Chart - Chart Title

A chart can have a title. The title is a rich text container, and can contain arbitrary text with arbitrary formatting (font, size, color, etc.). There is little but one thing to distinquish a chart title from an independent text box; its position is automatically adjusted by the chart to account for resizing and movement.

A title is visible whenever present. The only way to “hide” it is to delete it, along with its contents.

Although it will not yet be supported, the chart title can be specified in the XML as a cell reference in the Excel worksheet. In general, any constructive operations on the title will remove this.

Proposed Scope

  • Chart.has_title

  • Chart.chart_title

  • ChartTitle.has_text_frame

  • ChartTitle.text_frame

  • ChartTitle.format

Candidate protocol

Chart title presence

The presence of a chart title is reported by Chart.has_title. Reading this property is non-destructive. Starting with a newly-created chart, which has no title:

>>> chart = shapes.add_chart(...).chart
>>> chart.has_title

Assigning True to .has_title causes an empty title element to be added along with its text frame elements (when not already present). This assignment is idempotent, such that assigning True when a chart title is present leaves the chart unchanged:

>>> chart.has_title = True
>>> chart.has_title

Assigning False to .has_title removes the title element from the XML along with its contents. This assignment is also idempotent:

>>> chart.has_title = False
>>> chart.has_title

Chart title access

Access to the chart title is provided by Chart.chart_title. This property always provides a ChartTitle object; a new one is created if not present. This behavior produces cleaner code for the common “get or add” case; Chart.has_title is provided to avoid this potentially destructive behavior when required:

>>> chart = shapes.add_chart(...).chart
>>> chart.has_title
>>> chart.chart_title
<pptx.chart.ChartTitle object at 0x65432fd>
>>> chart.has_title


The ChartTitle object can contain either a text frame or an Excel cell reference (<c:strRef>). However, the only operation on the c:strRef element the library will support (for now anyway) is to delete it when adding a text frame.

ChartTitle.has_text_frame is used to determine whether a text frame is present. Assigning True to .has_text_frame causes any Excel reference to be removed and an empty text frame to be inserted. If a text frame is already present, no changes are made:

>>> chart_title.has_text_frame
>>> chart_title.has_text_frame = True
>>> chart_title.has_text_frame

Assigning False to .has_text_frame removes the text frame element from the XML along with its contents. This assignment is also idempotent:

>>> chart.has_text_frame = False
>>> chart.has_text_frame

The text frame can be accessed using ChartTitle.text_frame. This property always provides a TextFrame object; one is added if not present and any c:strRef element is removed:

>>> chart.has_text_frame
>>> chart_title.text_frame
<pptx.text.text.TextFrame object at 0x65432fe>
>>> chart.has_text_frame

XML semantics

  • c:autoTitleDeleted set True has no effect on the visibility of a default chart title (no actual text, ‘placeholder’ display: ‘Chart Title’. It also seems to have no effect on an actual title, having a text frame and actual text.

XML specimens

Default when clicking Chart Title > Title Above Chart from ribbon (before changing the text of the title):

    <c:overlay val="0"/>
  <c:autoTitleDeleted val="0"/>

Text ‘Foobar’ typed into chart title just after adding it from ribbon:

          <a:rPr lang="en-US" dirty="0" smtClean="0"/>
        <a:endParaRPr lang="en-US" dirty="0"/>
  <c:overlay val="0"/>