1 /******************************************************************************
2  *
3  *
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2015 by Dimitri van Heesch.
6  *
7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
12  *
13  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
14  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
15  *
16  */
18 #ifndef PARSERINTF_H
19 #define PARSERINTF_H
21 #include <functional>
22 #include <memory>
23 #include <map>
24 #include <string>
26 #include "types.h"
27 #include "containers.h"
29 class Entry;
30 class FileDef;
32 class MemberDef;
33 class Definition;
34 class ClangTUParser;
36 /** \brief Abstract interface for outline parsers.
37  *
38  * By implementing the methods of this interface one can add
39  * a new language parser to doxygen. The parser implementation can make use of the
40  * comment block parser to parse the contents of special comment blocks.
41  */
43 {
44  public:
47  /** Parses a single input file with the goal to build an Entry tree.
48  * @param[in] fileName The full name of the file.
49  * @param[in] fileBuf The contents of the file (zero terminated).
50  * @param[in,out] root The root of the tree of Entry *nodes
51  * representing the information extracted from the file.
52  * @param[in] clangParser The clang translation unit parser object
53  * or nullptr if disabled.
54  */
55  virtual void parseInput(const QCString &fileName,
56  const char *fileBuf,
57  const std::shared_ptr<Entry> &root,
58  ClangTUParser *clangParser) = 0;
60  /** Returns TRUE if the language identified by \a extension needs
61  * the C preprocessor to be run before feed the result to the input
62  * parser.
63  * @see parseInput()
64  */
65  virtual bool needsPreprocessing(const QCString &extension) const = 0;
67  /** Callback function called by the comment block scanner.
68  * It provides a string \a text containing the prototype of a function
69  * or variable. The parser should parse this and store the information
70  * in the Entry node that corresponds with the node for which the
71  * comment block parser was invoked.
72  */
73  virtual void parsePrototype(const QCString &text) = 0;
75 };
77 /** \brief Abstract interface for code parsers.
78  *
79  * By implementing the methods of this interface one can add
80  * a new language parser to doxygen. This interface is used for
81  * syntax highlighting, but also to extract cross references and call graphs.
82  */
84 {
85  public:
86  virtual ~CodeParserInterface() {}
88  /** Parses a source file or fragment with the goal to produce
89  * highlighted and cross-referenced output.
90  * @param[in] codeOutIntf Abstract interface for writing the result.
91  * @param[in] scopeName Name of scope to which the code belongs.
92  * @param[in] input Actual code in the form of a string
93  * @param[in] lang The programming language of the code fragment.
94  * @param[in] isExampleBlock TRUE iff the code is part of an example.
95  * @param[in] exampleName Name of the example.
96  * @param[in] fileDef File definition to which the code
97  * is associated.
98  * @param[in] startLine Starting line in case of a code fragment.
99  * @param[in] endLine Ending line of the code fragment.
100  * @param[in] inlineFragment Code fragment that is to be shown inline
101  * as part of the documentation.
102  * @param[in] memberDef Member definition to which the code
103  * is associated (non null in case of an inline fragment
104  * for a member).
105  * @param[in] showLineNumbers if set to TRUE and also fileDef is not 0,
106  * line numbers will be added to the source fragment
107  * @param[in] searchCtx context under which search data has to be stored.
108  * @param[in] collectXRefs collect cross-reference relations.
109  */
110  virtual void parseCode(CodeOutputInterface &codeOutIntf,
111  const QCString &scopeName,
112  const QCString &input,
113  SrcLangExt lang,
114  bool isExampleBlock,
115  const QCString &exampleName=QCString(),
116  const FileDef *fileDef=0,
117  int startLine=-1,
118  int endLine=-1,
119  bool inlineFragment=FALSE,
120  const MemberDef *memberDef=0,
121  bool showLineNumbers=TRUE,
122  const Definition *searchCtx=0,
123  bool collectXRefs=TRUE
124  ) = 0;
126  /** Resets the state of the code parser.
127  * Since multiple code fragments can together form a single example, an
128  * explicit function is used to reset the code parser state.
129  * @see parseCode()
130  */
131  virtual void resetCodeParserState() = 0;
133 };
135 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 using OutlineParserFactory = std::function<std::unique_ptr<OutlineParserInterface>()>;
138 using CodeParserFactory = std::function<std::unique_ptr<CodeParserInterface>()>;
140 /** \brief Manages programming language parsers.
