Domain API

class BuildEnvironment)[源代码]

A Domain is meant to be a group of “object” description directives for objects of a similar nature, and corresponding roles to create references to them. Examples would be Python modules, classes, functions etc., elements of a templating language, Sphinx roles and directives, etc.

Each domain has a separate storage for information about existing objects and how to reference them in, which must be a dictionary. It also must implement several functions that expose the object information in a uniform way to parts of Sphinx that allow the user to reference or search for objects in a domain-agnostic way.

About since all object and cross-referencing information is stored on a BuildEnvironment instance, the object is also stored in the env.domaindata dict under the key Before the build process starts, every active domain is instantiated and given the environment object; the domaindata dict must then either be nonexistent or a dictionary whose ‘version’ key is equal to the domain class’ data_version attribute. Otherwise, OSError is raised and the pickled environment is discarded.

add_object_type(name: str, objtype: None[源代码]

Add an object type.

check_consistency() None[源代码]

Do consistency checks (experimental).

clear_doc(docname: str) None[源代码]

Remove traces of a document in the domain-specific inventories.

directive(name: str) Optional[Callable][源代码]

Return a directive adapter class that always gives the registered directive its full name (‘domain:name’) as

get_enumerable_node_type(node: docutils.nodes.Node) Optional[str][源代码]

Get type of enumerable nodes (experimental).

get_full_qualified_name(node: docutils.nodes.Element) Optional[str][源代码]

Return full qualified name for given node.

get_objects() Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str, str, str, int]][源代码]

Return an iterable of “object descriptions”.

Object descriptions are tuples with six items:


Fully qualified name.


Name to display when searching/linking.


Object type, a key in self.object_types.


The document where it is to be found.


The anchor name for the object.


How “important” the object is (determines placement in search results). One of:


Default priority (placed before full-text matches).


Object is important (placed before default-priority objects).


Object is unimportant (placed after full-text matches).


Object should not show up in search at all.

get_type_name(type:, primary: bool = False) str[源代码]

Return full name for given ObjType.

merge_domaindata(docnames: List[str], otherdata: Dict) None[源代码]

Merge in data regarding docnames from a different domaindata inventory (coming from a subprocess in parallel builds).

process_doc(env: BuildEnvironment, docname: str, document: docutils.nodes.document) None[源代码]

Process a document after it is read by the environment.

process_field_xref(pnode: sphinx.addnodes.pending_xref) None[源代码]

Process a pending xref created in a doc field. For example, attach information about the current scope.

resolve_any_xref(env: BuildEnvironment, fromdocname: str, builder: Builder, target: str, node: sphinx.addnodes.pending_xref, contnode: docutils.nodes.Element) List[Tuple[str, docutils.nodes.Element]][源代码]

Resolve the pending_xref node with the given target.

The reference comes from an “any” or similar role, which means that we don’t know the type. Otherwise, the arguments are the same as for resolve_xref().

The method must return a list (potentially empty) of tuples ('domain:role', newnode), where 'domain:role' is the name of a role that could have created the same reference, e.g. 'py:func'. newnode is what resolve_xref() would return.

1.3 新版功能.

resolve_xref(env: BuildEnvironment, fromdocname: str, builder: Builder, typ: str, target: str, node: sphinx.addnodes.pending_xref, contnode: docutils.nodes.Element) Optional[docutils.nodes.Element][源代码]

Resolve the pending_xref node with the given typ and target.

This method should return a new node, to replace the xref node, containing the contnode which is the markup content of the cross-reference.

If no resolution can be found, None can be returned; the xref node will then given to the missing-reference event, and if that yields no resolution, replaced by contnode.

The method can also raise sphinx.environment.NoUri to suppress the missing-reference event being emitted.

role(name: str) Optional[Callable[[str, str, str, int, docutils.parsers.rst.states.Inliner, Dict[str, Any], List[str]], Tuple[List[docutils.nodes.Node], List[docutils.nodes.system_message]]]][源代码]

Return a role adapter function that always gives the registered role its full name (‘domain:name’) as the first argument.

setup() None[源代码]

Set up domain object.

dangling_warnings: Dict[str, str] = {}

role name -> a warning message if reference is missing

data: Dict

data value

data_version = 0

data version, bump this when the format of changes

directives: Dict[str, Any] = {}

directive name -> directive class

enumerable_nodes: Dict[Type[docutils.nodes.Node], Tuple[str, Callable]] = {}

node_class -> (enum_node_type, title_getter)

indices: List[Type[]] = []

a list of Index subclasses

initial_data: Dict = {}

data value for a fresh environment

label = ''

domain label: longer, more descriptive (used in messages)

name = ''

domain name: should be short, but unique

object_types: Dict[str,] = {}

type (usually directive) name -> ObjType instance

roles: Dict[str, Union[Callable[[str, str, str, int, docutils.parsers.rst.states.Inliner, Dict[str, Any], List[str]], Tuple[List[docutils.nodes.Node], List[docutils.nodes.system_message]]], sphinx.roles.XRefRole]] = {}

role name -> role callable

class str, *roles: Any, **attrs: Any)[源代码]

An ObjType is the description for a type of object that a domain can document. In the object_types attribute of Domain subclasses, object type names are mapped to instances of this class.

