New Docutils Nodes

class sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes.bibliography(rawsource='', *children, **attributes)[源代码]

Node for representing a bibliography. Replaced by a list of citations by BibliographyTransform.

class sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes.raw_latex(rawsource='', text='', *children, **attributes)[源代码]

Node for representing raw latex data.

sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes.visit_raw_latex(self: LaTeXTranslator, node: raw_latex)[源代码]

Called when entering a raw_latex node. Appends the node's raw source to the latex body.

sphinxcontrib.bibtex.nodes.depart_raw_latex(self: LaTeXTranslator, node: raw_latex)[源代码]

Called when leaving a raw_latex node.