pptx.shapes.autoshape 源代码

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"""Autoshape-related objects such as Shape and Adjustment."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from numbers import Number

from pptx.dml.fill import FillFormat
from pptx.dml.line import LineFormat
from pptx.enum.shapes import MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE, MSO_SHAPE_TYPE
from pptx.shapes.base import BaseShape
from pptx.spec import autoshape_types
from pptx.text.text import TextFrame
from pptx.util import lazyproperty

[文档]class Adjustment(object): """ An adjustment value for an autoshape. An adjustment value corresponds to the position of an adjustment handle on an auto shape. Adjustment handles are the small yellow diamond-shaped handles that appear on certain auto shapes and allow the outline of the shape to be adjusted. For example, a rounded rectangle has an adjustment handle that allows the radius of its corner rounding to be adjusted. Values are |float| and generally range from 0.0 to 1.0, although the value can be negative or greater than 1.0 in certain circumstances. """ def __init__(self, name, def_val, actual=None): super(Adjustment, self).__init__() self.name = name self.def_val = def_val self.actual = actual @property def effective_value(self): """ Read/write |float| representing normalized adjustment value for this adjustment. Actual values are a large-ish integer expressed in shape coordinates, nominally between 0 and 100,000. The effective value is normalized to a corresponding value nominally between 0.0 and 1.0. Intuitively this represents the proportion of the width or height of the shape at which the adjustment value is located from its starting point. For simple shapes such as a rounded rectangle, this intuitive correspondence holds. For more complicated shapes and at more extreme shape proportions (e.g. width is much greater than height), the value can become negative or greater than 1.0. """ raw_value = self.actual if raw_value is None: raw_value = self.def_val return self._normalize(raw_value) @effective_value.setter def effective_value(self, value): if not isinstance(value, Number): tmpl = "adjustment value must be numeric, got '%s'" raise ValueError(tmpl % value) self.actual = self._denormalize(value) @staticmethod def _denormalize(value): """ Return integer corresponding to normalized *raw_value* on unit basis of 100,000. See Adjustment.normalize for additional details. """ return int(value * 100000.0) @staticmethod def _normalize(raw_value): """ Return normalized value for *raw_value*. A normalized value is a |float| between 0.0 and 1.0 for nominal raw values between 0 and 100,000. Raw values less than 0 and greater than 100,000 are valid and return values calculated on the same unit basis of 100,000. """ return raw_value / 100000.0 @property def val(self): """ Denormalized effective value (expressed in shape coordinates), suitable for using in the XML. """ return self.actual if self.actual is not None else self.def_val
[文档]class AdjustmentCollection(object): """ Sequence of |Adjustment| instances for an auto shape, each representing an available adjustment for a shape of its type. Supports ``len()`` and indexed access, e.g. ``shape.adjustments[1] = 0.15``. """ def __init__(self, prstGeom): super(AdjustmentCollection, self).__init__() self._adjustments_ = self._initialized_adjustments(prstGeom) self._prstGeom = prstGeom def __getitem__(self, key): """Provides indexed access, (e.g. 'adjustments[9]').""" return self._adjustments_[key].effective_value def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Provides item assignment via an indexed expression, e.g. ``adjustments[9] = 999.9``. Causes all adjustment values in collection to be written to the XML. """ self._adjustments_[key].effective_value = value self._rewrite_guides() def _initialized_adjustments(self, prstGeom): """ Return an initialized list of adjustment values based on the contents of *prstGeom* """ if prstGeom is None: return [] davs = AutoShapeType.default_adjustment_values(prstGeom.prst) adjustments = [Adjustment(name, def_val) for name, def_val in davs] self._update_adjustments_with_actuals(adjustments, prstGeom.gd_lst) return adjustments def _rewrite_guides(self): """ Write ``<a:gd>`` elements to the XML, one for each adjustment value. Any existing guide elements are overwritten. """ guides = [(adj.name, adj.val) for adj in self._adjustments_] self._prstGeom.rewrite_guides(guides) @staticmethod def _update_adjustments_with_actuals(adjustments, guides): """ Update |Adjustment| instances in *adjustments* with actual values held in *guides*, a list of ``<a:gd>`` elements. Guides with a name that does not match an adjustment object are skipped. """ adjustments_by_name = dict((adj.name, adj) for adj in adjustments) for gd in guides: name = gd.name actual = int(gd.fmla[4:]) try: adjustment = adjustments_by_name[name] except KeyError: continue adjustment.actual = actual return @property def _adjustments(self): """ Sequence containing direct references to the |Adjustment| objects contained in collection. """ return tuple(self._adjustments_) def __len__(self): """Implement built-in function len()""" return len(self._adjustments_)
