"""Module for rendering notebook components to docutils nodes.
Note, this module purposely does not import any Sphinx modules at the top-level,
in order for docutils-only use.
from __future__ import annotations
from binascii import a2b_base64
from contextlib import contextmanager
import dataclasses as dc
from functools import lru_cache
import hashlib
import json
from mimetypes import guess_extension
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Iterator, Sequence, Union
from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import directives as options_spec
from importlib_metadata import entry_points
from myst_parser.config.main import MdParserConfig
from myst_parser.mdit_to_docutils.base import token_line
from myst_parser.parsers.mdit import create_md_parser
from nbformat import NotebookNode
from typing_extensions import Protocol
from myst_nb.core.config import NbParserConfig
from myst_nb.core.execute import NotebookClientBase
from myst_nb.core.loggers import LoggerType # DEFAULT_LOG_TYPE,
from myst_nb.core.utils import coalesce_streams
from myst_nb.warnings_ import MystNBWarnings, create_warning
from markdown_it.tree import SyntaxTreeNode
from myst_nb.docutils_ import DocutilsNbRenderer, DocutilsRenderer
from myst_nb.sphinx_ import SphinxNbRenderer, SphinxRenderer
SelfType = Union["MditRenderMixin", DocutilsRenderer, SphinxRenderer]
WIDGET_STATE_MIMETYPE = "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json"
WIDGET_VIEW_MIMETYPE = "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json"
RENDER_ENTRY_GROUP = "myst_nb.renderers"
MIME_RENDER_ENTRY_GROUP = "myst_nb.mime_renderers"
_ANSI_RE = re.compile("\x1b\\[(.*?)([@-~])")
_QUOTED_RE = re.compile(r"^([\"']).*\1$")
class MditRenderMixin:
"""Mixin for rendering markdown-it tokens to docutils nodes.
This has shared methods for both the `DocutilsRenderer` and `SphinxRenderer`
# required by mypy
md_options: dict[str, Any]
document: nodes.document
render_children: Any
add_line_and_source_path: Any
add_line_and_source_path_r: Any
current_node: Any
current_node_context: Any
create_highlighted_code_block: Any
def nb_config(self: SelfType) -> NbParserConfig:
"""Get the notebook element renderer."""
return self.md_options["nb_config"]
def nb_client(self: SelfType) -> NotebookClientBase:
"""Get the notebook element renderer."""
return self.md_options["nb_client"]
def nb_renderer(self: SelfType) -> NbElementRenderer:
"""Get the notebook element renderer."""
return self.document["nb_renderer"]
def get_cell_level_config(
self: SelfType,
field: str,
cell_metadata: dict[str, Any],
line: int | None = None,
) -> Any:
"""Get a configuration value at the cell level.
Takes the highest priority configuration from:
`cell > document > global > default`
:param field: the field name from ``NbParserConfig`` to get the value for
:param cell_metadata: the metadata for the cell
def _callback(msg: str, subtype: MystNBWarnings):
create_warning(self.document, msg, line=line, subtype=subtype)
return self.nb_config.get_cell_level_config(field, cell_metadata, _callback)
def render_nb_initialise(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None:
"""Run rendering at the start of the notebook."""
def render_nb_finalise(self, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None:
"""Run rendering at the end of the notebook."""
def render_nb_cell_markdown(self: SelfType, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None:
"""Render a notebook markdown cell."""
# TODO this is currently just a "pass-through", but we could utilise the metadata
# it would be nice to "wrap" this in a container that included the metadata,
# but unfortunately this would break the heading structure of docutils/sphinx.
# perhaps we add an "invisible" (non-rendered) marker node to the document tree,
def render_nb_cell_raw(self: SelfType, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None:
"""Render a notebook raw cell."""
line = token_line(token, 0)
_nodes = self.nb_renderer.render_raw_cell(
token.content, token.meta["metadata"], token.meta["index"], line
self.add_line_and_source_path_r(_nodes, token)
def render_nb_cell_code(self: SelfType, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None:
"""Render a notebook code cell."""
cell_index = token.meta["index"]
cell_line = token_line(token, 0) or None
tags = token.meta["metadata"].get("tags", [])
exec_count, outputs = self._get_nb_code_cell_outputs(token)
classes = ["cell"]
for tag in tags:
classes.append(f"tag_{tag.replace(' ', '_')}")
# TODO do we need this -/_ duplication of tag names, or can we deprecate one?
hide_cell = "hide-cell" in tags
remove_input = (
"remove_code_source", token.meta["metadata"], line=cell_line
or ("remove_input" in tags)
or ("remove-input" in tags)
hide_input = "hide-input" in tags
remove_output = (
"remove_code_outputs", token.meta["metadata"], line=cell_line
or ("remove_output" in tags)
or ("remove-output" in tags)
hide_output = "hide-output" in tags
# if we are remove both the input and output, we can skip the cell
if remove_input and remove_output:
hide_mode = None
if hide_cell:
hide_mode = "all"
elif hide_input and hide_output:
hide_mode = "input+output"
elif hide_input:
hide_mode = "input"
elif hide_output:
hide_mode = "output"
# create a container for all the input/output
cell_container = nodes.container(
# TODO some way to use this to allow repr of count in outputs like HTML?
if hide_mode:
cell_container["hide_mode"] = hide_mode
code_prompt_show = self.get_cell_level_config(
"code_prompt_show", token.meta["metadata"], line=cell_line
code_prompt_hide = self.get_cell_level_config(
"code_prompt_hide", token.meta["metadata"], line=cell_line
cell_container["prompt_show"] = code_prompt_show
cell_container["prompt_hide"] = code_prompt_hide
self.add_line_and_source_path(cell_container, token)
with self.current_node_context(cell_container, append=True):
# render the code source code
if not remove_input:
cell_input = nodes.container(
nb_element="cell_code_source", classes=["cell_input"]
self.add_line_and_source_path(cell_input, token)
with self.current_node_context(cell_input, append=True):
# render the execution output, if any
if outputs and (not remove_output):
cell_output = nodes.container(
nb_element="cell_code_output", classes=["cell_output"]
self.add_line_and_source_path(cell_output, token)
with self.current_node_context(cell_output, append=True):
self._render_nb_cell_code_outputs(token, outputs)
def _get_nb_source_code_lexer(
self: SelfType,
cell_index: int,
warn_missing: bool = True,
line: int | None = None,
) -> str | None:
"""Get the lexer name for code cell source."""
lexer = self.nb_client.nb_source_code_lexer()
if lexer is None and warn_missing:
# TODO this will create a warning for every cell, but perhaps
# it should only be a single warning for the notebook (as previously)
# TODO allow user to set default lexer?
f"No source code lexer found for notebook cell {cell_index + 1}",
return lexer
def _render_nb_cell_code_source(self: SelfType, token: SyntaxTreeNode) -> None:
"""Render a notebook code cell's source."""
cell_index = token.meta["index"]
line = token_line(token, 0) or None
node = self.create_highlighted_code_block(
self._get_nb_source_code_lexer(cell_index, line=line),
self.add_line_and_source_path(node, token)
def _get_nb_code_cell_outputs(
self, token: SyntaxTreeNode
) -> tuple[int | None, list[NotebookNode]]:
"""Get the outputs for a code cell and its execution count."""
cell_index = token.meta["index"]
line = token_line(token, 0) or None
exec_count, outputs = self.nb_client.code_cell_outputs(cell_index)
if self.get_cell_level_config("merge_streams", token.meta["metadata"], line):
# TODO should this be saved on the output notebook
outputs = coalesce_streams(outputs)
return exec_count, outputs
def _render_nb_cell_code_outputs(
self, token: SyntaxTreeNode, outputs: list[NotebookNode]
) -> None:
"""Render a notebook code cell's outputs."""
# for display_data/execute_result this is different in the
# docutils/sphinx implementation,
# since sphinx delays MIME type selection until a post-transform
# (when the output format is known)
# TODO how to output MyST Markdown?
# currently text/markdown is set to be rendered as CommonMark only,
# with headings disallowed,
# to avoid "side effects" if the mime is discarded but contained
# targets, etc, and because we can't parse headings within containers.
# perhaps we could have a config option to allow this?
# - for non-commonmark, the text/markdown would always be considered
# the top priority, and all other mime types would be ignored.
# - for headings, we would also need to parsing the markdown
# at the "top-level", i.e. not nested in container(s)
raise NotImplementedError
class MimeData:
"""Mime data from an execution output (display_data / execute_result)
e.g. notebook.cells[0].outputs[0].data['text/plain'] = "Hello, world!"
see: https://nbformat.readthedocs.io/en/5.1.3/format_description.html#display-data
mime_type: str
"""Mime type key of the output.data"""
content: str | bytes
"""Data value of the output.data"""
cell_metadata: dict[str, Any] = dc.field(default_factory=dict)
"""Cell level metadata of the output"""
output_metadata: dict[str, Any] = dc.field(default_factory=dict)
"""Output level metadata of the output"""
cell_index: int | None = None
"""Index of the cell in the notebook"""
output_index: int | None = None
"""Index of the output in the cell"""
line: int | None = None
"""Source line of the cell"""
def string(self) -> str:
"""Get the content as a string."""
return self.content.decode("utf-8") # type: ignore
except AttributeError:
return self.content # type: ignore
class NbElementRenderer:
"""A class for rendering notebook elements."""
def __init__(
self, renderer: DocutilsNbRenderer | SphinxNbRenderer, logger: LoggerType
) -> None:
"""Initialize the renderer.
:params output_folder: the folder path for external outputs (like images)
self._renderer = renderer
self._logger = logger
def renderer(self) -> DocutilsNbRenderer | SphinxNbRenderer:
"""The renderer this output renderer is associated with."""
return self._renderer
def config(self) -> NbParserConfig:
"""The notebook parser config"""
return self._renderer.nb_config
def logger(self) -> LoggerType:
"""The logger for this renderer.
In extension to a standard logger,
this logger also for `line` and `subtype` kwargs to the `log` methods.
# TODO the only problem with logging here, is that we cannot generate
# nodes.system_message to append to the document.
return self._logger
def source(self):
"""The source of the notebook."""
return self.renderer.document["source"]
def write_file(
self, path: list[str], content: bytes, overwrite=False, exists_ok=False
) -> str:
"""Write a file to the external output folder.
:param path: the path to write the file to, relative to the output folder
:param content: the content to write to the file
:param overwrite: whether to overwrite an existing file
:param exists_ok: whether to ignore an existing file if overwrite is False
:returns: URI to use for referencing the file
output_folder = self.config.output_folder
filepath = Path(output_folder).joinpath(*path)
if not output_folder:
pass # do not output anything if output_folder is not set (docutils only)
elif filepath.exists():
if overwrite:
elif not exists_ok:
# TODO raise or just report?
raise FileExistsError(f"File already exists: {filepath}")
filepath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if self.renderer.sphinx_env:
# sphinx expects paths in POSIX format, relative to the documents path,
# or relative to the source folder if prepended with '/'
filepath = filepath.resolve()
if os.name == "nt":
# Can't get relative path between drives on Windows
return filepath.as_posix()
# Path().relative_to() doesn't work when not a direct subpath
return "/" + os.path.relpath(filepath, self.renderer.sphinx_env.app.srcdir)
return str(filepath)
def add_js_file(self, key: str, uri: str | None, kwargs: dict[str, str]) -> None:
"""Register a JavaScript file to include in the HTML output of this document.
:param key: the key to use for referencing the file
:param uri: the URI to the file, or None and supply the file contents in kwargs['body']
if "nb_js_files" not in self.renderer.document:
self.renderer.document["nb_js_files"] = {}
# TODO handle duplicate keys (whether to override/ignore)
self.renderer.document["nb_js_files"][key] = (uri, kwargs)
def render_nb_finalise(self, metadata: dict) -> None:
"""Finalise the render of the notebook metadata."""
# add ipywidgets state JavaScript,
# The JSON inside the script tag is identified and parsed by:
# https://github.com/jupyter-widgets/ipywidgets/blob/32f59acbc63c3ff0acf6afa86399cb563d3a9a86/packages/html-manager/src/libembed.ts#L36
# see also: https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/7.6.5/embedding.html
ipywidgets = metadata.get("widgets", None)
ipywidgets_mime = (ipywidgets or {}).get(WIDGET_STATE_MIMETYPE, {})
if ipywidgets_mime.get("state", None):
"type": "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-state+json",
"body": sanitize_script_content(json.dumps(ipywidgets_mime)),
for i, (path, kwargs) in enumerate(self.config.ipywidgets_js.items()):
self.add_js_file(f"ipywidgets_{i}", path, kwargs)
def render_raw_cell(
self, content: str, metadata: dict, cell_index: int, source_line: int
) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a raw cell.
