myst_parser.parse_directives 源代码

"""Fenced code blocks are parsed as directives,
if the block starts with ``{directive_name}``,
followed by arguments on the same line.

Directive options are read from a YAML block,
if the first content line starts with ``---``, e.g.


    ```{directive_name} arguments
    option1: name
    option2: |
        Longer text block

Or the option block will be parsed if the first content line starts with ``:``,
as a YAML block consisting of every line that starts with a ``:``, e.g.


    ```{directive_name} arguments
    :option1: name
    :option2: other


If the first line of a directive's content is blank, this will be stripped
from the content.
This is to allow for separation between the option block and content.

import datetime
import re
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Type

import yaml
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive
from docutils.parsers.rst.directives.misc import TestDirective

[文档]class DirectiveParsingError(Exception): """Raise on parsing/validation error.""" pass
[文档]def parse_directive_text( directive_class: Type[Directive], first_line: str, content: str, validate_options: bool = True, ): """Parse (and validate) the full directive text. :param first_line: The text on the same line as the directive name. May be an argument or body text, dependent on the directive :param content: All text after the first line. Can include options. :param validate_options: Whether to validate the values of options """ if directive_class.option_spec: body, options = parse_directive_options( content, directive_class, validate=validate_options ) else: # If there are no possible options, we do not look for a YAML block options = {} body = content body_lines = body.splitlines() if not ( directive_class.required_arguments or directive_class.optional_arguments or options ): # If there are no possible arguments and no option block, # then the body starts on the argument line if first_line: body_lines.insert(0, first_line) arguments = [] else: arguments = parse_directive_arguments(directive_class, first_line) # remove first line of body if blank # this is to allow space between the options and the content if body_lines and not body_lines[0].strip(): body_lines = body_lines[1:] # check for body content if body_lines and not directive_class.has_content: raise DirectiveParsingError("No content permitted") return arguments, options, body_lines
[文档]def parse_directive_options( content: str, directive_class: Type[Directive], validate: bool = True ): """Parse (and validate) the directive option section.""" options: Dict[str, Any] = {} if content.startswith("---"): content = "\n".join(content.splitlines()[1:]) match ="^-{3,}", content, re.MULTILINE) if match: yaml_block = content[: match.start()] content = content[match.end() + 1 :] # TODO advance line number else: yaml_block = content content = "" yaml_block = dedent(yaml_block) try: options = yaml.safe_load(yaml_block) or {} except (yaml.parser.ParserError, yaml.scanner.ScannerError) as error: raise DirectiveParsingError("Invalid options YAML: " + str(error)) elif content.lstrip().startswith(":"): content_lines = content.splitlines() # type: list yaml_lines = [] while content_lines: if not content_lines[0].lstrip().startswith(":"): break yaml_lines.append(content_lines.pop(0).lstrip()[1:]) yaml_block = "\n".join(yaml_lines) content = "\n".join(content_lines) try: options = yaml.safe_load(yaml_block) or {} except (yaml.parser.ParserError, yaml.scanner.ScannerError) as error: raise DirectiveParsingError("Invalid options YAML: " + str(error)) if not isinstance(options, dict): raise DirectiveParsingError(f"Invalid options (not dict): {options}") if (not validate) or issubclass(directive_class, TestDirective): # technically this directive spec only accepts one option ('option') # but since its for testing only we accept all options return content, options # check options against spec options_spec = directive_class.option_spec # type: Dict[str, Callable] for name, value in list(options.items()): try: convertor = options_spec[name] except KeyError: raise DirectiveParsingError(f"Unknown option: {name}") if not isinstance(value, str): if value is True or value is None: value = None # flag converter requires no argument elif isinstance(value, (int, float,, datetime.datetime)): # convertor always requires string input value = str(value) else: raise DirectiveParsingError( f'option "{name}" value not string (enclose with ""): {value}' ) try: converted_value = convertor(value) except (ValueError, TypeError) as error: raise DirectiveParsingError( "Invalid option value: (option: '{}'; value: {})\n{}".format( name, value, error ) ) options[name] = converted_value return content, options
[文档]def parse_directive_arguments(directive, arg_text): """Parse (and validate) the directive argument section.""" required = directive.required_arguments optional = directive.optional_arguments arguments = arg_text.split() if len(arguments) < required: raise DirectiveParsingError( "{} argument(s) required, {} supplied".format(required, len(arguments)) ) elif len(arguments) > required + optional: if directive.final_argument_whitespace: arguments = arg_text.split(None, required + optional - 1) else: raise DirectiveParsingError( "maximum {} argument(s) allowed, {} supplied".format( required + optional, len(arguments) ) ) return arguments