141  *
142  * This class manages the language parsers in the system. One can
143  * register parsers, and obtain a parser given a file extension.
144  */
146 {
148  struct ParserPair
149  {
152  {
153  }
158  };
160  public:
161  /** Create the parser manager
162  * @param outlineParserFactory the fallback outline parser factory to use for unknown extensions
163  * @param codeParserFactory the fallback code parser factory to use for unknown extensions
164  */
165  ParserManager(OutlineParserFactory outlineParserFactory,
166  CodeParserFactory codeParserFactory)
167  : m_defaultParsers(outlineParserFactory,codeParserFactory, QCString())
168  {
169  }
171  /** Registers an additional parser.
172  * @param[in] name A symbolic name of the parser, i.e. "c",
173  * "python", "fortran", "vhdl", ...
174  * @param[in] outlineParserFactory A factory method to create a language parser (scanner) that
175  * is to be used for the given name.
176  * @param[in] codeParserFactory A factory method to create a code parser that is to be used
177  * for the given name.
178  */
179  void registerParser(const QCString &name,OutlineParserFactory outlineParserFactory,
180  CodeParserFactory codeParserFactory)
181  {
182  m_parsers.emplace(name.str(),ParserPair(outlineParserFactory,codeParserFactory,name));
183  }
185  /** Registers a file \a extension with a parser with name \a parserName.
186  * Returns TRUE if the extension was successfully registered.
187  */
188  bool registerExtension(const QCString &extension, const QCString &parserName)
189  {
190  if (parserName.isEmpty() || extension.isEmpty()) return FALSE;
192  const auto &parserIt = m_parsers.find(parserName.str());
193  if (parserIt == m_parsers.end()) return FALSE;
195  auto extensionIt = m_extensions.find(extension.str());
196  if (extensionIt != m_extensions.end()) // extension already exists
197  {
198  m_extensions.erase(extensionIt); // remove it (e.g. user specified extension overrules built in one)
199  }
200  m_extensions.emplace(extension.str(),parserIt->second); // add new mapping
201  return TRUE;
202  }
204  /** Gets the interface to the parser associated with a given \a extension.
205  * If there is no parser explicitly registered for the supplied extension,
206  * the interface to the default parser will be returned.
207  */
208  std::unique_ptr<OutlineParserInterface> getOutlineParser(const QCString &extension)
209  {
210  return getParsers(extension).outlineParserFactory();
211  }
213  /** Gets the interface to the parser associated with a given \a extension.
214  * If there is no parser explicitly registered for the supplied extension,
215  * the interface to the default parser will be returned.
216  */
217  std::unique_ptr<CodeParserInterface> getCodeParser(const QCString &extension)
218  {
219  auto factory = getCodeParserFactory(extension);
220  return factory();
221  }
223  /** Get the factory for create code parser objects with a given \a extension. */
225  {
226  return getParsers(extension).codeParserFactory;
227  }
229  /** Gets the name of the parser associated with given \a extension.
230  * If there is no parser explicitly registered for the supplied extension,
231  * te empty string will be reurned.
232  */
233  QCString getParserName(const QCString &extension)
234  {
235  return getParsers(extension).parserName;
236  }
238  private:
239  ParserPair &getParsers(const QCString &extension)
240  {
241  QCString ext = extension.lower();
242  if (ext.isEmpty()) ext=".no_extension";
243  auto it = m_extensions.find(;
244  if (it==m_extensions.end() && ext.length()>4)
245  {
246  it = m_extensions.find(ext.left(4).data());
247  }
248  return it!=m_extensions.end() ? it->second : m_defaultParsers;
249  }
251  std::map<std::string,ParserPair> m_parsers;
252  std::map<std::string,ParserPair &> m_extensions;
254 };
256 #endif
bool registerExtension(const QCString &extension, const QCString &parserName)
Registers a file extension with a parser with name parserName.
Definition: parserintf.h:188
virtual void parseInput(const QCString &fileName, const char *fileBuf, const std::shared_ptr< Entry > &root, ClangTUParser *clangParser)=0
Parses a single input file with the goal to build an Entry tree.
