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ROS 2 TSC applicant intake process


  1. Increase the pool of high quality applicants

  2. Help applicants understand what the ROS 2 TSC expects from an application

  3. Help ROS 2 TSC better evaluate the applicants


  1. Applicant inquires about joining TSC via per ROS 2 Governance.

  2. Open Robotics responds with the application questions (below).

  3. Applicant completes and sends application to

  4. Open Robotics does an initial review and gives applicant feedback if warranted. For example:

    • “consider developing your track record of contribution and then re-apply.”

    • “What you contribute to is not part of ROS 2 Common Packages (REP 2005). Consider getting it added before proceeding with application for more favorable reception.”

  5. If application seems worthwhile, Open Robotics passes it to TSC member to “sponsor”.

    • Open Robotics can ask TSC for volunteer(s) per applicant or Open Robotics could have list of TSC members who already volunteered to support this function.

  6. Sponsor arranges short 1:1 with applicant to talk about ROS 2 TSC role and responsibilities. Afterwards the applicant can:

    1. proceed with application as-is

    2. revise application

    3. delay submission e.g. to develop their contribution track record

    4. decide not to proceed.

  7. [two weeks before TSC meeting]: applications are distributed to TSC members for independent review

    • If 2 TSC members respond agreeing to “sponsor” applicant then these proceed to the next step. Applicant should “minimally meet” TSC member criteria before addressing TSC.

    • Otherwise Open Robotics informs applicant “Not at this time, please consider applying again later with more contribution history.”

  8. [in TSC meeting] Applicant or Sponsor can address TSC. 5 minute presentation with up to 5 additional minutes of Q&A.

  9. [in TSC meeting]: Synchronous private/unsharable discussion of the applications after applicant(s) leave the call. TSC members are to be discrete about what has been discussed.

  10. [after TSC meeting]: Asynchronous vote on the applicants completed in around 10 days

  11. Open Robotics notifies applicant(s) of TSC decision.

Questionnaire for the applicant

The following is to be provided to the applicant by Open Robotics via email in response to them expressing interest in joining the ROS 2 TSC.

  1. To which aspect(s) of ROS 2 do you plan to make open source contributions?

    • For example contributions to ROS 2 Common Packages.

    • Are you already making those contributions? Since when? Please explain your history of contribution. If you have none, consider applying after developing some history of contribution.

    • Are there any other kinds of contributions that you are already making or plan? Education, evangelism, et al.?

  2. What level of effort do you plan to dedicate to making those contributions?

    • How many FTE (full time equivalent) people will be making those contributions?

    • How many FTE are already doing so?

  3. Are these contributions already happening now, and if so, can you point to results produced so far?

    • For example describe or attach details of your contributions to ROS 2 Common Packages.

    • Links to your contributions are helpful.

  4. How do these contributions benefit your business or organization?

    • Why do you do this?

Evaluation Guide for TSC members

The following is suggested guidance for TSC members to evaluate applicants:

  1. To which aspect(s) of ROS 2 do you plan to make open source contributions?

  2. What level of effort do you plan to dedicate to making those contributions?

    • Give more credence to past contributions

    • Proposed future contributions are important but consider past contribution to evaluate how credible those plans are.

  3. Are these contributions already happening now, and if so, can you point to results produced so far?

    • Are the contributions ones that the community and TSC values?

    • Are the contributions to ROS 2 Common Packages (REP 2005)?

    • Emphasis is on what they’ve contributed already, not what they promise to do. If they don’t have enough evidence of contribution, encourage them to apply after developing their contribution track record.

  4. How do these contributions benefit your business or organization?

    • This answer helps you evaluate how much focus and investment it already has and whether it seems likely to continue.

    • Do you see that the applicant has a vested interest in this work and the success of ROS 2? Or does it seem they seek to join merely for prestige and marketing?