:param content: the raw cell content
:param metadata: the cell level metadata
:param cell_index: the index of the cell
:param source_line: the line number of the cell in the source document
mime_type = metadata.get("format")
if not mime_type:
# skip without warning, since e.g. jupytext saves raw cells with no format
return []
return self.render_mime_type(
mime_type, content, metadata, cell_index=cell_index, line=source_line
def render_stdout(
output: NotebookNode,
cell_metadata: dict[str, Any],
cell_index: int,
source_line: int,
) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook stdout output.
:param output: the output node
:param metadata: the cell level metadata
:param cell_index: the index of the cell containing the output
:param source_line: the line number of the cell in the source document
if "remove-stdout" in cell_metadata.get("tags", []):
return []
lexer = self.renderer.get_cell_level_config(
"render_text_lexer", cell_metadata, line=source_line
node = self.renderer.create_highlighted_code_block(
output["text"], lexer, source=self.source, line=source_line
node["classes"] += ["output", "stream"]
return [node]
def render_stderr(
output: NotebookNode,
cell_metadata: dict[str, Any],
cell_index: int,
source_line: int,
) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook stderr output.
:param output: the output node
:param metadata: the cell level metadata
:param cell_index: the index of the cell containing the output
:param source_line: the line number of the cell in the source document
if "remove-stderr" in cell_metadata.get("tags", []):
return []
output_stderr = self.renderer.get_cell_level_config(
"output_stderr", cell_metadata, line=source_line
msg = f"stderr was found in the cell outputs of cell {cell_index + 1}"
outputs = []
if output_stderr == "remove":
return []
elif output_stderr == "remove-warn":
self.logger.warning(msg, subtype="stderr", line=source_line)
return []
elif output_stderr == "warn":
self.logger.warning(msg, subtype="stderr", line=source_line)
elif output_stderr == "error":
self.logger.error(msg, subtype="stderr", line=source_line)
elif output_stderr == "severe":
self.logger.critical(msg, subtype="stderr", line=source_line)
lexer = self.renderer.get_cell_level_config(
"render_text_lexer", cell_metadata, line=source_line
node = self.renderer.create_highlighted_code_block(
output["text"], lexer, source=self.source, line=source_line
node["classes"] += ["output", "stderr"]
return outputs
def render_error(
output: NotebookNode,
cell_metadata: dict[str, Any],
cell_index: int,
source_line: int,
) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook error output.
:param output: the output node
:param metadata: the cell level metadata
:param cell_index: the index of the cell containing the output
:param source_line: the line number of the cell in the source document
traceback = strip_ansi("\n".join(output["traceback"]))
lexer = self.renderer.get_cell_level_config(
"render_error_lexer", cell_metadata, line=source_line
node = self.renderer.create_highlighted_code_block(
traceback, lexer, source=self.source, line=source_line
node["classes"] += ["output", "traceback"]
return [node]
def render_mime_type(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook mime output, as a block level element."""
# try plugin renderers
for renderer in load_mime_renders():
nodes = renderer.handle_mime(self, data, False)
if nodes is not None:
return nodes
# try default renderers
if data.mime_type == "text/plain":
return self.render_text_plain(data)
if data.mime_type in {
return self.render_image(data)
if data.mime_type == "text/html":
return self.render_text_html(data)
if data.mime_type == "text/latex":
return self.render_text_latex(data)
if data.mime_type == "application/javascript":
return self.render_javascript(data)
if data.mime_type == WIDGET_VIEW_MIMETYPE:
return self.render_widget_view(data)
if data.mime_type == "text/markdown":
return self.render_markdown(data)
return self.render_unhandled(data)
def render_unhandled(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook output of unknown mime type."""
f"skipping unknown output mime type: {data.mime_type}",
return []
def render_markdown(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook text/markdown mime data output."""
fmt = self.renderer.get_cell_level_config(
"render_markdown_format", data.cell_metadata, line=data.line
return self._render_markdown_base(data, fmt=fmt, inline=False)
def render_text_plain(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook text/plain mime data output."""
lexer = self.renderer.get_cell_level_config(
"render_text_lexer", data.cell_metadata, line=data.line
node = self.renderer.create_highlighted_code_block(
data.string, lexer, source=self.source, line=data.line
node["classes"] += ["output", "text_plain"]
return [node]
def render_text_html(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook text/html mime data output."""
return [
nodes.raw(text=data.string, format="html", classes=["output", "text_html"])
def render_text_latex(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook text/latex mime data output."""
