Chart - Plots

Within the c:chartSpace/c:chart/c:plotArea element may occur 0..n xChart elements, each containing 0..n series.

xChart here is a placeholder name for the various plot elements, each of which ends with Chart:

  • <c:barChart>

  • <c:lineChart>

  • <c:pieChart>

  • <c:areaChart>

  • etc. …

In the Microsoft API, the term chart group is used for the concept these elements represent. Rather than a group of charts, their role is perhaps better described as a series group. The terminology is a bit vexed when it comes down to details. The term plot was chosen for the purposes of this library.

The reason the concept of a plot is required is that more than one type of plotting may appear on a single chart. For example, a line chart can appear on top of a column chart. To be more precise, one or more series can be plotted as lines superimposed on one or more series plotted as columns.

The two sets of series both belong to a single chart, and there is only a single data source to define all the series in the chart. The Excel workbook that provides the chart data uses only a single worksheet.

Individual series can be assigned a different chart type using the PowerPoint UI; this operation causes them to be placed in a distinct xChart element of the corresponding type. During this operation, PowerPoint adds xChart elements in an order that seems to correspond to logical viewing order, without respect to the sequence of the series chosen. It appears area plots are placed in back, bar next, and line in front. This prevents plots of one type from obscuring the others.

Note that not all combinations of chart types are possible. I’ve seen area overlaid with column overlaid with line. Bar cannot be combined with line, which seems sensible because their axes locations differ (switched horizontal/vertical).

Feature Summary

Most plot-level properties are particular to a chart type. One so far is shared by plots of almost all chart types.

  • Plot.vary_by_categories – Read/write boolean determining whether point markers for each category have a different color. A point marker here means a bar for a bar chart, a pie section, etc. This setting is only operative when the plot has a single series. A plot with multiple series uses varying colors to distinguish series rather than categories.

Candidate protocol


>>> plot = chart.plots[0]
>>> plot.vary_by_categories
>>> plot.vary_by_categories = False
>>> plot.vary_by_categories

XML Semantics

  • The value of c:xChart/c:varyColors defaults to True when the element is not present or when the element is present but its val attribute is not.