pptx.dml.fill 源代码

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"""DrawingML objects related to fill."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

from pptx.compat import Sequence
from pptx.dml.color import ColorFormat
from pptx.enum.dml import MSO_FILL
from pptx.oxml.dml.fill import (
from pptx.shared import ElementProxy
from pptx.util import lazyproperty

[文档]class FillFormat(object): """ Provides access to the current fill properties object and provides methods to change the fill type. """ def __init__(self, eg_fill_properties_parent, fill_obj): super(FillFormat, self).__init__() self._xPr = eg_fill_properties_parent self._fill = fill_obj @classmethod def from_fill_parent(cls, eg_fillProperties_parent): """ Return a |FillFormat| instance initialized to the settings contained in *eg_fillProperties_parent*, which must be an element having EG_FillProperties in its child element sequence in the XML schema. """ fill_elm = eg_fillProperties_parent.eg_fillProperties fill = _Fill(fill_elm) fill_format = cls(eg_fillProperties_parent, fill) return fill_format @property def back_color(self): """Return a |ColorFormat| object representing background color. This property is only applicable to pattern fills and lines. """ return self._fill.back_color
[文档] def background(self): """ Sets the fill type to noFill, i.e. transparent. """ noFill = self._xPr.get_or_change_to_noFill() self._fill = _NoFill(noFill)
@property def fore_color(self): """ Return a |ColorFormat| instance representing the foreground color of this fill. """ return self._fill.fore_color
[文档] def gradient(self): """Sets the fill type to gradient. If the fill is not already a gradient, a default gradient is added. The default gradient corresponds to the default in the built-in PowerPoint "White" template. This gradient is linear at angle 90-degrees (upward), with two stops. The first stop is Accent-1 with tint 100%, shade 100%, and satMod 130%. The second stop is Accent-1 with tint 50%, shade 100%, and satMod 350%. """ gradFill = self._xPr.get_or_change_to_gradFill() self._fill = _GradFill(gradFill)
@property def gradient_angle(self): """Angle in float degrees of line of a linear gradient. Read/Write. May be |None|, indicating the angle should be inherited from the style hierarchy. An angle of 0.0 corresponds to a left-to-right gradient. Increasing angles represent counter-clockwise rotation of the line, for example 90.0 represents a bottom-to-top gradient. Raises |TypeError| when the fill type is not MSO_FILL_TYPE.GRADIENT. Raises |ValueError| for a non-linear gradient (e.g. a radial gradient). """ if self.type != MSO_FILL.GRADIENT: raise TypeError("Fill is not of type MSO_FILL_TYPE.GRADIENT") return self._fill.gradient_angle @gradient_angle.setter def gradient_angle(self, value): if self.type != MSO_FILL.GRADIENT: raise TypeError("Fill is not of type MSO_FILL_TYPE.GRADIENT") self._fill.gradient_angle = value @property def gradient_stops(self): """|GradientStops| object providing access to stops of this gradient. Raises |TypeError| when fill is not gradient (call `fill.gradient()` first). Each stop represents a color between which the gradient smoothly transitions. """ if self.type != MSO_FILL.GRADIENT: raise TypeError("Fill is not of type MSO_FILL_TYPE.GRADIENT") return self._fill.gradient_stops @property def pattern(self): """Return member of :ref:`MsoPatternType` indicating fill pattern. Raises |TypeError| when fill is not patterned (call `fill.patterned()` first). Returns |None| if no pattern has been set; PowerPoint may display the default `PERCENT_5` pattern in this case. Assigning |None| will remove any explicit pattern setting, although relying on the default behavior is discouraged and may produce rendering differences across client applications. """ return self._fill.pattern @pattern.setter def pattern(self, pattern_type): self._fill.pattern = pattern_type
[文档] def patterned(self): """Selects the pattern fill type. Note that calling this method does not by itself set a foreground or background color of the pattern. Rather it enables subsequent assignments to properties like fore_color to set the pattern and colors. """ pattFill = self._xPr.get_or_change_to_pattFill() self._fill = _PattFill(pattFill)
[文档] def solid(self): """ Sets the fill type to solid, i.e. a solid color. Note that calling this method does not set a color or by itself cause the shape to appear with a solid color fill; rather it enables subsequent assignments to properties like fore_color to set the color. """ solidFill = self._xPr.get_or_change_to_solidFill() self._fill = _SolidFill(solidFill)
@property def type(self): """ Return a value from the :ref:`MsoFillType` enumeration corresponding to the type of this fill. """ return self._fill.type
