Chart - Embedded Worksheet

The data for a chart in PowerPoint is stored in an embedded Excel spreadsheet.

Spike approach

  • [ ] driver with one blank slide, builder column chart single series.

  • [ ] Can edit Excel data in resulting file

  • [ ] resulting file has an embedded Excel package of expected name

  • [ ] XML uses worksheet references, not just cached data

Proposed protocol

>>> graphic_frame = prs.slides[0].shapes[0]
>>> chart = graphic_frame.chart
>>> chart_data = chart.chart_data
>>> chart_data
<pptx.chart.chart.ChartData instance at 0xdeadbeef1>
>>> chart_data.update_from_xlsx_stream(xlsx_stream)

MS API Protocol

>>> chart = prs.Slides(1).Shapes(1).Chart
>>> chart_data = chart.ChartData
>>> workbook = chart_data.Workbook
>>> worksheet = Workbook.Worksheets(1)

ChartData objects


Removes the link between the data for a chart and a Microsoft Excel workbook.


True if the data for the chart is linked to an external Microsoft Excel workbook. Read-only Boolean.


Returns the workbook that contains the chart data associated with the chart. Read-only Object.

XML specimens

simple column chart:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>
  <c:date1904 val="0"/>
  <c:lang val="en-US"/>
  <c:roundedCorners val="0"/>
  <mc:AlternateContent xmlns:mc="">
    <mc:Choice xmlns:c14=""
      <c14:style val="102"/>
      <c:style val="2"/>
    <!-- 179 rows elided -->
        <a:defRPr sz="1800"/>
      <a:endParaRPr lang="en-US"/>
  <c:externalData r:id="rId1">
    <c:autoUpdate val="0"/>