# TODO should we always assume this is math?
return [
classes=["output", "text_latex"],
def render_image(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook image mime data output."""
# Adapted from:
# https://github.com/jupyter/nbconvert/blob/45df4b6089b3bbab4b9c504f9e6a892f5b8692e3/nbconvert/preprocessors/extractoutput.py#L43
# ensure that the data is a bytestring
if data.mime_type in {
# data is b64-encoded as text
data_bytes = a2b_base64(data.content)
elif isinstance(data.content, str):
# ensure correct line separator
data_bytes = os.linesep.join(data.content.splitlines()).encode("utf-8")
# create filename
extension = (
guess_extension(data.mime_type) or "." + data.mime_type.rsplit("/")[-1]
# latex does not recognize the '.jpe' extension
extension = ".jpeg" if extension == ".jpe" else extension
# ensure de-duplication of outputs by using hash as filename
# TODO note this is a change to the current implementation,
# which names by {notbook_name}-{cell_index}-{output-index}.{extension}
data_hash = hashlib.sha256(data_bytes).hexdigest()
filename = f"{data_hash}{extension}"
# TODO should we be trying to clear old files?
uri = self.write_file([filename], data_bytes, overwrite=False, exists_ok=True)
image_node = nodes.image(uri=uri)
# apply attributes to the image node
# TODO backwards-compatible re-naming to image_options?
image_options = self.renderer.get_cell_level_config(
"render_image_options", data.cell_metadata, line=data.line
# Overwrite with metadata stored in output
key: str(value)
for key, value in data.output_metadata.get(data.mime_type, {}).items()
if key in {"width", "height"}
for key, spec in [
("classes", options_spec.class_option),
("alt", options_spec.unchanged),
("height", options_spec.length_or_unitless),
("width", options_spec.length_or_percentage_or_unitless),
("scale", options_spec.percentage),
("align", lambda a: options_spec.choice(a, ("left", "center", "right"))),
if key not in image_options:
image_node[key] = spec(image_options[key])
except Exception as exc:
msg = f"Invalid image option ({key!r}; {image_options[key]!r}): {exc}"
self.logger.warning(msg, subtype="image", line=data.line)
return [image_node]
def render_javascript(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook application/javascript mime data output."""
content = sanitize_script_content(data.string)
mime_type = "application/javascript"
return [
text=f'<script type="{mime_type}">{content}</script>',
def render_mime_type_inline(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook mime output, as an inline level element."""
# try plugin renderers
for renderer in load_mime_renders():
nodes = renderer.handle_mime(self, data, True)
if nodes is not None:
return nodes
# try built-in renderers
if data.mime_type == "text/plain":
return self.render_text_plain_inline(data)
if data.mime_type in {
return self.render_image_inline(data)
if data.mime_type == "text/html":
return self.render_text_html_inline(data)
if data.mime_type == "text/latex":
return self.render_text_latex_inline(data)
if data.mime_type == "application/javascript":
return self.render_javascript_inline(data)
if data.mime_type == WIDGET_VIEW_MIMETYPE:
return self.render_widget_view_inline(data)
if data.mime_type == "text/markdown":
return self.render_markdown_inline(data)
return self.render_unhandled_inline(data)
def render_unhandled_inline(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook output of unknown mime type."""
f"skipping unknown output mime type: {data.mime_type}",
return []
def render_markdown_inline(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook text/markdown mime data output."""
fmt = self.renderer.get_cell_level_config(
"render_markdown_format", data.cell_metadata, line=data.line
return self._render_markdown_base(data, fmt=fmt, inline=True)
def render_text_plain_inline(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook text/plain mime data output."""
content = data.string
if data.output_metadata.get("strip_text_quotes", False) and _QUOTED_RE.match(
content = content[1:-1]
node = nodes.inline(data.string, content, classes=["output", "text_plain"])
return [node]
def render_text_html_inline(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook text/html mime data output."""
return self.render_text_html(data)
def render_text_latex_inline(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook text/latex mime data output."""
# TODO should we always assume this is math?
return [
classes=["output", "text_latex"],
def render_image_inline(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook image mime data output."""
return self.render_image(data)
def render_javascript_inline(self, data: MimeData) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Render a notebook application/javascript mime data output."""
return self.render_javascript(data)
def _render_markdown_base(
self, data: MimeData, *, fmt: str, inline: bool
) -> list[nodes.Element]:
"""Base render for a notebook markdown mime output (block or inline)."""
pseudo_element = nodes.Element() # element to hold the parsed markdown
current_parser = self.renderer.md
current_md_config = self.renderer.md_config
# potentially replace the parser temporarily
if fmt == "myst":
# use the current configuration to render the markdown
elif fmt == "commonmark":
# use an isolated, CommonMark only, parser
self.renderer.md_config = MdParserConfig(commonmark_only=True)
self.renderer.md = create_md_parser(
self.renderer.md_config, self.renderer.__class__
elif fmt == "gfm":
# use an isolated, GitHub Flavoured Markdown only, parser
self.renderer.md_config = MdParserConfig(gfm_only=True)
self.renderer.md = create_md_parser(
self.renderer.md_config, self.renderer.__class__
f"skipping unknown markdown format: {fmt}",
return []
with self.renderer.current_node_context(pseudo_element):
data.line or 0,
# restore the parser
self.renderer.md = current_parser
self.renderer.md_config = current_md_config
return pseudo_element.children
class EntryPointError(Exception):
"""Exception raised when an entry point cannot be loaded."""
def load_renderer(name: str) -> type[NbElementRenderer]:
"""Load a renderer,
given a name within the ``RENDER_ENTRY_GROUP`` entry point group
all_eps = entry_points()
if hasattr(all_eps, "select"):
# importlib_metadata >= 3.6 or importlib.metadata in python >=3.10
eps = all_eps.select(group=RENDER_ENTRY_GROUP, name=name)
found = name in eps.names
eps = {ep.name: ep for ep in all_eps.get(RENDER_ENTRY_GROUP, [])} # type: ignore
found = name in eps
if found:
klass = eps[name].load()
if not issubclass(klass, NbElementRenderer):
raise EntryPointError(
f"Entry Point for {RENDER_ENTRY_GROUP}:{name} "
f"is not a subclass of `NbElementRenderer`: {klass}"
return klass
raise EntryPointError(f"No Entry Point found for {RENDER_ENTRY_GROUP}:{name}")
class MimeRenderPlugin(Protocol):
"""Protocol for a mime renderer plugin."""
mime_priority_overrides: ClassVar[Sequence[tuple[str, str, int | None]]] = ()
"""A list of (builder name, mime type, priority)."""
def handle_mime(
renderer: NbElementRenderer, data: MimeData, inline: bool
) -> None | list[nodes.Element]:
"""A function that renders a mime type to docutils nodes, or returns None to reject."""
class ExampleMimeRenderPlugin(MimeRenderPlugin):
"""Example mime renderer for `custommimetype`."""
mime_priority_overrides = [("*", "custommimetype", 1)]
def handle_mime(
renderer: NbElementRenderer, data: MimeData, inline: int
) -> None | list[nodes.Element]:
if not inline and data.mime_type == "custommimetype":
return [
text=f"This is a custom mime type, with content: {data.content!r}",
classes=["output", "text_plain"],
return None
def load_mime_renders() -> list[MimeRenderPlugin]:
all_eps = entry_points()
if hasattr(all_eps, "select"):
# importlib_metadata >= 3.6 or importlib.metadata in python >=3.10
return [ep.load() for ep in all_eps.select(group=MIME_RENDER_ENTRY_GROUP)]
return [ep.load() for ep in all_eps.get(MIME_RENDER_ENTRY_GROUP, [])] # type: ignore
def strip_ansi(text: str) -> str:
"""Strip ANSI escape sequences from a string"""
return _ANSI_RE.sub("", text)
def sanitize_script_content(content: str) -> str:
"""Sanitize the content of a ``<script>`` tag."""
# note escaping addresses https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter-sphinx/issues/184
return content.replace("</script>", r"<\/script>")
def strip_latex_delimiters(source):
r"""Remove LaTeX math delimiters that would be rendered by the math block.
These are: ``\(…\)``, ``\[…\]``, ``$…$``, and ``$$…$$``.
This is necessary because sphinx does not have a dedicated role for
generic LaTeX, while Jupyter only defines generic LaTeX output, see
https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter-sphinx/issues/90 for discussion.
source = source.strip()
delimiter_pairs = (pair.split() for pair in r"\( \),\[ \],$$ $$,$ $".split(","))
for start, end in delimiter_pairs:
if source.startswith(start) and source.endswith(end):
return source[len(start) : -len(end)]
return source
def create_figure_context(
self: DocutilsNbRenderer | SphinxNbRenderer,
figure_options: dict[str, Any] | None,
line: int,
) -> Iterator:
"""Create a context manager, which optionally wraps new nodes in a figure node.
A caption may also be added before or after the nodes.
if not isinstance(figure_options, dict):
# note: most of this is copied directly from sphinx.Figure
# create figure node
figure_node = nodes.figure()
figure_node.line = line
figure_node.source = self.document["source"]
# add attributes to figure node
if figure_options.get("classes"): # TODO change to class?
figure_node["classes"] += str(figure_options["classes"]).split()
if figure_options.get("align") in ("center", "left", "right"):
figure_node["align"] = figure_options["align"]
# add target name
if figure_options.get("name"):
name = nodes.fully_normalize_name(str(figure_options.get("name")))
self.document.note_explicit_target(figure_node, figure_node)
# create caption node
caption = None
if figure_options.get("caption", ""):
node = nodes.Element() # anonymous container for parsing
with self.current_node_context(node):
self.nested_render_text(str(figure_options["caption"]), line)
first_node = node.children[0]
legend_nodes = node.children[1:]
if isinstance(first_node, nodes.paragraph):
caption = nodes.caption(first_node.rawsource, "", *first_node.children)
caption.source = self.document["source"]
caption.line = line
elif not (isinstance(first_node, nodes.comment) and len(first_node) == 0):
"Figure caption must be a paragraph or empty comment.",
old_current_node = self.current_node
self.current_node = figure_node
if caption and figure_options.get("caption_before", False):
if legend_nodes:
figure_node += nodes.legend("", *legend_nodes)
if caption and not figure_options.get("caption_before", False):
if legend_nodes:
figure_node += nodes.legend("", *legend_nodes)
self.current_node = old_current_node
def base_render_priority() -> dict[str, dict[str, int | None]]:
"""Create a base render priority dict: name -> mime type -> priority (ascending)."""
# See formats at https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/builders/index.html
# generated with:
# [(b.name, b.format, b.supported_image_types) for b in app.registry.builders.values()]
return {
"epub": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": 10,
"application/javascript": 20,
"text/html": 30,
"image/svg+xml": 40,
"image/png": 50,
"image/gif": 60,
"image/jpeg": 70,
"text/markdown": 80,
"text/latex": 90,
"text/plain": 100,
"html": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": 10,
"application/javascript": 20,
"text/html": 30,
"image/svg+xml": 40,
"image/png": 50,
"image/gif": 60,
"image/jpeg": 70,
"text/markdown": 80,
"text/latex": 90,
"text/plain": 100,
"dirhtml": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": 10,
"application/javascript": 20,
"text/html": 30,
"image/svg+xml": 40,
"image/png": 50,
"image/gif": 60,
"image/jpeg": 70,
"text/markdown": 80,
"text/latex": 90,
"text/plain": 100,
"singlehtml": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": 10,
"application/javascript": 20,
"text/html": 30,
"image/svg+xml": 40,
"image/png": 50,
"image/gif": 60,
"image/jpeg": 70,
"text/markdown": 80,
"text/latex": 90,
"text/plain": 100,
"applehelp": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": 10,
"application/javascript": 20,
"text/html": 30,
"image/png": 40,
"image/gif": 50,
"image/jpeg": 60,
"image/tiff": 70,
"image/jp2": 80,
"image/svg+xml": 90,
"text/markdown": 100,
"text/latex": 110,
"text/plain": 120,
"devhelp": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": 10,
"application/javascript": 20,
"text/html": 30,
"image/png": 40,
"image/gif": 50,
"image/jpeg": 60,
"text/markdown": 70,
"text/latex": 80,
"text/plain": 90,
"htmlhelp": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": 10,
"application/javascript": 20,
"text/html": 30,
"image/png": 40,
"image/gif": 50,
"image/jpeg": 60,
"text/markdown": 70,
"text/latex": 80,
"text/plain": 90,
"json": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": 10,
"application/javascript": 20,
"text/html": 30,
"image/svg+xml": 40,
"image/png": 50,
"image/gif": 60,
"image/jpeg": 70,
"text/markdown": 80,
"text/latex": 90,
"text/plain": 100,
"pickle": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": 10,
"application/javascript": 20,
"text/html": 30,
"image/svg+xml": 40,
"image/png": 50,
"image/gif": 60,
"image/jpeg": 70,
"text/markdown": 80,
"text/latex": 90,
"text/plain": 100,
"qthelp": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": 10,
"application/javascript": 20,
"text/html": 30,
"image/svg+xml": 40,
"image/png": 50,
"image/gif": 60,
"image/jpeg": 70,
"text/markdown": 80,
"text/latex": 90,
"text/plain": 100,
# deprecated RTD builders
# https://github.com/readthedocs/readthedocs-sphinx-ext/blob/master/readthedocs_ext/readthedocs.py
"readthedocs": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": 10,
"application/javascript": 20,
"text/html": 30,
"image/svg+xml": 40,
"image/png": 50,
"image/gif": 60,
"image/jpeg": 70,
"text/markdown": 80,
"text/latex": 90,
"text/plain": 100,
"readthedocsdirhtml": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": 10,
"application/javascript": 20,
"text/html": 30,
"image/svg+xml": 40,
"image/png": 50,
"image/gif": 60,
"image/jpeg": 70,
"text/markdown": 80,
"text/latex": 90,
"text/plain": 100,
"readthedocssinglehtml": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": 10,
"application/javascript": 20,
"text/html": 30,
"image/svg+xml": 40,
"image/png": 50,
"image/gif": 60,
"image/jpeg": 70,
"text/markdown": 80,
"text/latex": 90,
"text/plain": 100,
"readthedocssinglehtmllocalmedia": {
"application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": 10,
"application/javascript": 20,
"text/html": 30,
"image/svg+xml": 40,
"image/png": 50,
"image/gif": 60,
"image/jpeg": 70,
"text/markdown": 80,
"text/latex": 90,
"text/plain": 100,
"changes": {"text/latex": 10, "text/markdown": 20, "text/plain": 30},
"dummy": {"text/latex": 10, "text/markdown": 20, "text/plain": 30},
"gettext": {"text/latex": 10, "text/markdown": 20, "text/plain": 30},
"latex": {
"application/pdf": 10,
"image/png": 20,
"image/jpeg": 30,
"text/latex": 40,
"text/markdown": 50,
"text/plain": 60,
"linkcheck": {"text/latex": 10, "text/markdown": 20, "text/plain": 30},
"man": {"text/latex": 10, "text/markdown": 20, "text/plain": 30},
"texinfo": {
"image/png": 10,
"image/jpeg": 20,
"image/gif": 30,
"text/latex": 40,
"text/markdown": 50,
"text/plain": 60,
"text": {"text/latex": 10, "text/markdown": 20, "text/plain": 30},
"xml": {"text/latex": 10, "text/markdown": 20, "text/plain": 30},
"pseudoxml": {"text/latex": 10, "text/markdown": 20, "text/plain": 30},
def get_mime_priority(
builder: str, overrides: Sequence[tuple[str, str, int | None]]
) -> list[str]:
"""Return the priority list for the builder.
Takes the base priority list, overrides from the config,
then sorts by priority in ascending order.
base = base_render_priority().get(builder, {})
overrides = list(overrides)
for plugin in load_mime_renders():
overrides = list(getattr(plugin, "mime_priority_overrides", [])) + overrides
for override in overrides:
if override[0] == "*" or override[0] == builder:
base[override[1]] = override[2]
sort = sorted(
((k, p) for k, p in base.items() if p is not None), key=lambda x: x[1]
return [k for k, _ in sort]