Bubble Chart

A bubble chart is an extension of an X-Y or scatter chart. Containing an extra (third) series, the size of the bubble is proportional to the value in the third series.

The bubble is proportioned to its value by one of two methods selected by the client:

  • Bubble width is proportional to value (linear)

  • Bubble area is proportional to value (quadratic)

By default, the scale of the bubbles is determined by setting the largest bubble equal to a “default bubble size” equal to roughly 25% of the height or width of the chart area, whichever is less. The default bubble size can be scaled using a property setting to obtain proportionally larger or smaller bubbles.

PowerPoint UI

To create a bubble chart by hand in PowerPoint:

  1. Carts ribbon > Other > Bubble

A three-row, three-column Excel worksheet opens and the default chart appears.

XML semantics

  • I think this is going to get into blank cells if multiple series are required. Might be worth checking out how using NA() possibly differs as to how it appears in the XML.

  • There is a single c:ser element. Inside are c:xVal, c:yVal, and c:bubbleSize, each containing the set of points for that “series”.

XML specimen

XML for default bubble chart:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>
        <c:varyColors val="0"/>
          <c:idx val="0"/>
          <c:order val="0"/>
                <c:ptCount val="1"/>
                <c:pt idx="0">
                  <c:v>Y-Value 1</c:v>
          <c:invertIfNegative val="0"/>
                <c:ptCount val="3"/>
                <c:pt idx="0">
                <c:pt idx="1">
                <c:pt idx="2">
                <c:ptCount val="3"/>
                <c:pt idx="0">
                <c:pt idx="1">
                <c:pt idx="2">
                <c:ptCount val="3"/>
                <c:pt idx="0">
                <c:pt idx="1">
                <c:pt idx="2">
          <c:bubble3D val="0"/>
          <c:showLegendKey val="0"/>
          <c:showVal val="0"/>
          <c:showCatName val="0"/>
          <c:showSerName val="0"/>
          <c:showPercent val="0"/>
          <c:showBubbleSize val="0"/>
        <c:bubbleScale val="100"/>
        <c:showNegBubbles val="0"/>
        <c:axId val="2110171512"/>
        <c:axId val="2110299944"/>
        <c:axId val="2110171512"/>
          <c:orientation val="minMax"/>
        <c:delete val="0"/>
        <c:axPos val="b"/>
        <c:numFmt formatCode="General" sourceLinked="1"/>
        <c:majorTickMark val="out"/>
        <c:minorTickMark val="none"/>
        <c:tickLblPos val="nextTo"/>
        <c:crossAx val="2110299944"/>
        <c:crosses val="autoZero"/>
        <c:crossBetween val="midCat"/>
        <c:axId val="2110299944"/>
          <c:orientation val="minMax"/>
        <c:delete val="0"/>
        <c:axPos val="l"/>
        <c:numFmt formatCode="General" sourceLinked="1"/>
        <c:majorTickMark val="out"/>
        <c:minorTickMark val="none"/>
        <c:tickLblPos val="nextTo"/>
        <c:crossAx val="2110171512"/>
        <c:crosses val="autoZero"/>
        <c:crossBetween val="midCat"/>
      <c:legendPos val="r"/>
      <c:overlay val="0"/>
    <c:plotVisOnly val="1"/>
    <c:dispBlanksAs val="gap"/>
    <c:showDLblsOverMax val="0"/>
        <a:defRPr sz="1800"/>
      <a:endParaRPr lang="en-US"/>
  <c:externalData r:id="rId1">
    <c:autoUpdate val="0"/>

MS API Protocol

Create (unconventional) multi-series bubble chart in Excel:

If (selection.Columns.Count <> 4 Or selection.Rows.Count < 3) Then
    MsgBox "Selection must have 4 columns and at least 2 rows"
    Exit Sub
End If

Dim bubbleChart As ChartObject
Set bubbleChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(
      Left:=selection.Left, Width:=600, Top:=selection.Top, Height:=400
bubbleChart.chart.ChartType = xlBubble
Dim r As Integer
For r = 2 To selection.Rows.Count
    With bubbleChart.chart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries
        .Name = "=" & selection.Cells(r, 1).Address(External:=True)
        .XValues = selection.Cells(r, 2).Address(External:=True)
        .Values = selection.Cells(r, 3).Address(External:=True)
        .BubbleSizes = selection.Cells(r, 4).Address(External:=True)
    End With

bubbleChart.chart.SetElement (msoElementPrimaryCategoryAxisTitleAdjacentToAxis)
bubbleChart.chart.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Text = "=" & selection.Cells(1, 2).Address(External:=True)

bubbleChart.chart.SetElement (msoElementPrimaryValueAxisTitleRotated)
bubbleChart.chart.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Text = "=" & selection.Cells(1, 3).Address(External:=True)

bubbleChart.chart.SetElement (msoElementPrimaryCategoryGridLinesMajor)
bubbleChart.chart.Axes(xlCategory).MinimumScale = 0