ParserManager(OutlineParserFactory outlineParserFactory, CodeParserFactory codeParserFactory)
Create the parser manager
Definition: parserintf.h:165
The common base class of all entity definitions found in the sources.
Definition: definition.h:76
This file contains a number of basic enums and types.
ParserPair m_defaultParsers
Definition: parserintf.h:253
uint length() const
Returns the length of the string, not counting the 0-terminator.
Definition: qcstring.h:147
bool isEmpty() const
Returns TRUE iff the string is empty
Definition: qcstring.h:144
ParserPair & getParsers(const QCString &extension)
Definition: parserintf.h:239
Abstract interface for code parsers.
Definition: parserintf.h:83
std::map< std::string, ParserPair > m_parsers
Definition: parserintf.h:251
Language as given by extension
Definition: types.h:41
std::string str() const
Definition: qcstring.h:442
virtual void parsePrototype(const QCString &text)=0
Callback function called by the comment block scanner.
A model of a class/file/namespace member symbol.
Definition: memberdef.h:45
QCString left(size_t len) const
Definition: qcstring.h:212
std::unique_ptr< OutlineParserInterface > getOutlineParser(const QCString &extension)
Gets the interface to the parser associated with a given extension.
Definition: parserintf.h:208
virtual bool needsPreprocessing(const QCString &extension) const =0
Returns TRUE if the language identified by extension needs the C preprocessor to be run before feed t...
QCString lower() const
Definition: qcstring.h:232
CodeParserFactory & getCodeParserFactory(const QCString &extension)
Get the factory for create code parser objects with a given extension.
Definition: parserintf.h:224
std::function< std::unique_ptr< CodeParserInterface >()> CodeParserFactory
Definition: parserintf.h:138
QCString parserName
Definition: parserintf.h:157
virtual ~CodeParserInterface()
Definition: parserintf.h:86
std::unique_ptr< CodeParserInterface > getCodeParser(const QCString &extension)
Gets the interface to the parser associated with a given extension.
Definition: parserintf.h:217
#define TRUE
Definition: qcstring.h:36
virtual void parseCode(CodeOutputInterface &codeOutIntf, const QCString &scopeName, const QCString &input, SrcLangExt lang, bool isExampleBlock, const QCString &exampleName=QCString(), const FileDef *fileDef=0, int startLine=-1, int endLine=-1, bool inlineFragment=FALSE, const MemberDef *memberDef=0, bool showLineNumbers=TRUE, const Definition *searchCtx=0, bool collectXRefs=TRUE)=0
Parses a source file or fragment with the goal to produce highlighted and cross-referenced output.
Represents an unstructured piece of information, about an entity found in the sources.
Definition: entry.h:61
virtual ~OutlineParserInterface()
Definition: parserintf.h:45
std::function< std::unique_ptr< OutlineParserInterface >()> OutlineParserFactory
Definition: parserintf.h:137
Output interface for code parser.
Definition: outputgen.h:61
void registerParser(const QCString &name, OutlineParserFactory outlineParserFactory, CodeParserFactory codeParserFactory)
Registers an additional parser.
Definition: parserintf.h:179
Abstract interface for outline parsers.
Definition: parserintf.h:42
Manages programming language parsers.
Definition: parserintf.h:145
const char * data() const
Returns a pointer to the contents of the string in the form of a 0-terminated C string
Definition: qcstring.h:153
std::map< std::string, ParserPair & > m_extensions
Definition: parserintf.h:252
Clang parser object for a single translation unit, which consists of a source file and the directly o...
Definition: clangparser.h:21
A model of a file symbol.
Definition: filedef.h:73
virtual void resetCodeParserState()=0
Resets the state of the code parser.
CodeParserFactory codeParserFactory
Definition: parserintf.h:156
OutlineParserFactory outlineParserFactory
Definition: parserintf.h:155
QCString getParserName(const QCString &extension)
Gets the name of the parser associated with given extension.
Definition: parserintf.h:233
Definition: parserintf.h:148
ParserPair(OutlineParserFactory opf, CodeParserFactory cpf, const QCString &pn)
Definition: parserintf.h:150
#define FALSE
Definition: qcstring.h:33
This is an alternative implementation of QCString.
Definition: qcstring.h:108