Development Practices

Release procedure

  • merge outstanding feature branch(es) into develop

    • $ git checkout develop

    • $ git merge --no-ff {feature-branch}

  • complete release updates

    • update version number in pptx/

    • update (shouldn’t usually be any changes)

    • update, in particular, the release history

    • update doc/index.rst

    • confirm docs compile without errors

    • run all tests (behave, nosetests, tox)

    • create trial distribution (make clean sdist)

    • git commit -m 'Release v0.2.2'

    • merge develop into master

      • $ git checkout master

      • $ git merge --no-ff develop

    • create tag for new version

      • $ git tag -a v0.2.5 -m 'Release version 0.2.5'

  • release uploaded to PyPI

    • upload: make upload

  • synchronize local repo with github

    • $ git push scanny develop

    • $ git push scanny master

    • $ git push --tags

  • docs regenerated

    • trigger regeneration of docs on

Creating a hand-modified package

  • remove file, e.g. /docProps/core.xml

  • remove reference from [Content_Types].xml

  • remove relationship(s) from _rels/.rels or wherever they are


rm -f ../no-core-props.pptx && zip -Dqr ../no-core-props.pptx .

Procedure – Adding a new feature

  • issue added to github issue tracker

  • git feature branch created

  • working analysis documented

  • acceptance test failing (not just raising exceptions)

  • recursively, outside in:

    • unit test failing

    • next level method(s) written

    • unit test passing

  • all tests passing

    • unit

    • acceptance

    • tox

    • visual confirmation of behavior in PowerPoint

  • documentation updated as required

    • API additions

    • example code

  • feature branch committed, rebased if required

  • feature branch merged into develop

    • git flow feature finish paragraph-level

  • changes pushed to github

  • issue closed

Outside-in layers

  • API wrapper method (if applicable)

  • Internal API method

  • objectify manipulation layer

  • perhaps others

Creating slide images for documentation

  • Desired slide created using a test script

  • Zoom slide to 100% with: click on slide, View > Zoom > Zoom… > 100% > OK

  • Screenshot file on desktop using Cmd-Shift-4, Space, click

  • Load into PhotoShop and crop, keeping dark gray border

  • Save as PNG, scaled to 280 x 210px

  • Completed image saved in doc/_static/img/

Acceptance testing with behave

… using behave for now for acceptance testing …


pip install behave


The behave tutorial is well worth working through.

And this more detailed set of examples and tutorials is great for getting the practicalities down.

behave Resources