Special roles and directives

This section contains information about special roles and directives that come bundled with the MyST Parser Sphinx extension.

Insert the date and reading time

0.14.0 新版功能: The sub-ref role and word counting.

You may insert the “last updated” date and estimated reading time into your document via substitution definitions, which can be accessed via the sub-ref role.

For example:

> {sub-ref}`today` | {sub-ref}`wordcount-words` words | {sub-ref}`wordcount-minutes` min read

2021 年 12 月 19 日 | 99 words | 0 min read

today is replaced by either the date on which the document is parsed, with the format set by today_fmt, or the today variable if set in the configuration file.

The reading speed is computed using the myst_words_per_minute configuration (see the Sphinx configuration options).