit;
652  }
653  done=TRUE;
654  }
655  else // draw a tree of boxes
656  {
657  for (const auto &di : *dr)
658  {
659  if (bitmap)
660  {
661  x = di->xPos()*(cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth;
662  if (doBase)
663  {
664  y = image->height()-
665  superRows*cellHeight-
666  (superRows-1)*labelVertSpacing-
667  di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
668  }
669  else
670  {
671  y = (baseRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)+
672  di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
673  }
674  bool hasDocs=di->getClassDef()->isLinkable();
675  writeBitmapBox(di.get(),image,x,y,cellWidth,cellHeight,firstRow,hasDocs);
676  if (!firstRow && generateMap)
677  writeMapArea(t,di->getClassDef(),relPath,x,y,cellWidth,cellHeight);
678  }
679  else
680  {
681  xf=di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth;
682  if (doBase)
683  {
684  yf = di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight+superRows-1;
685  }
686  else
687  {
688  yf = superRows-1-di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight;
689  }
690  writeVectorBox(t,di.get(),xf,yf);
691  }
692  }
693  }
694  firstRow=FALSE;
695  }
696 }

引用了 DualDirIterator< C, I >::atEnd(), FALSE, DiagramItem::getClassDef(), gridHeight, gridWidth, Image::height(), DiagramItem::isInList(), ClassDef::isLinkable(), labelHorSpacing, labelVertSpacing, m_rows, DiagramItem::numChildren(), DiagramItem::parentItem(), TRUE, writeBitmapBox(), writeMapArea(), writeVectorBox(), DiagramItem::xPos() , 以及 DiagramItem::yPos().

◆ drawConnectors()

void TreeDiagram::drawConnectors ( TextStream t,
Image image,
bool  doBase,
bool  bitmap,
uint  baseRows,
uint  superRows,
uint  cellWidth,
uint  cellheight 

在文件 diagram.cpp698 行定义.

702 {
703  bool done=FALSE;
704  auto it = m_rows.begin();
705  for (;it!=m_rows.end() && !done;++it) // for each row
706  {
707  const auto &dr = *it;
708  DiagramItem *rootDi = dr->item(0);
709  if (rootDi->isInList()) // row consists of list connectors
710  {
711  uint x=0,y=0,ys=0;
712  float xf=0.0f,yf=0.0f,ysf=0.0f;
713  auto rit = dr->begin();
714  while (rit!=dr->end())
715  {
716  DiagramItem *di=(*rit).get();
717  DiagramItem *pi=di->parentItem();
718  DiagramItemList dil=pi->getChildren();
719  DiagramItem *last=dil.back();
720  if (di==last) // single child
721  {
722  if (bitmap) // draw pixels
723  {
724  x = di->xPos()*(cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth + cellWidth/2;
725  if (doBase) // base classes
726  {
727  y = image->height()-
728  (superRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)-
729  di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
730  image->drawVertArrow(x,y,y+labelVertSpacing/2,
731  protToColor(di->protection()),
732  protToMask(di->protection()));
733  }
734  else // super classes
735  {
736  y = (baseRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)-
738  di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
739  image->drawVertLine(x,y,y+labelVertSpacing/2,
740  protToColor(di->protection()),
741  protToMask(di->protection()));
742  }
743  }
744  else // draw vectors
745  {
746  t << protToString(di->protection()) << "\n";
747  if (doBase)
748  {
749  t << "1 " << (di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth) << " "
750  << (di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight+superRows-1) << " in\n";
751  }
752  else
753  {
754  t << "0 " << (di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth) << " "
755  << ((float)superRows-0.25f-di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight)
756  << " in\n";
757  }
758  }
759  }
760  else // multiple children, put them in a vertical list
761  {
762  if (bitmap)
763  {
764  x = di->parentItem()->xPos()*
765  (cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth+cellWidth/2;
766  if (doBase) // base classes
767  {
768  ys = image->height()-
769  (superRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)-
770  di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
771  y = ys - cellHeight/2;
772  }
773  else // super classes
774  {
775  ys = (baseRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)+
776  di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
777  y = ys + cellHeight/2;
778  }
779  }
780  else
781  {
782  xf = di->parentItem()->xPos()/(float)gridWidth;
783  if (doBase)
784  {
785  ysf = di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight+superRows-1;
786  yf = ysf + 0.5f;
787  }
788  else
789  {
790  ysf = (float)superRows-0.25f-di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight;
791  yf = ysf - 0.25f;
792  }
793  }
794  while (di!=last) // more children to add
795  {
796  if (bitmap)
797  {
798  if (doBase) // base classes
799  {
800  image->drawHorzArrow(y,x,x+cellWidth/2+labelHorSpacing,
801  protToColor(di->protection()),
802  protToMask(di->protection()));
803  y -= cellHeight+labelVertSpacing;
804  }
805  else // super classes
806  {
807  image->drawHorzLine(y,x,x+cellWidth/2+labelHorSpacing,
808  protToColor(di->protection()),
809  protToMask(di->protection()));
810  y += cellHeight+labelVertSpacing;
811  }
812  }
813  else
814  {
815  t << protToString(di->protection()) << "\n";
816  if (doBase)
817  {
818  t << "1 " << xf << " " << yf << " hedge\n";
819  yf += 1.0f;
820  }
821  else
822  {
823  t << "0 " << xf << " " << yf << " hedge\n";
824  yf -= 1.0f;
825  }
826  }
827  ++rit;
828  if (rit!=dr->end()) di = (*rit).get(); else di=0;
829  }
830  // add last horizontal line and a vertical connection line
831  if (bitmap)
832  {
833  if (doBase) // base classes
834  {
835  image->drawHorzArrow(y,x,x+cellWidth/2+labelHorSpacing,
836  protToColor(di->protection()),
837  protToMask(di->protection()));
838  image->drawVertLine(x,y,ys+labelVertSpacing/2,
841  }
842  else // super classes
843  {
844  image->drawHorzLine(y,x,x+cellWidth/2+labelHorSpacing,
845  protToColor(di->protection()),
846  protToMask(di->protection()));
847  image->drawVertLine(x,ys-labelVertSpacing/2,y,
850  }
851  }
852  else
853  {
854  t << protToString(di->protection()) << "\n";
855  if (doBase)
856  {
857  t << "1 " << xf << " " << yf << " hedge\n";
858  }
859  else
860  {
861  t << "0 " << xf << " " << yf << " hedge\n";
862  }
863  t << protToString(getMinProtectionLevel(dil)) << "\n";
864  if (doBase)
865  {
866  t << xf << " " << ysf << " " << yf << " vedge\n";
867  }
868  else
869  {
870  t << xf << " " << (ysf + 0.25f) << " " << yf << " vedge\n";
871  }
872  }
873  }
874  if (rit!=dr->end()) ++rit;
875  }
876  done=TRUE; // the tree is drawn now
877  }
878  else // normal tree connector
879  {
880  for (const auto &di : *dr)
881  {
882  uint x=0,y=0;
883  DiagramItemList dil = di->getChildren();
884  DiagramItem *parent = di->parentItem();
885  if (parent) // item has a parent -> connect to it
886  {
887  if (bitmap) // draw pixels
888  {
889  x = di->xPos()*(cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth + cellWidth/2;
890  if (doBase) // base classes
891  {
892  y = image->height()-
893  (superRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)-
894  di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
895  /* write input line */
896  image->drawVertArrow(x,y,y+labelVertSpacing/2,
897  protToColor(di->protection()),
898  protToMask(di->protection()));
899  }
900  else // super classes
901  {
902  y = (baseRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)-
904  di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
905  /* write output line */
906  image->drawVertLine(x,y,y+labelVertSpacing/2,
907  protToColor(di->protection()),
908  protToMask(di->protection()));
909  }
910  }
911  else // draw pixels
912  {
913  t << protToString(di->protection()) << "\n";
914  if (doBase)
915  {
916  t << "1 " << di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth << " "
917  << (di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight+superRows-1) << " in\n";
918  }
919  else
920  {
921  t << "0 " << di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth << " "
922  << ((float)superRows-0.25f-di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight)
923  << " in\n";
924  }
925  }
926  }
927  if (!dil.empty())
928  {
930  uint mask=protToMask(p);
931  uchar col=protToColor(p);
932  if (bitmap)
933  {
934  x = di->xPos()*(cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth + cellWidth/2;
935  if (doBase) // base classes
936  {
937  y = image->height()-
938  (superRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)-
939  cellHeight-labelVertSpacing/2-
940  di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
941  image->drawVertLine(x,y,y+labelVertSpacing/2-1,col,mask);
942  }
943  else // super classes
944  {
945  y = (baseRows-1)*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)+
946  cellHeight+
947  di->yPos()*(cellHeight+labelVertSpacing)/gridHeight;
948  image->drawVertArrow(x,y,y+labelVertSpacing/2-1,col,mask);
949  }
950  }
951  else
952  {
953  t << protToString(p) << "\n";
954  if (doBase)
955  {
956  t << "0 " << di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth << " "
957  << (di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight+superRows-1) << " out\n";
958  }
959  else
960  {
961  t << "1 " << di->xPos()/(float)gridWidth << " "
962  << ((float)superRows-1.75f-di->yPos()/(float)gridHeight)
963  << " out\n";
964  }
965  }
966  /* write input line */
967  DiagramItem *first = dil.front();
968  DiagramItem *last = dil.back();
969  if (first!=last && !first->isInList()) /* connect with all base classes */
970  {
971  if (bitmap)
972  {
973  uint xs = first->xPos()*(cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth
974  + cellWidth/2;
975  uint xe = last->xPos()*(cellWidth+labelHorSpacing)/gridWidth
976  + cellWidth/2;
977  if (doBase) // base classes
978  {
979  image->drawHorzLine(y,xs,xe,col,mask);
980  }
981  else // super classes
982  {
983  image->drawHorzLine(y+labelVertSpacing/2,xs,xe,col,mask);
984  }
985  }
986  else
987  {
988  t << protToString(p) << "\n";
989  if (doBase)
990  {
991  t << first->xPos()/(float)gridWidth << " "
992  << last->xPos()/(float)gridWidth << " "
993  << (first->yPos()/(float)gridHeight+superRows-1)
994  << " conn\n";
995  }
996  else
997  {
998  t << first->xPos()/(float)gridWidth << " "
999  << last->xPos()/(float)gridWidth << " "
1000  << ((float)superRows-first->yPos()/(float)gridHeight)
1001  << " conn\n";
1002  }
1003  }
1004  }
1005  }
1006  }
1007  }
1008  }
1009 }

引用了 Image::drawHorzArrow(), Image::drawHorzLine(), Image::drawVertArrow(), Image::drawVertLine(), FALSE, DiagramItem::getChildren(), getMinProtectionLevel(), gridHeight, gridWidth, Image::height(), DiagramItem::isInList(), labelHorSpacing, labelVertSpacing, m_rows, DiagramItem::parentItem(), DiagramItem::protection(), protToColor(), protToMask(), protToString(), TRUE, DiagramItem::xPos() , 以及 DiagramItem::yPos().

◆ end()

iterator TreeDiagram::end ( )

在文件 diagram.cpp126 行定义.

126 { return m_rows.end(); }

引用了 m_rows.

◆ layoutTree()

bool TreeDiagram::layoutTree ( DiagramItem root,
uint  row 

在文件 diagram.cpp394 行定义.

395 {
396  bool moved=FALSE;
397  //printf("layoutTree(%s,%d)\n",qPrint(root->label()),r);
399  if (root->numChildren()>0)
400  {
401  auto children = root->getChildren();
402  uint k;
403  uint pPos=root->xPos();
404  uint cPos=root->avgChildPos();
405  if (pPos>cPos) // move children
406  {
407  const auto &;
408  //printf("Moving children %d-%d in row %d\n",
409  // dil->getFirst()->number(),row->count()-1,r+1);
410  for (k=children.front()->number();k<row->numItems();k++)
411  row->item(k)->move((int)(pPos-cPos),0);
412  moved=TRUE;
413  }
414  else if (pPos<cPos) // move parent
415  {
416  const auto &;
417  //printf("Moving parents %d-%d in row %d\n",
418  // root->number(),row->count()-1,r);
419  for (k=root->number();k<row->numItems();k++)
420  row->item(k)->move((int)(cPos-pPos),0);
421  moved=TRUE;
422  }
424  // recurse to children
425  auto it = children.begin();
426  for (;it!=children.end() && !moved && !(*it)->isInList();++it)
427  {
428  moved = layoutTree(*it,r+1);
429  }
430  }
431  return moved;
432 }

引用了 DiagramItem::avgChildPos(), FALSE, DiagramItem::getChildren(), DiagramRow::item(), m_rows, DiagramItem::move(), DiagramItem::number(), DiagramItem::numChildren(), row(), TRUE , 以及 DiagramItem::xPos().

被这些函数引用 computeLayout().

◆ moveChildren()

void TreeDiagram::moveChildren ( DiagramItem root,
int  dx 

在文件 diagram.cpp385 行定义.

386 {
387  for (const auto &di : root->getChildren())
388  {
389  di->move(dx,0);
390  moveChildren(di,dx);
391  }
392 }

引用了 DiagramItem::getChildren().

