New Docutils Directives

class sphinxcontrib.bibtex.directives.BibliographyKey(docname: str, id_: str)[源代码]

Unique key for each bibliography directive.

docname: str

Name of the document where the bibliography resides.

id_: str

The id of the bibliography node in the document.

class sphinxcontrib.bibtex.directives.BibliographyValue(line: int, bibfiles: List[str], style: str, list_: str, enumtype: str, start: int, labelprefix: str, keyprefix: str, filter_: AST, citation_nodes: Dict[str, Element], keys: List[str])[源代码]

Contains information about a bibliography directive.

bibfiles: List[str]

List of bib files for this directive.

citation_nodes: Dict[str, Element]

key -> citation node

enumtype: str

The sequence type (for enumerated lists).

filter_: AST

Parsed filter expression.

keyprefix: str

String prefix for citation keys.

keys: List[str]

Keys listed as content of the directive.

labelprefix: str

String prefix for pybtex generated labels.

line: int

Line number of the directive in the document.

list_: str

The list type.

start: int

The start of the sequence (for enumerated lists).

style: str

The pybtex style.

class sphinxcontrib.bibtex.directives.BibliographyDirective(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine)[源代码]

Class for processing the bibliography directive.

Produces a bibliography node, along with (empty) citation nodes that will be formatted later in the env-updated stage, and inserted into the document in a post-transform. We cannot insert the citation nodes here because we do not yet know which keys have been cited.


Further processing of the resulting bibliography node is done by BibliographyTransform.


Process .bib files, set file dependencies, and create a node that is to be transformed to the entries of the bibliography.

class sphinxcontrib.bibtex.foot_directives.FootBibliographyDirective(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine)[源代码]

Class for processing the footbibliography directive.


Set file dependencies, and insert the footnotes that were created earlier by foot_roles.FootCiteRole.result_nodes().