Declaring project metadata

PEP 621 specifies how to write a project’s core metadata in a pyproject.toml file for packaging-related tools to consume. It defines the following specification as the canonical source for the format used.


There are two kinds of metadata: static and dynamic. Static metadata is specified in the pyproject.toml file directly and cannot be specified or changed by a tool. Dynamic metadata is listed via the dynamic key (defined later in this specification) and represents metadata that a tool will later provide.

The keys defined in this specification MUST be in a table named [project] in pyproject.toml. No tools may add keys to this table which are not defined by this specification. For tools wishing to store their own settings in pyproject.toml, they may use the [tool] table as defined in the build dependency declaration specification. The lack of a [project] table implicitly means the build back-end will dynamically provide all keys.

The only keys required to be statically defined are:

  • name

The keys which are required but may be specified either statically or listed as dynamic are:

  • version

All other keys are considered optional and may be specified statically, listed as dynamic, or left unspecified.

The complete list of keys allowed in the [project] table are:

  • authors

  • classifiers

  • dependencies

  • description

  • dynamic

  • entry-points

  • gui-scripts

  • keywords

  • license

  • maintainers

  • name

  • optional-dependencies

  • readme

  • requires-python

  • scripts

  • urls

  • version


The name of the project.

Tools SHOULD normalize this name, as soon as it is read for internal consistency.

name = "spam"


The version of the project as supported by PEP 440.

Users SHOULD prefer to specify already-normalized versions.

version = "2020.0.0"


The summary description of the project.

description = "Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam!"


The full description of the project (i.e. the README).

The key accepts either a string or a table. If it is a string then it is a path relative to pyproject.toml to a text file containing the full description. Tools MUST assume the file’s encoding is UTF-8. If the file path ends in a case-insensitive .md suffix, then tools MUST assume the content-type is text/markdown. If the file path ends in a case-insensitive .rst, then tools MUST assume the content-type is text/x-rst. If a tool recognizes more extensions than this PEP, they MAY infer the content-type for the user without specifying this key as dynamic. For all unrecognized suffixes when a content-type is not provided, tools MUST raise an error.

The readme key may also take a table. The file key has a string value representing a path relative to pyproject.toml to a file containing the full description. The text key has a string value which is the full description. These keys are mutually-exclusive, thus tools MUST raise an error if the metadata specifies both keys.

A table specified in the readme key also has a content-type key which takes a string specifying the content-type of the full description. A tool MUST raise an error if the metadata does not specify this key in the table. If the metadata does not specify the charset parameter, then it is assumed to be UTF-8. Tools MAY support other encodings if they choose to. Tools MAY support alternative content-types which they can transform to a content-type as supported by the core metadata. Otherwise tools MUST raise an error for unsupported content-types.

# A single pyproject.toml file can only have one of the following.
readme = ""
readme = "README.rst"
readme = {file = "README.txt", content-type = "text/markdown"}


The Python version requirements of the project.

requires-python = ">=3.8"


The table may have one of two keys. The file key has a string value that is a file path relative to pyproject.toml to the file which contains the license for the project. Tools MUST assume the file’s encoding is UTF-8. The text key has a string value which is the license of the project. These keys are mutually exclusive, so a tool MUST raise an error if the metadata specifies both keys.

# A single pyproject.toml file can only have one of the following.
license = {file = "LICENSE"}
license = {text = "MIT License"}


The people or organizations considered to be the “authors” of the project. The exact meaning is open to interpretation — it may list the original or primary authors, current maintainers, or owners of the package.

The “maintainers” key is similar to “authors” in that its exact meaning is open to interpretation.

These keys accept an array of tables with 2 keys: name and email. Both values must be strings. The name value MUST be a valid email name (i.e. whatever can be put as a name, before an email, in RFC 822) and not contain commas. The email value MUST be a valid email address. Both keys are optional, but at least one of the keys must be specified in the table.

Using the data to fill in core metadata is as follows:

  1. If only name is provided, the value goes in Author or Maintainer as appropriate.

  2. If only email is provided, the value goes in Author-email or Maintainer-email as appropriate.

  3. If both email and name are provided, the value goes in Author-email or Maintainer-email as appropriate, with the format {name} <{email}>.

