Get started with development#

This section covers the simplest way to get started developing this theme locally so that you can contribute. It uses automation and as few steps as possible to get things done. If you’d like to do more operations manually, see Set up a manual development environment.

Workflow for contributing changes#

We follow a typical GitHub workflow of:

  • create a personal fork of this repo

  • create a branch

  • open a pull request

  • fix findings of various linters and checks

  • work through code review

For each pull request, the documentation is built and deployed to make it easier to review the changes in the PR. To access this, click on the Read the Docs preview in the CI/CD jobs.

The sections below cover the steps to do this in more detail.

Clone the repository#

First off you’ll need your own copy of the pydata-sphinx-theme codebase. You can clone it for local development like so:

  1. Fork the repository so you have your own copy on GitHub. See the GitHub forking guide for more information.

  2. Clone the repository locally so that you have a local copy to work from:

    $ git clone{{ YOUR USERNAME }}/pydata-sphinx-theme
    $ cd pydata-sphinx-theme

Install your tools#

Building a Sphinx site uses a combination of Python and Jinja to manage HTML, SCSS, and Javascript. To simplify this process, we use a few helper tools:

  • The Sphinx Theme Builder to automatically perform compilation of web assets.

  • pre-commit for automatically enforcing code standards and quality checks before commits.

  • nox, for automating common development tasks.

In particular, nox can be used to automatically create isolated local development environments with all of the correct packages installed to work on the theme. The rest of this guide focuses on using nox to start with a basic environment.


The information on this page covers the basics to get you started, for information about manually compiling assets, see Set up a manual development environment.

Setup nox#

To start, install nox:

$ pip install nox

You can call nox from the command line in order to perform common actions that are needed in building the theme. nox operates with isolated environments, so each action has its own packages installed in a local directory (.nox). For common development actions, you’ll simply need to use nox and won’t need to set up any other packages.

Setup pre-commit#

pre-commit allows us to run several checks on the codebase every time a new Git commit is made. This ensures standards and basic quality control for our code.

Install pre-commit with the following command:

$ pip install pre-commit

then navigate to this repository’s folder and activate it like so:

$ pre-commit install

This will install the necessary dependencies to run pre-commit every time you make a commit with Git.


Your pre-commit dependencies will be installed in the environment from which you’re calling pre-commit, nox, etc. They will not be installed in the isolated environments used by nox.

Build the documentation#

Now that you have nox installed and cloned the repository, you should be able to build the documentation locally.

To build the documentation with nox, run the following command:

$ nox -s docs

This will install the necessary dependencies and build the documentation located in the docs/ folder. They will be placed in a docs/_build/html folder. If the docs have already been built, it will only build new pages that have been updated. You can open one of the HTML files there to preview the documentation locally.

Alternatively, you can invoke the built-in Python http.server with:

$ python -m http.server -d docs/_build/html/

This will print a local URL that you can open in a browser to explore the HTML files.

Change content and re-build#

Now that you’ve built the documentation, edit one of the source files to see how the documentation updates with new builds.

  1. Make an edit to a page. For example, add a word or fix a typo on any page.

  2. Rebuild the documentation with nox -s docs

It should go much faster this time, because nox is re-using the old environment, and because Sphinx has cached the pages that you didn’t change.

Compile the CSS/JS assets#

The source files for CSS and JS assets are in src/pydata_sphinx_theme/assets. These are then built and bundled with the theme (e.g., scss is turned into css).

To compile the CSS/JS assets with nox, run the following command:

$ nox -s compile

This will compile all assets and place them in the appropriate folder to be used with documentation builds.


Compiled assets are not committed to git. The sphinx-theme-builder will bundle these assets automatically when we make a new release, but we do not manually commit these compiled assets to git history.

Run a development server#

You can combine the above two actions and run a development server so that changes to src/ are automatically bundled with the package, and the documentation is immediately reloaded in a live preview window.

To run the development server with nox, run the following command:

$ nox -s docs-live

When working on the theme, saving changes to any of these directories:

  • src/js/index.js

  • src/scss/index.scss

  • docs/**/*.rst

  • docs/**/*.py

will cause the development server to do the following:

  • bundle/copy the CSS, JS, and vendored fonts

  • regenerate the Jinja2 macros

  • re-run Sphinx

Run the tests#

This theme uses pytest for its testing, with a lightweight fixture defined in the script that makes it easy to run a Sphinx build using this theme and inspect the results.

In addition, we use pytest-regressions to ensure that the HTML generated by the theme is what we’d expect. This module provides a file_regression fixture that will check the contents of an object against a reference file on disk. If the structure of the two differs, then the test will fail. If we expect the structure to differ, then delete the file on disk and run the test. A new file will be created, and subsequent tests will pass.

To run the tests with nox, run the following command:

$ nox -s test