pptx.text.text 源代码

# encoding: utf-8

"""Text-related objects such as TextFrame and Paragraph."""

from pptx.compat import to_unicode
from pptx.dml.fill import FillFormat
from pptx.enum.dml import MSO_FILL
from pptx.enum.lang import MSO_LANGUAGE_ID
from pptx.enum.text import MSO_AUTO_SIZE, MSO_UNDERLINE
from pptx.opc.constants import RELATIONSHIP_TYPE as RT
from pptx.oxml.simpletypes import ST_TextWrappingType
from pptx.shapes import Subshape
from pptx.text.fonts import FontFiles
from pptx.text.layout import TextFitter
from pptx.util import Centipoints, Emu, lazyproperty, Pt

[文档]class TextFrame(Subshape): """The part of a shape that contains its text. Not all shapes have a text frame. Corresponds to the ``<p:txBody>`` element that can appear as a child element of ``<p:sp>``. Not intended to be constructed directly. """ def __init__(self, txBody, parent): super(TextFrame, self).__init__(parent) self._element = self._txBody = txBody
[文档] def add_paragraph(self): """ Return new |_Paragraph| instance appended to the sequence of paragraphs contained in this text frame. """ p = self._txBody.add_p() return _Paragraph(p, self)
@property def auto_size(self): """ The type of automatic resizing that should be used to fit the text of this shape within its bounding box when the text would otherwise extend beyond the shape boundaries. May be |None|, ``MSO_AUTO_SIZE.NONE``, ``MSO_AUTO_SIZE.SHAPE_TO_FIT_TEXT``, or ``MSO_AUTO_SIZE.TEXT_TO_FIT_SHAPE``. """ return self._bodyPr.autofit @auto_size.setter def auto_size(self, value): self._bodyPr.autofit = value
[文档] def clear(self): """Remove all paragraphs except one empty one.""" for p in self._txBody.p_lst[1:]: self._txBody.remove(p) p = self.paragraphs[0] p.clear()
[文档] def fit_text( self, font_family="Calibri", max_size=18, bold=False, italic=False, font_file=None, ): """Fit text-frame text entirely within bounds of its shape. Make the text in this text frame fit entirely within the bounds of its shape by setting word wrap on and applying the "best-fit" font size to all the text it contains. :attr:`TextFrame.auto_size` is set to :attr:`MSO_AUTO_SIZE.NONE`. The font size will not be set larger than *max_size* points. If the path to a matching TrueType font is provided as *font_file*, that font file will be used for the font metrics. If *font_file* is |None|, best efforts are made to locate a font file with matchhing *font_family*, *bold*, and *italic* installed on the current system (usually succeeds if the font is installed). """ # ---no-op when empty as fit behavior not defined for that case--- if self.text == "": return # pragma: no cover font_size = self._best_fit_font_size( font_family, max_size, bold, italic, font_file ) self._apply_fit(font_family, font_size, bold, italic)
@property def margin_bottom(self): """ |Length| value representing the inset of text from the bottom text frame border. :meth:`pptx.util.Inches` provides a convenient way of setting the value, e.g. ``text_frame.margin_bottom = Inches(0.05)``. """ return self._bodyPr.bIns @margin_bottom.setter def margin_bottom(self, emu): self._bodyPr.bIns = emu @property def margin_left(self): """ Inset of text from left text frame border as |Length| value. """ return self._bodyPr.lIns @margin_left.setter def margin_left(self, emu): self._bodyPr.lIns = emu @property def margin_right(self): """ Inset of text from right text frame border as |Length| value. """ return self._bodyPr.rIns @margin_right.setter def margin_right(self, emu): self._bodyPr.rIns = emu @property def margin_top(self): """ Inset of text from top text frame border as |Length| value. """ return self._bodyPr.tIns @margin_top.setter def margin_top(self, emu): self._bodyPr.tIns = emu @property def paragraphs(self): """ Immutable sequence of |_Paragraph| instances corresponding to the paragraphs in this text frame. A text frame always contains at least one paragraph. """ return tuple([_Paragraph(p, self) for p in self._txBody.p_lst]) @property def text(self): """Unicode/str containing all text in this text-frame. Read/write. The return value is a str (unicode) containing all text in this text-frame. A line-feed character (``"\\n"``) separates the text for each paragraph. A vertical-tab character (``"\\v"``) appears for each line break (aka. soft carriage-return) encountered. The vertical-tab character is how PowerPoint represents a soft carriage return in clipboard text, which is why that encoding was chosen. Assignment replaces all text in the text frame. The assigned value can be a 7-bit ASCII string, a UTF-8 encoded 8-bit string, or unicode. A bytes value (such as a Python 2 ``str``) is converted to unicode assuming UTF-8 encoding. A new paragraph is added for each line-feed character (``"\\n"``) encountered. A line-break (soft carriage-return) is inserted for each vertical-tab character (``"\\v"``) encountered. Any control character other than newline, tab, or vertical-tab are escaped as plain-text like "_x001B_" (for ESC (ASCII 32) in this example). """ return "\n".join(paragraph.text for paragraph in self.paragraphs) @text.setter def text(self, text): txBody = self._txBody txBody.clear_content() for p_text in to_unicode(text).split("\n"): p = txBody.add_p() p.append_text(p_text) @property def vertical_anchor(self): """ Read/write member of :ref:`MsoVerticalAnchor` enumeration or |None|, representing the vertical alignment of text in this text frame. |None| indicates the effective value should be inherited from this object's style hierarchy. """ return self._txBody.bodyPr.anchor @vertical_anchor.setter def vertical_anchor(self, value): bodyPr = self._txBody.bodyPr bodyPr.anchor = value @property def word_wrap(self): """ Read-write setting determining whether lines of text in this shape are wrapped to fit within the shape's width. Valid values are True, False, or None. True and False turn word wrap on and off, respectively. Assigning None to word wrap causes any word wrap setting to be removed from the text frame, causing it to inherit this setting from its style hierarchy. """ return { ST_TextWrappingType.SQUARE: True, ST_TextWrappingType.NONE: False, None: None, }[self._txBody.bodyPr.wrap] @word_wrap.setter def word_wrap(self, value): if value not in (True, False, None): raise ValueError( # pragma: no cover "assigned value must be True, False, or None, got %s" % value ) self._txBody.bodyPr.wrap = { True: ST_TextWrappingType.SQUARE, False: ST_TextWrappingType.NONE, None: None, }[value] def _apply_fit(self, font_family, font_size, is_bold, is_italic): """Arrange text in this text frame to fit inside its extents. This is accomplished by setting auto size off, wrap on, and setting the font of all its text to `font_family`, `font_size`, `is_bold`, and `is_italic`. """ self.auto_size = MSO_AUTO_SIZE.NONE self.word_wrap = True self._set_font(font_family, font_size, is_bold, is_italic) def _best_fit_font_size(self, family, max_size, bold, italic, font_file): """ Return the largest integer point size not greater than *max_size* that allows all the text in this text frame to fit inside its extents when rendered using the font described by *family*, *bold*, and *italic*. If *font_file* is specified, it is used to calculate the fit, whether or not it matches *family*, *bold*, and *italic*. """ if font_file is None: font_file = FontFiles.find(family, bold, italic) return TextFitter.best_fit_font_size( self.text, self._extents, max_size, font_file ) @property def _bodyPr(self): return self._txBody.bodyPr @property def _extents(self): """ A (cx, cy) 2-tuple representing the effective rendering area for text within this text frame when margins are taken into account. """ return ( self._parent.width - self.margin_left - self.margin_right, self._parent.height - self.margin_top - self.margin_bottom, ) def _set_font(self, family, size, bold, italic): """ Set the font properties of all the text in this text frame to *family*, *size*, *bold*, and *italic*. """ def iter_rPrs(txBody): for p in txBody.p_lst: for elm in p.content_children: yield elm.get_or_add_rPr() # generate a:endParaRPr for each <a:p> element yield p.get_or_add_endParaRPr() def set_rPr_font(rPr, name, size, bold, italic): f = Font(rPr) f.name, f.size, f.bold, f.italic = family, Pt(size), bold, italic txBody = self._element for rPr in iter_rPrs(txBody): set_rPr_font(rPr, family, size, bold, italic)