class AutoShapeType(object): """ Return an instance of |AutoShapeType| containing metadata for an auto shape of type identified by *autoshape_type_id*. Instances are cached, so no more than one instance for a particular auto shape type is in memory. Instances provide the following attributes: .. attribute:: autoshape_type_id Integer uniquely identifying this auto shape type. Corresponds to a value in ``pptx.constants.MSO`` like ``MSO_SHAPE.ROUNDED_RECTANGLE``. .. attribute:: basename Base part of shape name for auto shapes of this type, e.g. ``Rounded Rectangle`` becomes ``Rounded Rectangle 99`` when the distinguishing integer is added to the shape name. .. attribute:: prst String identifier for this auto shape type used in the ``<a:prstGeom>`` element. .. attribute:: desc Informal string description of auto shape. """ _instances = {} def __new__(cls, autoshape_type_id): """ Only create new instance on first call for content_type. After that, use cached instance. """ # if there's not a matching instance in the cache, create one if autoshape_type_id not in cls._instances: inst = super(AutoShapeType, cls).__new__(cls) cls._instances[autoshape_type_id] = inst # return the instance; note that __init__() gets called either way return cls._instances[autoshape_type_id] def __init__(self, autoshape_type_id): """Initialize attributes from constant values in pptx.spec""" # skip loading if this instance is from the cache if hasattr(self, "_loaded"): return # raise on bad autoshape_type_id if autoshape_type_id not in autoshape_types: raise KeyError( "no autoshape type with id '%s' in pptx.spec.autoshape_types" % autoshape_type_id ) # otherwise initialize new instance autoshape_type = autoshape_types[autoshape_type_id] self._autoshape_type_id = autoshape_type_id self._basename = autoshape_type["basename"] self._loaded = True @property def autoshape_type_id(self): """ MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE enumeration value for this auto shape type """ return self._autoshape_type_id @property def basename(self): """ Base of shape name (less the distinguishing integer) for this auto shape type """ return self._basename @classmethod def default_adjustment_values(cls, prst): """ Return sequence of name, value tuples representing the adjustment value defaults for the auto shape type identified by *prst*. """ return autoshape_types[prst]["avLst"] @property def desc(self): """Informal description of this auto shape type""" return self._desc @classmethod def id_from_prst(cls, prst): """ Return auto shape id (e.g. ``MSO_SHAPE.RECTANGLE``) corresponding to preset geometry keyword *prst*. """ return MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE.from_xml(prst) @property def prst(self): """ Preset geometry identifier string for this auto shape. Used in the ``prst`` attribute of ``<a:prstGeom>`` element to specify the geometry to be used in rendering the shape, for example ``'roundRect'``. """ return MSO_AUTO_SHAPE_TYPE.to_xml(self._autoshape_type_id)
[文档]class Shape(BaseShape): """A shape that can appear on a slide. Corresponds to the ``<p:sp>`` element that can appear in any of the slide-type parts (slide, slideLayout, slideMaster, notesPage, notesMaster, handoutMaster). """ def __init__(self, sp, parent): super(Shape, self).__init__(sp, parent) self._sp = sp
[文档] @lazyproperty def adjustments(self): """ Read-only reference to |AdjustmentCollection| instance for this shape """ return AdjustmentCollection(self._sp.prstGeom)
@property def auto_shape_type(self): """ Enumeration value identifying the type of this auto shape, like ``MSO_SHAPE.ROUNDED_RECTANGLE``. Raises |ValueError| if this shape is not an auto shape. """ if not self._sp.is_autoshape: raise ValueError("shape is not an auto shape") return self._sp.prst
[文档] @lazyproperty def fill(self): """ |FillFormat| instance for this shape, providing access to fill properties such as fill color. """ return FillFormat.from_fill_parent(self._sp.spPr)
def get_or_add_ln(self): """ Return the ``<a:ln>`` element containing the line format properties XML for this shape. """ return self._sp.get_or_add_ln() @property def has_text_frame(self): """ |True| if this shape can contain text. Always |True| for an AutoShape. """ return True
[文档] @lazyproperty def line(self): """ |LineFormat| instance for this shape, providing access to line properties such as line color. """ return LineFormat(self)
@property def ln(self): """ The ``<a:ln>`` element containing the line format properties such as line color and width. |None| if no ``<a:ln>`` element is present. """ return self._sp.ln @property def shape_type(self): """ Unique integer identifying the type of this shape, like ``MSO_SHAPE_TYPE.TEXT_BOX``. """ if self.is_placeholder: return MSO_SHAPE_TYPE.PLACEHOLDER if self._sp.has_custom_geometry: return MSO_SHAPE_TYPE.FREEFORM if self._sp.is_autoshape: return MSO_SHAPE_TYPE.AUTO_SHAPE if self._sp.is_textbox: return MSO_SHAPE_TYPE.TEXT_BOX msg = "Shape instance of unrecognized shape type" raise NotImplementedError(msg) @property def text(self): """Read/write. Unicode (str in Python 3) representation of shape text. The returned string will contain a newline character (``"\\n"``) separating each paragraph and a vertical-tab (``"\\v"``) character for each line break (soft carriage return) in the shape's text. Assignment to *text* replaces all text previously contained in the shape, along with any paragraph or font formatting applied to it. A newline character (``"\\n"``) in the assigned text causes a new paragraph to be started. A vertical-tab (``"\\v"``) character in the assigned text causes a line-break (soft carriage-return) to be inserted. (The vertical-tab character appears in clipboard text copied from PowerPoint as its encoding of line-breaks.) Either bytes (Python 2 str) or unicode (Python 3 str) can be assigned. Bytes can be 7-bit ASCII or UTF-8 encoded 8-bit bytes. Bytes values are converted to unicode assuming UTF-8 encoding (which also works for ASCII). """ return self.text_frame.text @text.setter def text(self, text): self.text_frame.text = text @property def text_frame(self): """|TextFrame| instance for this shape. Contains the text of the shape and provides access to text formatting properties. """ txBody = self._element.get_or_add_txBody() return TextFrame(txBody, self)