class _Fill(object): """ Object factory for fill object of class matching fill element, such as _SolidFill for ``<a:solidFill>``; also serves as the base class for all fill classes """ def __new__(cls, xFill): if xFill is None: fill_cls = _NoneFill elif isinstance(xFill, CT_BlipFillProperties): fill_cls = _BlipFill elif isinstance(xFill, CT_GradientFillProperties): fill_cls = _GradFill elif isinstance(xFill, CT_GroupFillProperties): fill_cls = _GrpFill elif isinstance(xFill, CT_NoFillProperties): fill_cls = _NoFill elif isinstance(xFill, CT_PatternFillProperties): fill_cls = _PattFill elif isinstance(xFill, CT_SolidColorFillProperties): fill_cls = _SolidFill else: fill_cls = _Fill return super(_Fill, cls).__new__(fill_cls) @property def back_color(self): """Raise TypeError for types that do not override this property.""" tmpl = "fill type %s has no background color, call .patterned() first" raise TypeError(tmpl % self.__class__.__name__) @property def fore_color(self): """Raise TypeError for types that do not override this property.""" tmpl = ( "fill type %s has no foreground color, call .solid() or .pattern" "ed() first" ) raise TypeError(tmpl % self.__class__.__name__) @property def pattern(self): """Raise TypeError for fills that do not override this property.""" tmpl = "fill type %s has no pattern, call .patterned() first" raise TypeError(tmpl % self.__class__.__name__) @property def type(self): # pragma: no cover tmpl = ".type property must be implemented on %s" raise NotImplementedError(tmpl % self.__class__.__name__) class _BlipFill(_Fill): @property def type(self): return MSO_FILL.PICTURE class _GradFill(_Fill): """Proxies an `a:gradFill` element.""" def __init__(self, gradFill): self._element = self._gradFill = gradFill @property def gradient_angle(self): """Angle in float degrees of line of a linear gradient. Read/Write. May be |None|, indicating the angle is inherited from the style hierarchy. An angle of 0.0 corresponds to a left-to-right gradient. Increasing angles represent clockwise rotation of the line, for example 90.0 represents a top-to-bottom gradient. Raises |TypeError| when the fill type is not MSO_FILL_TYPE.GRADIENT. Raises |ValueError| for a non-linear gradient (e.g. a radial gradient). """ # ---case 1: gradient path is explicit, but not linear--- path = self._gradFill.path if path is not None: raise ValueError("not a linear gradient") # ---case 2: gradient path is inherited (no a:lin OR a:path)--- lin = self._gradFill.lin if lin is None: return None # ---case 3: gradient path is explicitly linear--- # angle is stored in XML as a clockwise angle, whereas the UI # reports it as counter-clockwise from horizontal-pointing-right. # Since the UI is consistent with trigonometry conventions, we # respect that in the API. clockwise_angle = lin.ang counter_clockwise_angle = ( 0.0 if clockwise_angle == 0.0 else (360.0 - clockwise_angle) ) return counter_clockwise_angle @gradient_angle.setter def gradient_angle(self, value): lin = self._gradFill.lin if lin is None: raise ValueError("not a linear gradient") lin.ang = 360.0 - value @lazyproperty def gradient_stops(self): """|_GradientStops| object providing access to gradient colors. Each stop represents a color between which the gradient smoothly transitions. """ return _GradientStops(self._gradFill.get_or_add_gsLst()) @property def type(self): return MSO_FILL.GRADIENT class _GrpFill(_Fill): @property def type(self): return MSO_FILL.GROUP class _NoFill(_Fill): @property def type(self): return MSO_FILL.BACKGROUND class _NoneFill(_Fill): @property def type(self): return None class _PattFill(_Fill): """Provides access to patterned fill properties.""" def __init__(self, pattFill): super(_PattFill, self).__init__() self._element = self._pattFill = pattFill @lazyproperty def back_color(self): """Return |ColorFormat| object that controls background color.""" bgClr = self._pattFill.get_or_add_bgClr() return ColorFormat.from_colorchoice_parent(bgClr) @lazyproperty def fore_color(self): """Return |ColorFormat| object that controls foreground color.""" fgClr = self._pattFill.get_or_add_fgClr() return ColorFormat.from_colorchoice_parent(fgClr) @property def pattern(self): """Return member of :ref:`MsoPatternType` indicating fill pattern. Returns |None| if no pattern has been set; PowerPoint may display the default `PERCENT_5` pattern in this case. Assigning |None| will remove any explicit pattern setting. """ return self._pattFill.prst @pattern.setter def pattern(self, pattern_type): self._pattFill.prst = pattern_type @property def type(self): return MSO_FILL.PATTERNED class _SolidFill(_Fill): """Provides access to fill properties such as color for solid fills.""" def __init__(self, solidFill): super(_SolidFill, self).__init__() self._solidFill = solidFill @lazyproperty def fore_color(self): """Return |ColorFormat| object controlling fill color.""" return ColorFormat.from_colorchoice_parent(self._solidFill) @property def type(self): return MSO_FILL.SOLID class _GradientStops(Sequence): """Collection of |GradientStop| objects defining gradient colors. A gradient must have a minimum of two stops, but can have as many more than that as required to achieve the desired effect (three is perhaps most common). Stops are sequenced in the order they are transitioned through. """ def __init__(self, gsLst): self._gsLst = gsLst def __getitem__(self, idx): return _GradientStop(self._gsLst[idx]) def __len__(self): return len(self._gsLst) class _GradientStop(ElementProxy): """A single gradient stop. A gradient stop defines a color and a position. """ def __init__(self, gs): super(_GradientStop, self).__init__(gs) self._gs = gs @lazyproperty def color(self): """Return |ColorFormat| object controlling stop color.""" return ColorFormat.from_colorchoice_parent(self._gs) @property def position(self): """Location of stop in gradient path as float between 0.0 and 1.0. The value represents a percentage, where 0.0 (0%) represents the start of the path and 1.0 (100%) represents the end of the path. For a linear gradient, these would represent opposing extents of the filled area. """ return self._gs.pos @position.setter def position(self, value): self._gs.pos = float(value)