[文档]class Font(object): """ Character properties object, providing font size, font name, bold, italic, etc. Corresponds to ``<a:rPr>`` child element of a run. Also appears as ``<a:defRPr>`` and ``<a:endParaRPr>`` in paragraph and ``<a:defRPr>`` in list style elements. """ def __init__(self, rPr): super(Font, self).__init__() self._element = self._rPr = rPr @property def bold(self): """ Get or set boolean bold value of |Font|, e.g. ``paragraph.font.bold = True``. If set to |None|, the bold setting is cleared and is inherited from an enclosing shape's setting, or a setting in a style or master. Returns None if no bold attribute is present, meaning the effective bold value is inherited from a master or the theme. """ return self._rPr.b @bold.setter def bold(self, value): self._rPr.b = value
[文档] @lazyproperty def color(self): """ The |ColorFormat| instance that provides access to the color settings for this font. """ if self.fill.type != MSO_FILL.SOLID: self.fill.solid() return self.fill.fore_color
[文档] @lazyproperty def fill(self): """ |FillFormat| instance for this font, providing access to fill properties such as fill color. """ return FillFormat.from_fill_parent(self._rPr)
@property def italic(self): """ Get or set boolean italic value of |Font| instance, with the same behaviors as bold with respect to None values. """ return self._rPr.i @italic.setter def italic(self, value): self._rPr.i = value @property def language_id(self): """ Get or set the language id of this |Font| instance. The language id is a member of the :ref:`MsoLanguageId` enumeration. Assigning |None| removes any language setting, the same behavior as assigning `MSO_LANGUAGE_ID.NONE`. """ lang = self._rPr.lang if lang is None: return MSO_LANGUAGE_ID.NONE return self._rPr.lang @language_id.setter def language_id(self, value): if value == MSO_LANGUAGE_ID.NONE: value = None self._rPr.lang = value @property def name(self): """ Get or set the typeface name for this |Font| instance, causing the text it controls to appear in the named font, if a matching font is found. Returns |None| if the typeface is currently inherited from the theme. Setting it to |None| removes any override of the theme typeface. """ latin = self._rPr.latin if latin is None: return None return latin.typeface @name.setter def name(self, value): if value is None: self._rPr._remove_latin() else: latin = self._rPr.get_or_add_latin() latin.typeface = value @property def size(self): """ Read/write |Length| value or |None|, indicating the font height in English Metric Units (EMU). |None| indicates the font size should be inherited from its style hierarchy, such as a placeholder or document defaults (usually 18pt). |Length| is a subclass of |int| having properties for convenient conversion into points or other length units. Likewise, the :class:`pptx.util.Pt` class allows convenient specification of point values:: >> font.size = Pt(24) >> font.size 304800 >> font.size.pt 24.0 """ sz = self._rPr.sz if sz is None: return None return Centipoints(sz) @size.setter def size(self, emu): if emu is None: self._rPr.sz = None else: sz = Emu(emu).centipoints self._rPr.sz = sz @property def underline(self): """ Read/write. |True|, |False|, |None|, or a member of the :ref:`MsoTextUnderlineType` enumeration indicating the underline setting for this font. |None| is the default and indicates the underline setting should be inherited from the style hierarchy, such as from a placeholder. |True| indicates single underline. |False| indicates no underline. Other settings such as double and wavy underlining are indicated with members of the :ref:`MsoTextUnderlineType` enumeration. """ u = self._rPr.u if u is MSO_UNDERLINE.NONE: return False if u is MSO_UNDERLINE.SINGLE_LINE: return True return u @underline.setter def underline(self, value): if value is True: value = MSO_UNDERLINE.SINGLE_LINE elif value is False: value = MSO_UNDERLINE.NONE self._element.u = value