◆ numRows()

uint TreeDiagram::numRows ( ) const

在文件 diagram.cpp122 行定义.

122 { return static_cast<uint>(m_rows.size()); }

引用了 m_rows.

被这些函数引用 DiagramRow::insertClass().

◆ operator=()

TreeDiagram& TreeDiagram::operator= ( const TreeDiagram )

◆ row()

DiagramRow* TreeDiagram::row ( int  index)

在文件 diagram.cpp121 行定义.

121 { return; }

引用了 m_rows.

被这些函数引用 computeLayout(), computeRows(), DiagramRow::insertClass(), layoutTree() , 以及 TreeDiagram().


◆ m_rows

Vec TreeDiagram::m_rows

DiagramItem * item(int index)
Definition: diagram.cpp:87
iterator end()
Definition: diagram.cpp:90
@ Normal
Definition: types.h:29
Protection level of members
Definition: types.h:26
void move(int dx, int dy)
Definition: diagram.cpp:49
static Protection getMinProtectionLevel(const DiagramItemList &dil)
Definition: diagram.cpp:195
DiagramItemList getChildren()
Definition: diagram.cpp:48
Class representing a row in the built-in class diagram
Definition: diagram.cpp:75
DiagramItem * parentItem()
Definition: diagram.cpp:47
static void writeMapArea(TextStream &t, const ClassDef *cd, QCString relPath, uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h)
Definition: diagram.cpp:245
const uint maxTreeWidth
Definition: diagram.cpp:138
iterator begin()
Definition: diagram.cpp:89
friend uint stringLength(const QCString &s)
Definition: image.cpp:314
void drawVertLine(uint x, uint ys, uint ye, uchar colIndex, uint mask)
Definition: image.cpp:347
@ Public
Definition: types.h:26
bool isInList() const
Definition: diagram.cpp:59
Vec m_rows
Definition: diagram.cpp:131
uint xPos() const
Definition: diagram.cpp:50
unsigned uint
Definition: qcstring.h:40
uint height() const
Definition: image.h:61
uint number() const
Definition: diagram.cpp:55
unsigned char uchar
Definition: qcstring.h:38
void moveChildren(DiagramItem *root, int dx)
Definition: diagram.cpp:385
Protection protection() const
Definition: diagram.cpp:56
uint numChildren() const
Definition: diagram.cpp:323
static uint protToMask(Protection p)
Definition: diagram.cpp:147
void drawHorzLine(uint y, uint xs, uint xe, uchar colIndex, uint mask)
Definition: image.cpp:326
const uint labelHorSpacing
Definition: diagram.cpp:142
helper class representing an iterator that can iterate forwards or backwards
Definition: diagram.cpp:535
#define TRUE
Definition: qcstring.h:36
static uchar protToColor(Protection p)
Definition: diagram.cpp:159
void drawVertArrow(uint x, uint ys, uint ye, uchar colIndex, uint mask)
Definition: image.cpp:356
const uint gridHeight
Definition: diagram.cpp:140
uint yPos() const
Definition: diagram.cpp:51
static void writeBitmapBox(DiagramItem *di, Image *image, uint x, uint y, uint w, uint h, bool firstRow, bool hasDocs, bool children=FALSE)
Definition: diagram.cpp:215
static QCString protToString(Protection p)
Definition: diagram.cpp:171
const uint labelVertSpacing
Definition: diagram.cpp:143
bool layoutTree(DiagramItem *root, uint row)
Definition: diagram.cpp:394
const uint gridWidth
Definition: diagram.cpp:139
const ClassDef * getClassDef() const
Definition: diagram.cpp:60
std::vector< DiagramItem * > DiagramItemList
Definition: diagram.cpp:37
uint avgChildPos() const
Definition: diagram.cpp:309
void insertClass(DiagramItem *parent, const ClassDef *cd, bool doBases, Protection prot, Specifier virt, const QCString &ts)
Definition: diagram.cpp:335
void drawHorzArrow(uint y, uint xs, uint xe, uchar colIndex, uint mask)
Definition: image.cpp:336
virtual bool isLinkable() const =0
return TRUE iff a link to this class is possible (either within this project, or as a cross-reference...
static void writeVectorBox(TextStream &t, DiagramItem *di, float x, float y, bool children=FALSE)
Definition: diagram.cpp:236
DiagramRow * row(int index)
Definition: diagram.cpp:121
Class representing a single node in the built-in class diagram
Definition: diagram.cpp:40
#define FALSE
Definition: qcstring.h:33
This is an alternative implementation of QCString.
Definition: qcstring.h:108