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.. _ci_guide:
Using TVM's CI
.. contents::
TVM primarily uses Jenkins for running Linux continuous integration (CI) tests on
`branches `_
`pull requests `_ through a
build configuration specified in a `Jenkinsfile `_.
Jenkins is the only CI step that is codified to block merging. TVM is also tested minimally
against Windows and MacOS using GitHub Actions.
This page describes how contributors and committers can use TVM's CI to verify their code. You can
read more about the design of TVM CI in the `tlc-pack/ci `_ repo.
For Contributors
A standard CI run looks something like this viewed in `Jenkins' BlueOcean viewer `_.
CI runs usually take a couple hours to complete and pull requests (PRs) cannot be merged before CI
has successfully completed. To diagnose failing steps, click through to the failing
pipeline stage then to the failing step to see the output logs.
.. image:: https://github.com/tlc-pack/web-data/raw/main/images/contribute/ci.png
:width: 800
:alt: The Jenkins UI for a CI run
Debugging Failures
When CI fails for some reason, there are several methods to diagnose the issue.
Jenkins Logs
.. |pytest| replace:: ``pytest``
.. _pytest: https://docs.pytest.org/en/6.2.x/
The first place to look for a failure is in the CI logs, follow the red Xs on
the failing job to view the logs. Note:
* Jenkins does not display the full log by default, at the top of the log viewer
is a button "Show complete log" which will take you to a plaintext version of the log
* |pytest|_ failures are summarized at the bottom of the log but you will likely
need to scroll up to view the actual failure.
Reproduce Failures
Most TVM Python tests run under |pytest|_ and can be run as described in :ref:`pr-testing`.
Reporting Issues
Issues with CI should be `reported on GitHub `_
with a link to the relevant jobs, commits, or PRs.
For Maintainers
This section discusses processes ran by TVM Maintainers.
Procedures for Keeping CI Green
This section talks about common procedures used to keep CI passing.
Broken CI due to Simultaneous Merge
Developers rely on the TVM CI to get signal on their PRs before merging. Occasionally, two
different PRs can pass CI individually but break ``main`` when both land. This in turn causes an
error to show up on an unrelated PR that is based on the broken commit(s). Broken commits can be
identified `through GitHub `_ via the commit status icon
or via `Jenkins `_.
In these situations it is ultimately the responsibility of the TVM Committer who merged the PR to
fix CI (others are encouraged to help). Typical responses to this situation are:
1. revert the offending commit
2. submit a forward fix to address the issue.
It is up to the committer and commit author which option to choose. A broken CI affects all TVM
developers and should be fixed as soon as possible, while a revert may be especially painful for the
author of the offending PR when that PR is large.
Dealing with Flakiness
If you notice a failure on your PR that seems unrelated to your change, you should
search [recent GitHub issues related to flaky tests](https://github.com/apache/tvm/issues?q=is%3Aissue+%5BCI+Problem%5D+Flaky+>) and
[file a new issue](https://github.com/apache/tvm/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=ci-problem.md&title=%5BCI+Problem%5D+>)
if you don't see any reports of the failure. If a certain test or class of tests affects
several PRs or commits on `main` with flaky failures, the test should be disabled via
[pytest's @xfail decorator](https://docs.pytest.org/en/6.2.x/skipping.html#xfail-mark-test-functions-as-expected-to-fail) with [`strict=False`](https://docs.pytest.org/en/6.2.x/skipping.html#strict-parameter) and the relevant issue linked in the
disabling PR.
.. code-block:: python
@pytest.mark.xfail(strict=False, reason="Flaky test: https://github.com/apache/tvm/issues/1234")
def test_something_flaky():
Then submit a PR as usual
.. code-block:: bash
git add
git commit -m'[skip ci][ci] Disable flaky test: ````
See #
gh pr create
Skipping CI
For reverts and trivial forward fixes, adding ``[skip ci]`` to the revert's
PR title will cause CI to shortcut and only run lint. Committers should
take care that they only merge CI-skipped PRs to fix a failure on ``main`` and
not in cases where the submitter wants to shortcut CI to merge a change faster.
The PR title is checked when the build is first run (specifically during the lint
step, so changes after that has run do not affect CI and will require the job to
be re-triggered by another ``git push``).
.. code-block:: bash
# Revert HEAD commit, make sure to insert '[skip ci]' at the beginning of
# the commit subject
git revert HEAD
git checkout -b my_fix
# After you have pushed your branch, create a PR as usual.
git push my_repo
# Example: Skip CI on a branch with an existing PR
# Adding this commit to an existing branch will cause a new CI run where
# Jenkins is skipped
git commit --allow-empty --message "[skip ci] Trigger skipped CI"
git push my_repo
Docker Images
Each CI job runs most of its work inside a Docker container, built from files
in the `docker/ `_ folder. These
files are built nightly in Jenkins via the `docker-images-ci `_ job.
The images for these containers are hosted in the `tlcpack Docker Hub `_
and referenced in the `Jenkinsfile.j2 `_. These can be inspected and run
locally via standard Docker commands.
Adding a new Docker image
New docker images can be added to test TVM on a variety of platforms. Here are the steps for adding
a new CI image:
1. Define the ``docker/Dockerfile.ci_foo`` and associated scripts in ``docker/install``. Create a PR containing only these changes (no ``Jenkinsfile`` changes).
Example: https://github.com/apache/tvm/pull/12230/files
2. A committer verifies the image builds locally and then reviews/approves this PR.
3. A committer creates the ci-foo repos in https://hub.docker.com/u/tlcpack and https://hub.docker.com/u/tlcpackstaging.
4. Create a PR to create an ECR repo for the image in tlcpack/ci: https://github.com/tlc-pack/ci/pull/46/files
5. A committer creates and gets merged a PR to add the image to the ``Jenkinsfile``
Example: https://github.com/apache/tvm/pull/12369/files.
**NOTE**: The PR must be opened from a branch in apache/tvm, not from a branch in a forked repo.
6. A committer adds this image to the daily docker rebuild/validation run in tlcpack.
Example: https://github.com/tlc-pack/tlcpack/pull/131
The `ci-docker-staging `_
branch is typically used to test updates to Docker images and ``Jenkinsfile`` changes. When
running a build for a normal PR from a forked repository, Jenkins uses the code
from the PR except for the ``Jenkinsfile`` itself, which comes from the base branch.
When branches are built, the ``Jenkinsfile`` in the branch is used, so a committer
with write access must push PRs to a branch in apache/tvm to properly test
``Jenkinsfile`` changes. If your PR makes changes to the ``Jenkinsfile``, make sure
to @ a `committer `_
and ask them to push your PR as a branch to test the changes.
CI Monitoring Rotation
Some tests are also flaky and occasionally fail for reasons unrelated to the PR. The
`CI monitoring rotation `_ watches for these failures and
disables tests as necessary. It is the responsibility of those who wrote the test to ultimately fix
and re-enable the test.