class _Hyperlink(Subshape): """ Text run hyperlink object. Corresponds to ``<a:hlinkClick>`` child element of the run's properties element (``<a:rPr>``). """ def __init__(self, rPr, parent): super(_Hyperlink, self).__init__(parent) self._rPr = rPr @property def address(self): """ Read/write. The URL of the hyperlink. URL can be on http, https, mailto, or file scheme; others may work. """ if self._hlinkClick is None: return None return self.part.target_ref(self._hlinkClick.rId) @address.setter def address(self, url): # implements all three of add, change, and remove hyperlink if self._hlinkClick is not None: self._remove_hlinkClick() if url: self._add_hlinkClick(url) def _add_hlinkClick(self, url): rId = self.part.relate_to(url, RT.HYPERLINK, is_external=True) self._rPr.add_hlinkClick(rId) @property def _hlinkClick(self): return self._rPr.hlinkClick def _remove_hlinkClick(self): assert self._hlinkClick is not None self.part.drop_rel(self._hlinkClick.rId) self._rPr._remove_hlinkClick()
[文档]class _Paragraph(Subshape): """Paragraph object. Not intended to be constructed directly.""" def __init__(self, p, parent): super(_Paragraph, self).__init__(parent) self._element = self._p = p
[文档] def add_line_break(self): """Add line break at end of this paragraph.""" self._p.add_br()
[文档] def add_run(self): """ Return a new run appended to the runs in this paragraph. """ r = self._p.add_r() return _Run(r, self)
@property def alignment(self): """ Horizontal alignment of this paragraph, represented by either a member of the enumeration :ref:`PpParagraphAlignment` or |None|. The value |None| indicates the paragraph should 'inherit' its effective value from its style hierarchy. Assigning |None| removes any explicit setting, causing its inherited value to be used. """ return self._pPr.algn @alignment.setter def alignment(self, value): self._pPr.algn = value
[文档] def clear(self): """ Remove all content from this paragraph. Paragraph properties are preserved. Content includes runs, line breaks, and fields. """ for elm in self._element.content_children: self._element.remove(elm) return self
@property def font(self): """ |Font| object containing default character properties for the runs in this paragraph. These character properties override default properties inherited from parent objects such as the text frame the paragraph is contained in and they may be overridden by character properties set at the run level. """ return Font(self._defRPr) @property def level(self): """ Read-write integer indentation level of this paragraph, having a range of 0-8 inclusive. 0 represents a top-level paragraph and is the default value. Indentation level is most commonly encountered in a bulleted list, as is found on a word bullet slide. """ return self._pPr.lvl @level.setter def level(self, level): self._pPr.lvl = level @property def line_spacing(self): """ Numeric or |Length| value specifying the space between baselines in successive lines of this paragraph. A value of |None| indicates no explicit value is assigned and its effective value is inherited from the paragraph's style hierarchy. A numeric value, e.g. `2` or `1.5`, indicates spacing is applied in multiples of line heights. A |Length| value such as ``Pt(12)`` indicates spacing is a fixed height. The |Pt| value class is a convenient way to apply line spacing in units of points. """ pPr = self._p.pPr if pPr is None: return None return pPr.line_spacing @line_spacing.setter def line_spacing(self, value): pPr = self._p.get_or_add_pPr() pPr.line_spacing = value @property def runs(self): """ Immutable sequence of |_Run| objects corresponding to the runs in this paragraph. """ return tuple(_Run(r, self) for r in self._element.r_lst) @property def space_after(self): """ |Length| value specifying the spacing to appear between this paragraph and the subsequent paragraph. A value of |None| indicates no explicit value is assigned and its effective value is inherited from