Graphic Frame

A graphic frame is a shape that contains a graphical object such as a table, chart, or SmartArt object. While often referred to as a shape in common parlance, a table or chart is not a shape. The graphic frame container is the shape and the table, chart, or SmartArt object is a DrawingML (DML) object within it.

A chart, for example, is a shared DML object. It can appear in a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file, virtually unchanged except for the container in which it appears.

The graphical content is contained in the p:graphicFrame/a:graphic/a:graphicData grandchild element. The type of graphical object contained is specified by an XML namespace contained in the uri attribute of the <a:graphicData> element. The graphical content may appear directly in the <p:graphicFrame> element or may be in a separate part related by an rId. XML for a table is embedded inline. Chart XML is stored in a related Chart part.


>>> shape = shapes.add_chart(style, type, x, y, cx, cy)
>>> type(shape)
<class 'pptx.shapes.graphfrm.GraphicFrame'>
>>> shape.has_chart
>>> shape.has_table
>>> shape.chart
< object at 0x108c0e290>

>>> shape = shapes.add_table(rows=2, cols=2, x, y, cx, cy)
>>> type(shape)
<class 'pptx.shapes.graphfrm.GraphicFrame'>
>>> shape.has_chart
>>> shape.has_table
>>> shape.table
<pptx.shapes.table.Table object at 0x108c0e310>

Specimen XML

Table in a graphic frame:

    <p:cNvPr id="2" name="Table 1"/>
      <a:graphicFrameLocks noGrp="1"/>
    <a:off x="1524000" y="1397000"/>
    <a:ext cx="6096000" cy="741680"/>
    <a:graphicData uri="">
        ... remaining table XML ...

Chart in a graphic frame:

    <p:cNvPr id="2" name="Chart 1"/>
        <p:ext uri="{D42A27DB-BD31-4B8C-83A1-F6EECF244321}">
          <p14:modId xmlns:p14=""
    <a:off x="1524000" y="1397000"/>
    <a:ext cx="6096000" cy="4064000"/>
    <a:graphicData uri="">
      <c:chart xmlns:c=""