myst_parser.docutils_ 源代码

"""A module for compatibility with the docutils>=0.17 `include` directive, in RST documents::

   .. include:: path/to/
      :parser: myst_parser.docutils_
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from attr import Attribute
from docutils import frontend, nodes
from docutils.core import default_description, publish_cmdline
from docutils.parsers.rst import Parser as RstParser
from markdown_it.token import Token

from myst_parser.main import MdParserConfig, default_parser

def _validate_int(
    setting, value, option_parser, config_parser=None, config_section=None
) -> int:
    """Validate an integer setting."""
    return int(value)

def _create_validate_tuple(length: int) -> Callable[..., Tuple[str, ...]]:
    """Create a validator for a tuple of length `length`."""

    def _validate(
        setting, value, option_parser, config_parser=None, config_section=None
        string_list = frontend.validate_comma_separated_list(
            setting, value, option_parser, config_parser, config_section
        if len(string_list) != length:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Expecting {length} items in {setting}, got {len(string_list)}."
        return tuple(string_list)

    return _validate

class Unset:
    """A sentinel class for unset settings."""

    def __repr__(self):
        return "UNSET"

"""Sentinel for arguments not set through docutils.conf."""

    # docutils.conf can't represent callables
    # docutils.conf can't represent dicts
    # we can't add substitutions so not needed
    # heading anchors are currently sphinx only
    # sphinx.ext.mathjax only options
    # We don't want to set the renderer from docutils.conf
"""Names of settings that cannot be set in docutils.conf."""

def _docutils_optparse_options_of_attribute(
    at: Attribute, default: Any
) -> Tuple[dict, str]:
    """Convert an ``MdParserConfig`` attribute into a Docutils optparse options dict."""
    if at.type is int:
        return {"validator": _validate_int}, f"(type: int, default: {default})"
    if at.type is bool:
        return {
            "validator": frontend.validate_boolean
        }, f"(type: bool, default: {default})"
    if at.type is str:
        return {}, f"(type: str, default: '{default}')"
    if at.type == Iterable[str] or == "url_schemes":
        return {
            "validator": frontend.validate_comma_separated_list
        }, f"(type: comma-delimited, default: '{','.join(default)}')"
    if at.type == Tuple[str, str]:
        return {
            "validator": _create_validate_tuple(2)
        }, f"(type: str,str, default: '{','.join(default)}')"
    if at.type == Union[int, type(None)] and at.default is None:
        return {
            "validator": _validate_int,
            "default": None,
        }, f"(type: null|int, default: {default})"
    if at.type == Union[Iterable[str], type(None)] and at.default is None:
        return {
            "validator": frontend.validate_comma_separated_list,
            "default": None,
        }, f"(type: comma-delimited, default: '{default or ','.join(default)}')"
    raise AssertionError(
        f"Configuration option {} not set up for use in docutils.conf."
        f"Either add {} to docutils_.DOCUTILS_EXCLUDED_ARGS,"
        "or add a new entry in _docutils_optparse_of_attribute."

def _docutils_setting_tuple_of_attribute(
    attribute: Attribute, default: Any
) -> Tuple[str, Any, Any]:
    """Convert an ``MdParserConfig`` attribute into a Docutils setting tuple."""
    name = f"myst_{}"
    flag = "--" + name.replace("_", "-")
    options = {"dest": name, "default": DOCUTILS_UNSET}
    at_options, type_str = _docutils_optparse_options_of_attribute(attribute, default)
    help_str = attribute.metadata.get("help", "") if attribute.metadata else ""
    return (f"{help_str} {type_str}", [flag], options)

def _myst_docutils_setting_tuples():
    """Return a list of Docutils setting for the MyST section."""
    defaults = MdParserConfig()
    return tuple(
        _docutils_setting_tuple_of_attribute(at, getattr(defaults,
        for at in MdParserConfig.get_fields()
        if not in DOCUTILS_EXCLUDED_ARGS

def create_myst_config(settings: frontend.Values):
    """Create a ``MdParserConfig`` from the given settings."""
    values = {}
    for attribute in MdParserConfig.get_fields():
        setting = f"myst_{}"
        val = getattr(settings, setting, DOCUTILS_UNSET)
        if val is not DOCUTILS_UNSET:
            values[] = val
    values["renderer"] = "docutils"
    return MdParserConfig(**values)

[文档]class Parser(RstParser): """Docutils parser for Markedly Structured Text (MyST).""" supported: Tuple[str, ...] = ("md", "markdown", "myst") """Aliases this parser supports.""" settings_spec = ( *RstParser.settings_spec, "MyST options", None, _myst_docutils_setting_tuples(), ) """Runtime settings specification.""" config_section = "myst parser" config_section_dependencies = ("parsers",) translate_section_name = None
[文档] def parse(self, inputstring: str, document: nodes.document) -> None: """Parse source text. :param inputstring: The source string to parse :param document: The root docutils node to add AST elements to """ try: config = create_myst_config(document.settings) except (TypeError, ValueError) as error: document.reporter.error(f"myst configuration invalid: {error.args[0]}") config = MdParserConfig(renderer="docutils") parser = default_parser(config) parser.options["document"] = document env: dict = {} tokens = parser.parse(inputstring, env) if not tokens or tokens[0].type != "front_matter": # we always add front matter, so that we can merge it with global keys, # specified in the sphinx configuration tokens = [Token("front_matter", "", 0, content="{}", map=[0, 0])] + tokens parser.renderer.render(tokens, parser.options, env)
def _run_cli(writer_name: str, writer_description: str, argv: Optional[List[str]]): """Run the command line interface for a particular writer.""" publish_cmdline( parser=Parser(), writer_name=writer_name, description=( f"Generates {writer_description} from standalone MyST sources.\n{default_description}" ), argv=argv, ) def cli_html(argv: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: """Cmdline entrypoint for converting MyST to HTML.""" _run_cli("html", "(X)HTML documents", argv) def cli_html5(argv: Optional[List[str]] = None): """Cmdline entrypoint for converting MyST to HTML5.""" _run_cli("html5", "HTML5 documents", argv) def cli_latex(argv: Optional[List[str]] = None): """Cmdline entrypoint for converting MyST to LaTeX.""" _run_cli("latex", "LaTeX documents", argv) def cli_xml(argv: Optional[List[str]] = None): """Cmdline entrypoint for converting MyST to XML.""" _run_cli("xml", "Docutils-native XML", argv) def cli_pseudoxml(argv: Optional[List[str]] = None): """Cmdline entrypoint for converting MyST to pseudo-XML.""" _run_cli("pseudoxml", "pseudo-XML", argv)