Platform compatibility tags

Platform compatibility tags allow build tools to mark distributions as being compatible with specific platforms, and allows installers to understand which distributions are compatible with the system they are running on.

The platform compatibility tagging model used for the wheel distribution format is defined in PEP 425.

Platform tags for Windows

The scheme defined in PEP 425 covers public distribution of wheel files to systems running Windows.

Platform tags for macOS (Mac OS X)

The scheme defined in PEP 425 covers public distribution of wheel files to systems running macOS (previously known as Mac OS X).

Platform tags for common Linux distributions

The scheme defined in PEP 425 is insufficient for public distribution of wheel files (and *nix wheel files in general) to Linux platforms, due to the large ecosystem of Linux platforms and subtle differences between them.

Instead, PEP 600 defines the manylinux standard, which represents a common subset of Linux platforms, and allows building wheels tagged with the manylinux platform tag which can be used across most common Linux distributions.

There were multiple iterations of the manylinux specification, each representing the common subset of Linux platforms at a given point in time:

  • manylinux1 (PEP 513) supports x86_64 and i686 architectures, and is based on a compatible Linux platform from 2007.

  • manylinux2010 (PEP 571) supports x86_64 and i686 architectures. and updates the previous specification to be based on a compatible Linux platform from 2010 instead.

  • manylinux2014 (PEP 599) adds support for a number of additional architectures (aarch64, armv7l, ppc64, ppc64le, and s390x) and updates the base platform to a compatible Linux platform from 2014.

manylinux_x_y (PEP 600) supersedes all previous PEPs to define a future-proof standard. It defines x and y as glibc major an minor versions supported (e.g. manylinux_2_24 should work on any distro using glibc 2.24+). Previous tags are still supported for backward compatibility.

In general, distributions built for older versions of the specification are forwards-compatible (meaning that manylinux1 distributions should continue to work on modern systems) but not backwards-compatible (meaning that manylinux2010 distributions are not expected to work on platforms that existed before 2010).

Package maintainers should attempt to target the most compatible specification possible, with the caveat that the provided build environment for manylinux1 and manylinux2010 have reached end-of-life meaning that these images will no longer receive security updates.

Manylinux compatibility support


  • The manylinux2014 specification is relatively new and is not yet widely recognised by install tools.

  • The manylinux_x_y specification is relatively new and is not yet widely recognised by install tools.

The following table shows the minimum versions of relevant projects to support the various manylinux standards:















>=3.3.0 1

Platform tags for other *nix platforms

The scheme defined in PEP 425 is not generally sufficient for public distribution of wheel files to other *nix platforms. Efforts are currently (albeit intermittently) under way to define improved compatibility tagging schemes for AIX and for Alpine Linux.


Only support for manylinux_2_24 has been added in auditwheel 3.3.0