ChartData objects

A ChartData object is used to specify the data depicted in a chart. It is used when creating a new chart and when replacing the data for an existing chart. Most charts are created using a CategoryChartData object, however the data for XY and bubble chart types is different enough that those each require a distinct chart data object.


ChartData is simply an alias for CategoryChartData and may be removed in a future release. All new development should use CategoryChartData for creating or replacing the data in chart types other than XY and Bubble.


Accumulates data specifying the categories and series values for a chart and acts as a proxy for the chart data table that will be written to an Excel worksheet. Used as a parameter in shapes.add_chart() and Chart.replace_data().

This object is suitable for use with category charts, i.e. all those having a discrete set of label values (categories) as the range of their independent variable (X-axis) values. Unlike the ChartData types for charts supporting a continuous range of independent variable values (such as XyChartData), CategoryChartData has a single collection of category (X) values and each data point in its series specifies only the Y value. The corresponding X value is inferred by its position in the sequence.


Return a newly created Category object having label and appended to the end of the category collection for this chart. label can be a string, a number, a, or datetime.datetime object. All category labels in a chart must be the same type. All category labels in a chart having multi-level categories must be strings.

add_series(name, values=(), number_format=None)[源代码]

Add a series to this data set entitled name and having the data points specified by values, an iterable of numeric values. number_format specifies how the series values will be displayed, and may be a string, e.g. ‘#,##0’ corresponding to an Excel number format.

property categories

Categories object providing access to category-object hierarchy.

Assigning an iterable of category labels (strings, numbers, or dates) replaces the Categories object with a new one containing a category for each label in the sequence.

Creating a chart from chart data having date categories will cause the chart to have a DateAxis for its category axis.


The Excel worksheet reference to the values for series (not including the column heading).

property number_format

The formatting template string, e.g. ‘#,##0.0’, that determines how X and Y values are formatted in this chart and in the Excel spreadsheet. A number format specified on a series will override this value for that series. Likewise, a distinct number format can be specified for a particular data point within a series.


A sequence of Category objects, also having certain hierarchical graph behaviors for support of multi-level (nested) categories.


Return a newly created Category object having label and appended to the end of this category sequence. label can be a string, a number, a, or datetime.datetime object. All category labels in a chart must be the same type. All category labels in a chart having multi-level categories must be strings.

Creating a chart from chart data having date categories will cause the chart to have a DateAxis for its category axis.

property are_dates

Return True if the first category in this collection has a date label (as opposed to str or numeric). A date label is one of type or datetime.datetime. Returns False otherwise, including when this category collection is empty. It also returns False when this category collection is hierarchical, because hierarchical categories can only be written as string labels.

property are_numeric

Return True if the first category in this collection has a numeric label (as opposed to a string label), including if that value is a or datetime.datetime object (as those are converted to integers for storage in Excel). Returns False otherwise, including when this category collection is empty. It also returns False when this category collection is hierarchical, because hierarchical categories can only be written as string labels.

property depth

The number of hierarchy levels in this category graph. Returns 0 if it contains no categories.


The offset of category in the overall sequence of leaf categories. A non-leaf category gets the index of its first sub-category.

property leaf_count

The number of leaf-level categories in this hierarchy. The return value is the same as that of len() only when the hierarchy is single level.

property levels

A generator of (idx, label) sequences representing the category hierarchy from the bottom up. The first level contains all leaf categories, and each subsequent is the next level up.

property number_format

Read/write. Return a string representing the number format used in Excel to format these category values, e.g. ‘0.0’ or ‘mm/dd/yyyy’. This string is only relevant when the categories are numeric or date type, although it returns ‘General’ without error when the categories are string labels. Assigning None causes the default number format to be used, based on the type of the category labels.

class, parent)[源代码]

A chart category, primarily having a label to be displayed on the category axis, but also able to be configured in a hierarchy for support of multi-level category charts.


