PageLinkedRefMap类 参考

#include <pagedef.h>

+ 类 PageLinkedRefMap 继承关系图:
+ PageLinkedRefMap 的协作图:


- Public 类型 继承自 LinkedRefMap< const PageDef >
using Ptr = const PageDef *
using Vec = std::vector< Ptr >
using iterator = typename Vec::iterator
using const_iterator = typename Vec::const_iterator
using reverse_iterator = typename Vec::reverse_iterator
using const_reverse_iterator = typename Vec::const_reverse_iterator
- Public 成员函数 继承自 LinkedRefMap< const PageDef >
const const PageDeffind (const std::string &key) const
 find an object given the key. 更多...
const const PageDeffind (const QCString &key) const
 find an object given the key. 更多...
const const PageDeffind (const char *key) const
 find an object given the key. 更多...
const PageDeffind (const char *key)
 non-const wrapper for find() const 更多...
const PageDeffind (const QCString &key)
const PageDeffind (const std::string &key)
 non-const wrapper for find() const 更多...
bool add (const char *k, const PageDef *obj)
 Adds an object reference to the ordered vector if it was not added already. 更多...
bool add (const QCString &k, const PageDef *obj)
bool prepend (const char *k, const PageDef *obj)
 Prepends an object reference to the ordered vector if it was not added already. 更多...
bool prepend (const QCString &key, const PageDef *obj)
bool del (const QCString &key)
 Removes an object from the container and deletes it. 更多...
Ptroperator[] (size_t pos)
const Ptroperator[] (size_t pos) const
iterator begin ()
const_iterator begin () const
iterator end ()
const_iterator end () const
reverse_iterator rbegin ()
const_reverse_iterator rbegin () const
reverse_iterator rend ()
const_reverse_iterator rend () const
bool empty () const
size_t size () const
void clear ()


在文件 pagedef.h78 行定义.