the paragraph's style hierarchy. |Length| objects provide convenience properties, such as ``.pt`` and ``.inches``, that allow easy conversion to various length units. """ pPr = self._p.pPr if pPr is None: return None return pPr.space_after @space_after.setter def space_after(self, value): pPr = self._p.get_or_add_pPr() pPr.space_after = value @property def space_before(self): """ |Length| value specifying the spacing to appear between this paragraph and the prior paragraph. A value of |None| indicates no explicit value is assigned and its effective value is inherited from the paragraph's style hierarchy. |Length| objects provide convenience properties, such as ``.pt`` and ``.cm``, that allow easy conversion to various length units. """ pPr = self._p.pPr if pPr is None: return None return pPr.space_before @space_before.setter def space_before(self, value): pPr = self._p.get_or_add_pPr() pPr.space_before = value @property def text(self): """str (unicode) representation of paragraph contents. Read/write. This value is formed by concatenating the text in each run and field making up the paragraph, adding a vertical-tab character (``"\\v"``) for each line-break element (`<a:br>`, soft carriage-return) encountered. While the encoding of line-breaks as a vertical tab might be surprising at first, doing so is consistent with PowerPoint's clipboard copy behavior and allows a line-break to be distinguished from a paragraph boundary within the str return value. Assignment causes all content in the paragraph to be replaced. Each vertical-tab character (``"\\v"``) in the assigned str is translated to a line-break, as is each line-feed character (``"\\n"``). Contrast behavior of line-feed character in `TextFrame.text` setter. If line-feed characters are intended to produce new paragraphs, use `TextFrame.text` instead. Any other control characters in the assigned string are escaped as a hex representation like "_x001B_" (for ESC (ASCII 27) in this example). The assigned value can be a 7-bit ASCII byte string (Python 2 str), a UTF-8 encoded 8-bit byte string (Python 2 str), or unicode. Bytes values are converted to unicode assuming UTF-8 encoding. """ return "".join(elm.text for elm in self._element.content_children) @text.setter def text(self, text): self.clear() self._element.append_text(to_unicode(text)) @property def _defRPr(self): """ The |CT_TextCharacterProperties| instance (<a:defRPr> element) that defines the default run properties for runs in this paragraph. Causes the element to be added if not present. """ return self._pPr.get_or_add_defRPr() @property def _pPr(self): """ The |CT_TextParagraphProperties| instance for this paragraph, the <a:pPr> element containing its paragraph properties. Causes the element to be added if not present. """ return self._p.get_or_add_pPr()
[文档]class _Run(Subshape): """Text run object. Corresponds to ``<a:r>`` child element in a paragraph.""" def __init__(self, r, parent): super(_Run, self).__init__(parent) self._r = r @property def font(self): """ |Font| instance containing run-level character properties for the text in this run. Character properties can be and perhaps most often are inherited from parent objects such as the paragraph and slide layout the run is contained in. Only those specifically overridden at the run level are contained in the font object. """ rPr = self._r.get_or_add_rPr() return Font(rPr) @property def text(self): """Read/write. A unicode string containing the text in this run. Assignment replaces all text in the run. The assigned value can be a 7-bit ASCII string, a UTF-8 encoded 8-bit string, or unicode. String values are converted to unicode assuming UTF-8 encoding. Any other control characters in the assigned string other than tab or newline are escaped as a hex representation. For example, ESC (ASCII 27) is escaped as "_x001B_". Contrast the behavior of `TextFrame.text` and `_Paragraph.text` with respect to line-feed and vertical-tab characters. """ return self._r.text @text.setter def text(self, str): self._r.text = to_unicode(str)