Return a newly created Category object having label and appended to the end of the sub-category sequence for this category.

property label

The value that appears on the axis for this category. The label can be a string, a number, or a or datetime.datetime object.


The string representation of the numeric (or date) label of this category, suitable for use in the XML c:pt element for this category. The optional date_1904 parameter specifies the epoch used for calculating Excel date numbers.

property sub_categories

The sequence of child categories for this category.


A specialized ChartData object suitable for use with an XY (aka. scatter) chart. Unlike ChartData, it has no category sequence. Rather, each data point of each series specifies both an X and a Y value.

add_series(name, number_format=None)[源代码]

Return an XySeriesData object newly created and added at the end of this sequence, identified by name and values formatted with number_format.

property number_format

The formatting template string, e.g. ‘#,##0.0’, that determines how X and Y values are formatted in this chart and in the Excel spreadsheet. A number format specified on a series will override this value for that series. Likewise, a distinct number format can be specified for a particular data point within a series.


A specialized ChartData object suitable for use with a bubble chart. A bubble chart is essentially an XY chart where the markers are scaled to provide a third quantitative dimension to the exhibit.

add_series(name, number_format=None)[源代码]

Return a BubbleSeriesData object newly created and added at the end of this sequence, and having series named name and values formatted with number_format.

property number_format

The formatting template string, e.g. ‘#,##0.0’, that determines how X and Y values are formatted in this chart and in the Excel spreadsheet. A number format specified on a series will override this value for that series. Likewise, a distinct number format can be specified for a particular data point within a series.

class, name, number_format)[源代码]

The data specific to a particular XY chart series. It provides access to the series label, the series data points, and an optional number format to be applied to each data point not having a specified number format.

The sequence of data points in an XY series is significant; lines are plotted following the sequence of points, even if that causes a line segment to “travel backward” (implying a multi-valued function). The data points are not automatically sorted into increasing order by X value.

add_data_point(x, y, number_format=None)[源代码]

Return an XyDataPoint object newly created with values x and y, and appended to this sequence.

property index

Zero-based integer indicating the sequence position of this series in its chart. For example, the second of three series would return 1.

property name

The name of this series, e.g. ‘Series 1’. This name is used as the column heading for the y-values of this series and may also appear in the chart legend and perhaps other chart locations.

property number_format

The formatting template string that determines how a number in this series is formatted, both in the chart and in the Excel spreadsheet; for example ‘#,##0.0’. If not specified for this series, it is inherited from the parent chart data object.

property x_values

A sequence containing the X value of each datapoint in this series, in data point order.

property y_values

A sequence containing the Y value of each datapoint in this series, in data point order.

class, name, number_format)[源代码]

The data specific to a particular Bubble chart series. It provides access to the series label, the series data points, and an optional number format to be applied to each data point not having a specified number format.

The sequence of data points in a bubble chart series is maintained throughout the chart building process because a data point has no unique identifier and can only be retrieved by index.

add_data_point(x, y, size, number_format=None)[源代码]

Append a new BubbleDataPoint object having the values x, y, and size. The optional number_format is used to format the Y value. If not provided, the number format is inherited from the series data.

property bubble_sizes

A sequence containing the bubble size for each datapoint in this series, in data point order.

property data_point_offset

The integer count of data points that appear in all chart series prior to this one.

property index

Zero-based integer indicating the sequence position of this series in its chart. For example, the second of three series would return 1.

property name

The name of this series, e.g. ‘Series 1’. This name is used as the column heading for the y-values of this series and may also appear in the chart legend and perhaps other chart locations.

property number_format

The formatting template string that determines how a number in this series is formatted, both in the chart and in the Excel spreadsheet; for example ‘#,##0.0’. If not specified for this series, it is inherited from the parent chart data object.

property x_values

A sequence containing the X value of each datapoint in this series, in data point order.

property y_values

A sequence containing the Y value of each datapoint in this series, in data point order.