Advanced Configuration
.. _configuration_customizing_url_scheme:
Customizing the URL Scheme
:confval:`sitemap_url_scheme` defaults to ``{lang}{version}{link}``, where ``{lang}`` and ``{version}`` get set by :confval:`language` and :confval:`version` in ****.
.. important:: As of Sphinx version 5, ``language`` defaults to ``"en"``, if that
makes the default scheme produce the incorrect URL, then change the default behavior.
To change the default behavior, set the value of :confval:`sitemap_url_scheme` in **** to the
desired format. For example:
.. code-block:: python
sitemap_url_scheme = "{link}"
Or for nested deployments, something like:
.. code-block:: python
sitemap_url_scheme = "{version}{lang}subdir/{link}"
.. note:: The extension automatically appends trailing slashes to both the ``language`` and ``version`` values.
You can also omit values from the scheme for desired behavior.
.. _configuration_changing_filename:
Changing the Filename
Set :confval:`sitemap_filename` in **** to the desired filename, for example:
.. code-block:: python
sitemap_filename = "sitemap.xml"
Version Support
:confval:`version` specifies the version of the sitemap.
For multi-version sitemaps, generate a sitemap per version and then manually add each to a `sitemapindex.xml`_ file.
Tagged Releases
For a tagged release deploy strategy where the ``latest`` gets created from head of the branch and versions get created from tagged commits, check to see if the current commit matches the release tag regex and set :confval:`version` accordingly.
.. code-block:: python
# check if the current commit is tagged as a release (vX.Y.Z) and set the version
GIT_TAG_OUTPUT = subprocess.check_output(["git", "tag", "--points-at", "HEAD"])
current_tag = GIT_TAG_OUTPUT.decode().strip()
if re.match(r"^v(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)\.(0|[1-9]\d*)$", current_tag):
version = current_tag
version = "latest"
.. tip:: Set the canonical URL in the theme layout of all versions to the latest version of that page, for example:
.. code-block:: html
.. _configuration_supporting_multiple_languages:
Language Support
:confval:`language` specifies the primary language. Any alternative languages get detected using the contents of :confval:`locale_dirs`.
For example, with a primary language of **en**, and **es** and **fr** as detected translations, the sitemap look like this:
.. code-block:: xml
Use :confval:`sitemap_locales` to manually specify a list of locales to include in the sitemap:
.. code-block:: python
sitemap_locales = ['en', 'es']
The end result looks something like the following for each language/version build:
.. code-block:: xml
To generate the primary language with no alternatives, set :confval:`sitemap_locales` to ``[None]``:
.. code-block:: python
sitemap_locales = [None]
For multilingual sitemaps, generate a sitemap per language and then manually add each to a `sitemapindex.xml`_ file.
.. _configuration_excluding_pages:
Excluding Pages
To exclude a set of pages, add each page's path to ``sitemap_exclude``:
.. code-block:: python
sitemap_excludes = [
.. _sitemapindex.xml: