
Autodoc 风格指令

您可以选择使用 autodoc 风格的指令自行编写 API 文档。这些指令的工作方式与 autodoc 类似,但文档字符串是通过静态分析而不是通过导入来获取的。


当过渡到 autodoc 风格的文档时,您可能希望关闭 autoapi_generate_api_docs 选项,以便不再自动生成 API 文档。

To use these directives you will need to enable the autodoc extension in your Sphinx project's conf.py:

extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'autoapi.extension']

For Python, all directives have an autodoc equivalent and accept the same options. The following directives are available:

.. autoapimodule::
.. autoapiclass::
.. autoapiexception::

Equivalent to automodule, autoclass, and autoexception respectively. autodoc_inherit_docstrings does not currently work.

.. autoapifunction::
.. autoapidata::
.. autoapimethod::
.. autoapiattribute::

Equivalent to autofunction, autodata, automethod, and autoattribute respectively.

Inheritance Diagrams

.. autoapi-inheritance-diagram::

This directive uses the sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram extension to create inheritance diagrams for classes.

For example:

Inheritance diagram of autoapi._objects.PythonModule, autoapi._objects.PythonPackage

sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram makes use of the sphinx.ext.graphviz extension, and therefore it requires Graphviz to be installed.

The directive can be configured using the same options as sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram.