示例# 这些部分展示了该主题的各种功能和样式。它们将帮助您理解该主题的表现方式以及其他用户是如何使用它的。请浏览主侧边栏及下方的部分以进行探索。 使用此主题的网站展示 Featured projects Other projects using this theme 主题特定样式 Kitchen Sink Admonitions API documentation Blocks Generic items Images & Figures Lists Really Long Page Title because we should test sidebar wrapping Structural Elements Structural Elements 2 Tables Typography PyData Library Styles Pandas IPyWidget Matplotlib Plotly Xarray ipyleaflet 执行库 Jupyterlite jupyter-sphinx Graphviz 继承关系图 参考与测试部分。主要供开发者用于检查各项内容是否显示正常。 1. Test of no sidebar 2. Test of persistent search field 3. 无右侧边栏的页面内目录测试 3.1. Add a local table of contents (in-page) 3.2. Turn off the right sidebar for a single page 4. Section to show off pages with many sub pages 4.1. Sub page 1 4.2. Sub page 2 4.3. Section with sub sub pages 4.3.1. Sub sub page 1 4.3.2. Sub sub page 2 4.3.3. Sub sub page 3 5. Top-level headers and the TOC 6. An example with multiple top-level headers 6.1. And here's a second-level header 7. An example with a single top-level header 链接到外部网站