Constructor arguments:

  • lname: localized name of the type (do not include domain name)

  • roles: all the roles that can refer to an object of this type

  • attrs: object attributes – currently only “searchprio” is known, which defines the object’s priority in the full-text search index, see Domain.get_objects().


An Index is the description for a domain-specific index. To add an index to a domain, subclass Index, overriding the three name attributes:

  • name is an identifier used for generating file names. It is also used for a hyperlink target for the index. Therefore, users can refer the index page using ref role and a string which is combined domain name and name attribute (ex. :ref:`py-modindex`).

  • localname is the section title for the index.

  • shortname is a short name for the index, for use in the relation bar in HTML output. Can be empty to disable entries in the relation bar.

and providing a generate() method. Then, add the index class to your domain’s indices list. Extensions can add indices to existing domains using add_index_to_domain().

在 3.0 版更改: Index pages can be referred by domain name and index name via ref role.

abstract generate(docnames: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None) Tuple[List[Tuple[str, List[]]], bool][源代码]

Get entries for the index.

If docnames is given, restrict to entries referring to these docnames.

The return value is a tuple of (content, collapse):


A boolean that determines if sub-entries should start collapsed (for output formats that support collapsing sub-entries).


A sequence of (letter, entries) tuples, where letter is the “heading” for the given entries, usually the starting letter, and entries is a sequence of single entries. Each entry is a sequence [name, subtype, docname, anchor, extra, qualifier, descr]. The items in this sequence have the following meaning:


The name of the index entry to be displayed.


The sub-entry related type. One of:


A normal entry.


An entry with sub-entries.


A sub-entry.


docname where the entry is located.


Anchor for the entry within docname


Extra info for the entry.


Qualifier for the description.


Description for the entry.

Qualifier and description are not rendered for some output formats such as LaTeX.

class sphinx.directives.ObjectDescription(name, arguments, options, content, lineno, content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine)[源代码]

Directive to describe a class, function or similar object. Not used directly, but subclassed (in domain-specific directives) to add custom behavior.

add_target_and_index(name: sphinx.directives.T, sig: str, signode: sphinx.addnodes.desc_signature) None[源代码]

Add cross-reference IDs and entries to self.indexnode, if applicable.

name is whatever handle_signature() returned.

after_content() None[源代码]

Called after parsing content. Used to reset information about the current directive context on the build environment.

before_content() None[源代码]

Called before parsing content. Used to set information about the current directive context on the build environment.

get_signatures() List[str][源代码]

Retrieve the signatures to document from the directive arguments. By default, signatures are given as arguments, one per line.

handle_signature(sig: str, signode: sphinx.addnodes.desc_signature) sphinx.directives.T[源代码]

Parse the signature sig into individual nodes and append them to signode. If ValueError is raised, parsing is aborted and the whole sig is put into a single desc_name node.

The return value should be a value that identifies the object. It is passed to add_target_and_index() unchanged, and otherwise only used to skip duplicates.

run() List[docutils.nodes.Node][源代码]

Main directive entry function, called by docutils upon encountering the directive.

This directive is meant to be quite easily subclassable, so it delegates to several additional methods. What it does:

  • find out if called as a domain-specific directive, set self.domain

  • create a desc node to fit all description inside

  • parse standard options, currently noindex

  • create an index node if needed as self.indexnode

  • parse all given signatures (as returned by self.get_signatures()) using self.handle_signature(), which should either return a name or raise ValueError

  • add index entries using self.add_target_and_index()

  • parse the content and handle doc fields in it

transform_content(contentnode: sphinx.addnodes.desc_content) None[源代码]

Called after creating the content through nested parsing, but before the object-description-transform event is emitted, and before the info-fields are transformed. Can be used to manipulate the content.

Python Domain

class BuildEnvironment)[源代码]

Python language domain.

note_object(name: str, objtype: str, node_id: str, aliased: bool = False, location: Optional[Any] = None) None[源代码]

Note a python object for cross reference.

2.1 新版功能.

note_module(name: str, node_id: str, synopsis: str, platform: str, deprecated: bool) None[源代码]

Note a python module for cross reference.

2.1 新版功能.