New Roles

class sphinxcontrib.bibtex.roles.CitationRef(citation_ref_id: str, docname: str, line: int, targets: List[CitationTarget])[源代码]

Information about a citation reference.

citation_ref_id: str

Unique id of this citation reference.

docname: str

Document name.

line: int

Line number.

targets: List[CitationTarget]

Citation targets (key, pre, post).

class sphinxcontrib.bibtex.roles.CiteRole(fix_parens: bool = False, lowercase: bool = False, nodeclass: type[Element] | None = None, innernodeclass: type[TextElement] | None = None, warn_dangling: bool = False)[源代码]


Class for processing the cite role.

result_nodes(document, env, node, is_ref)[源代码]

Associate the pending_xref with the cite domain, and note the cited citation keys.

class sphinxcontrib.bibtex.foot_roles.FootCiteRole(fix_parens: bool = False, lowercase: bool = False, nodeclass: type[Element] | None = None, innernodeclass: type[TextElement] | None = None, warn_dangling: bool = False)[源代码]


Class for processing the footcite role.

result_nodes(document: docutils.nodes.document, env: BuildEnvironment, node: docutils.nodes.Element, is_ref: bool) Tuple[List[docutils.nodes.Node], List[docutils.nodes.system_message]][源代码]

Transform node into footnote references, and add footnotes to a node stored in the environment's temporary data if they are not yet present.


The node containing all footnotes is inserted into the document by