Chart Data

The data behind a chart–its category labels and its series names and values–turns out to be a pivotal object in both the construction of a new chart and updating the data behind an existing chart.

The first role of ChartData is to act as a data transfer object, allowing the data for a chart to be accumulated over multiple calls such as .add_series(). This avoids the need to assemble and send a complex nested structure of primitives to method calls.

In addition to this, ChartData also takes on the role of broker to ChartXmlWriter and WorkbookWriter which know how to assemble the <c:chartSpace> XML and Excel workbook for a chart, respectively. This is sensible because neither of these objects can operate without a chart data instance to provide the data they need and doing so concentrates the coupling to the latter two objects into one place.


A ChartData object is constructed directly as needed, and used for either creating a new chart or for replacing the data behind an existing one.

Creating a new chart:

>>> chart_data = ChartData()
>>> chart_data.categories = 'Foo', 'Bar'
>>> chart_data.add_series('Series 1', (1.2, 2.3))
>>> chart_data.add_series('Series 2', (3.4, 4.5))

>>> x, y, cx, cy = Inches(2), Inches(2), Inches(6), Inches(4)
>>> graphic_frame = shapes.add_chart(
>>>     XL_CHART_TYPE.COLUMN_CLUSTERED, x, y, cx, cy, chart_data
>>> )
>>> chart = graphicFrame.chart

Changing the data behind an existing chart:

>>> chart_data = ChartData()
>>> chart_data.categories = 'Foobar', 'Barbaz', 'Bazfoo'
>>> chart_data.add_series('New Series 1', (5.6, 6.7, 7.8))
>>> chart_data.add_series('New Series 2', (2.3, 3.4, 4.5))
>>> chart_data.add_series('New Series 3', (8.9, 9.1, 1.2))

>>> chart.replace_data(chart_data)

Note that the dimensions of the replacement data can differ from that of the existing chart.