
The prediction module comprises 4 main functionalities: Container, Scenario, Evaluator and Predictor.

Predictor generates predicted trajectories for obstacles. Currently, the supported predictors include:

  • Empty: obstacles have no predicted trajectories

  • Single lane: Obstacles move along a single lane in highway navigation mode. Obstacles not on lane will be ignored.

  • Lane sequence: obstacle moves along the lanes

  • Move sequence: obstacle moves along the lanes by following its kinetic pattern

  • Free movement: obstacle moves freely

  • Regional movement: obstacle moves in a possible region

  • Junction: Obstacles move toward junction exits with high probabilities

  • Interaction predictor: compute the likelihood to create posterior prediction results after all evaluators have run. This predictor was created for caution level obstacles

  • Extrapolation predictor: extends the Semantic LSTM evaluator’s results to create an 8 sec trajectory.

Here, we mainly introduce three typical predictors,extrapolation predictor, move sequence predictor and interaction predictor,other predictors are similar to them.

Where is the code

Please refer prediction predictor.

Code Reading

Extrapolation predictor

  1. This predictor is used to extend the Semantic LSTM evaluator’s results to creat a long-term trajectroy(which is 8 sec).

  2. There are two main kinds of extrapolation, extrapolate by lane and extrapolate by free move.

    1. Base on a search radium and an angle threshold, which can be changed in perdiction config, we get most likely lane that best matches the short-term predicted trajectory obtained from Semantic LSTM evaluator.

           LaneSearchResult SearchExtrapolationLane(const Trajectory& trajectory,
                                                    const int num_tail_point);
    1. If the matching lane is found, we extend short-term predicted trajectory by lane.

      1. Firstly, we remove points those are not in the matching lane.

      2. Then, we project the modified short-term predicted trajectory onto the matching lane to get SL info.

             static bool GetProjection(
             const Eigen::Vector2d& position,
             const std::shared_ptr<const hdmap::LaneInfo> lane_info, double* s,double* l);
      1. According to prediction horizon, we extend the modified short-term predicted trajectory along the mathcing lane with a constant-velocity module and get smooth points from lane.

             static bool SmoothPointFromLane(const std::string& id, const double s,
                                             const double l, Eigen::Vector2d* point,
                                             double* heading);
      1. Note that the extraplation speed, which is used in constant-velocity module, is calculated by calling ComputeExtraplationSpeed.

             void ExtrapolateByLane(const LaneSearchResult& lane_search_result,
                                    const double extrapolation_speed,
                                    Trajectory* trajectory_ptr,
                                    ObstacleClusters* clusters_ptr);
             double ComputeExtraplationSpeed(const int num_tail_point,
                                             const Trajectory& trajectory);                    
  3. Otherwise we use free move module to extend.

  void ExtrapolateByFreeMove(const int num_tail_point,
                             const double extrapolation_speed,
                             Trajectory* trajectory_ptr);

Move sequence predictor

  1. Obstacle moves along the lanes by its kinetic pattern.

  2. Ingore those lane sequences with lower probability.

   void FilterLaneSequences(
       const Feature& feature, const std::string& lane_id,
       const Obstacle* ego_vehicle_ptr,
       const ADCTrajectoryContainer* adc_trajectory_container,
       std::vector<bool>* enable_lane_sequence);  
  1. If there is a stop sign on the lane, we check whether ADC supposed to stop.

    bool SupposedToStop(const Feature& feature, const double stop_distance,
                       double* acceleration); 
    1. If ADC is about to stop, we produce trajectroy with constant-acceleration module.

      void DrawConstantAccelerationTrajectory(
          const Obstacle& obstacle, const LaneSequence& lane_sequence,
          const double total_time, const double period, const double acceleration,
          std::vector<apollo::common::TrajectoryPoint>* points);
    1. Otherwise we produce trajectory by obstacle’s kinetic pattern.

      bool DrawMoveSequenceTrajectoryPoints(
          const Obstacle& obstacle, const LaneSequence& lane_sequence,
          const double total_time, const double period,
          std::vector<apollo::common::TrajectoryPoint>* points);  

Interaction predictor

  1. Compute the likelihood to create posterier prediction results after all evaluators have run. This predictor was created for caution level obstacles.

  2. Sampling ADC trajectory at a fixed interval(which can be changed in prediction gflag file).

   void BuildADCTrajectory(
     const ADCTrajectoryContainer* adc_trajectory_container,
     const double time_resolution);
  1. Compute trajectory cost for each short-term predicted trajectory. The trajectory cost is weighted cost from different trajectory evluation metrics, such as acceleration, centripetal acceleration and collsion cost, which can be written in the following form:

   total_cost = w_acc * cost_acc + w_centri * cost_centri + w_collision * cost_collision

Note that, the collsion cost is calucalated by the distance between ADC and obstacles.

   double ComputeTrajectoryCost(
       const Obstacle& obstacle, const LaneSequence& lane_sequence,
       const double acceleration,
       const ADCTrajectoryContainer* adc_trajectory_container);
  1. We use the following equration to compute the likelihood for each short-term predicted trajectory.

   likelihood = exp (-alpha * total_cost), the alpha can be changed in prediction gflag file.
   double ComputeLikelihood(const double cost);
  1. Base on the likelihood, we get the posterier prediction results.

   double ComputePosterior(const double prior, const double likelihood);