  4. Multiple values should be separated by commas.

authors = [
  {name = "Pradyun Gedam", email = ""},
  {name = "Tzu-Ping Chung", email = ""},
  {name = "Another person"},
  {email = ""},
maintainers = [
  {name = "Brett Cannon", email = ""}


The keywords for the project.

keywords = ["egg", "bacon", "sausage", "tomatoes", "Lobster Thermidor"]


Trove classifiers which apply to the project.

classifiers = [
  "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
  "Programming Language :: Python"


A table of URLs where the key is the URL label and the value is the URL itself.

homepage = ""
documentation = ""
repository = ""
changelog = ""

Entry points

There are three tables related to entry points. The [project.scripts] table corresponds to the console_scripts group in the entry points specification. The key of the table is the name of the entry point and the value is the object reference.

The [project.gui-scripts] table corresponds to the gui_scripts group in the entry points specification. Its format is the same as [project.scripts].

The [project.entry-points] table is a collection of tables. Each sub-table’s name is an entry point group. The key and value semantics are the same as [project.scripts]. Users MUST NOT create nested sub-tables but instead keep the entry point groups to only one level deep.

Build back-ends MUST raise an error if the metadata defines a [project.entry-points.console_scripts] or [project.entry-points.gui_scripts] table, as they would be ambiguous in the face of [project.scripts] and [project.gui-scripts], respectively.

spam-cli = "spam:main_cli"

spam-gui = "spam:main_gui"

tomatoes = "spam:main_tomatoes"


The (optional) dependencies of the project.

For dependencies, it is a key whose value is an array of strings. Each string represents a dependency of the project and MUST be formatted as a valid PEP 508 string. Each string maps directly to a Requires-Dist entry.

For optional-dependencies, it is a table where each key specifies an extra and whose value is an array of strings. The strings of the arrays must be valid PEP 508 strings. The keys MUST be valid values for Provides-Extra. Each value in the array thus becomes a corresponding Requires-Dist entry for the matching Provides-Extra metadata.

dependencies = [
  "django>2.1; os_name != 'nt'",
  "django>2.0; os_name == 'nt'",

gui = ["PyQt5"]
cli = [


Specifies which keys listed by this PEP were intentionally unspecified so another tool can/will provide such metadata dynamically. This clearly delineates which metadata is purposefully unspecified and expected to stay unspecified compared to being provided via tooling later on.

  • A build back-end MUST honour statically-specified metadata (which means the metadata did not list the key in dynamic).

  • A build back-end MUST raise an error if the metadata specifies name in dynamic.

  • If the core metadata specification lists a field as “Required”, then the metadata MUST specify the key statically or list it in dynamic (build back-ends MUST raise an error otherwise, i.e. it should not be possible for a required key to not be listed somehow in the [project] table).

  • If the core metadata specification lists a field as “Optional”, the metadata MAY list it in dynamic if the expectation is a build back-end will provide the data for the key later.

  • Build back-ends MUST raise an error if the metadata specifies a key statically as well as being listed in dynamic.

  • If the metadata does not list a key in dynamic, then a build back-end CANNOT fill in the requisite metadata on behalf of the user (i.e. dynamic is the only way to allow a tool to fill in metadata and the user must opt into the filling in).

  • Build back-ends MUST raise an error if the metadata specifies a key in dynamic but the build back-end was unable to determine the data for it (omitting the data, if determined to be the accurate value, is acceptable).

dynamic = ["version", "description", "optional-dependencies"]


name = "spam"
version = "2020.0.0"
description = "Lovely Spam! Wonderful Spam!"
readme = "README.rst"
requires-python = ">=3.8"
license = {file = "LICENSE.txt"}
keywords = ["egg", "bacon", "sausage", "tomatoes", "Lobster Thermidor"]
authors = [
  {name = "Pradyun Gedam", email = ""},
  {name = "Tzu-Ping Chung", email = ""},
  {name = "Another person"},
  {email = ""},
maintainers = [
  {name = "Brett Cannon", email = ""}
classifiers = [
  "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
  "Programming Language :: Python"

dependencies = [
  "django>2.1; os_name != 'nt'",
  "django>2.0; os_name == 'nt'",

# dynamic = ["version", "description"]

gui = ["PyQt5"]
cli = [

homepage = ""
documentation = ""
repository = ""
changelog = ""

spam-cli = "spam:main_cli"

spam-gui = "spam:main_gui"

tomatoes = "spam:main_tomatoes"