variant.h 文件参考
#include <string>
#include <utility>
+ variant.h 的引用(Include)关系图:
+ 此图展示该文件直接或间接的被哪些文件引用了:


struct  details::TMax< arg1, others >
 generic declaration of a template to compute the maximum size of a set of template parameters. 更多...
struct  details::TMax< arg >
 specialization to stop the recursion when arrived at a single argument. 更多...
struct  details::TMax< arg1, arg2, others... >
 recursive definition for multiple arguments 更多...
struct  details::HelperRecT< n, Ts >
 generic declaration of a template to handle copying, moving, and deleting type that matches a given index in the list of variant parameters. 更多...
struct  details::HelperRecT< n, F, Ts... >
 Recursive template definition for multiple arguments. 更多...
struct  details::HelperRecT< n >
 Specialization to stop the recursion when the end of the list has reached 更多...
struct  details::HelperT< Ts >
 Helper to kickstart the recursive search 更多...
struct  details::HelperT<>
 Specialization to end the recursion 更多...
struct  VariantType< index, Items >
 Generic declaration of a template type wrapper where VariantType<index,...>::type represents the type of the variant at the given index. 更多...
struct  VariantType< 0, F, Ts... >
 specialization to stop the recursion when arrived at index 0 and type F 更多...
struct  VariantType< index, F, Ts... >
 recursive definition of the type wrapper 更多...
struct  Variant< Ts >
 Implementation of a variant container (similar to C++17's std::variant). 更多...

