pptx.dml.color 源代码

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DrawingML objects related to color, ColorFormat being the most prominent.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

from ..enum.dml import MSO_COLOR_TYPE, MSO_THEME_COLOR
from ..oxml.dml.color import (

[文档]class ColorFormat(object): """ Provides access to color settings such as RGB color, theme color, and luminance adjustments. """ def __init__(self, eg_colorChoice_parent, color): super(ColorFormat, self).__init__() self._xFill = eg_colorChoice_parent self._color = color @property def brightness(self): """ Read/write float value between -1.0 and 1.0 indicating the brightness adjustment for this color, e.g. -0.25 is 25% darker and 0.4 is 40% lighter. 0 means no brightness adjustment. """ return self._color.brightness @brightness.setter def brightness(self, value): self._validate_brightness_value(value) self._color.brightness = value @classmethod def from_colorchoice_parent(cls, eg_colorChoice_parent): xClr = eg_colorChoice_parent.eg_colorChoice color = _Color(xClr) color_format = cls(eg_colorChoice_parent, color) return color_format @property def rgb(self): """ |RGBColor| value of this color, or None if no RGB color is explicitly defined for this font. Setting this value to an |RGBColor| instance causes its type to change to MSO_COLOR_TYPE.RGB. If the color was a theme color with a brightness adjustment, the brightness adjustment is removed when changing it to an RGB color. """ return self._color.rgb @rgb.setter def rgb(self, rgb): if not isinstance(rgb, RGBColor): raise ValueError("assigned value must be type RGBColor") # change to rgb color format if not already if not isinstance(self._color, _SRgbColor): srgbClr = self._xFill.get_or_change_to_srgbClr() self._color = _SRgbColor(srgbClr) # call _SRgbColor instance to do the setting self._color.rgb = rgb @property def theme_color(self): """Theme color value of this color. Value is a member of :ref:`MsoThemeColorIndex`, e.g. ``MSO_THEME_COLOR.ACCENT_1``. Raises AttributeError on access if the color is not type ``MSO_COLOR_TYPE.SCHEME``. Assigning a member of :ref:`MsoThemeColorIndex` causes the color's type to change to ``MSO_COLOR_TYPE.SCHEME``. """ return self._color.theme_color @theme_color.setter def theme_color(self, mso_theme_color_idx): # change to theme color format if not already if not isinstance(self._color, _SchemeColor): schemeClr = self._xFill.get_or_change_to_schemeClr() self._color = _SchemeColor(schemeClr) self._color.theme_color = mso_theme_color_idx @property def type(self): """ Read-only. A value from :ref:`MsoColorType`, either RGB or SCHEME, corresponding to the way this color is defined, or None if no color is defined at the level of this font. """ return self._color.color_type def _validate_brightness_value(self, value): if value < -1.0 or value > 1.0: raise ValueError("brightness must be number in range -1.0 to 1.0") if isinstance(self._color, _NoneColor): msg = ( "can't set brightness when color.type is None. Set color.rgb" " or .theme_color first." ) raise ValueError(msg)
class _Color(object): """ Object factory for color object of the appropriate type, also the base class for all color type classes such as SRgbColor. """ def __new__(cls, xClr): color_cls = { type(None): _NoneColor, CT_HslColor: _HslColor, CT_PresetColor: _PrstColor, CT_SchemeColor: _SchemeColor, CT_ScRgbColor: _ScRgbColor, CT_SRgbColor: _SRgbColor, CT_SystemColor: _SysColor, }[type(xClr)] return super(_Color, cls).__new__(color_cls) def __init__(self, xClr): super(_Color, self).__init__() self._xClr = xClr @property def brightness(self): lumMod, lumOff = self._xClr.lumMod, self._xClr.lumOff # a tint is lighter, a shade is darker # only tints have lumOff child if lumOff is not None: brightness = lumOff.val return brightness # which leaves shades, if lumMod is present if lumMod is not None: brightness = lumMod.val - 1.0 return brightness # there's no brightness adjustment if no lum{Mod|Off} elements return 0 @brightness.setter def brightness(self, value): if value > 0: self._tint(value) elif value < 0: self._shade(value) else: self._xClr.clear_lum() @property def color_type(self): # pragma: no cover tmpl = ".color_type property must be implemented on %s" raise NotImplementedError(tmpl % self.__class__.__name__) @property def rgb(self): """ Raises TypeError on access unless overridden by subclass. """ tmpl = "no .rgb property on color type '%s'" raise AttributeError(tmpl % self.__class__.__name__) @property def theme_color(self): """ Raises TypeError on access unless overridden by subclass. """ return MSO_THEME_COLOR.NOT_THEME_COLOR def _shade(self, value): lumMod_val = 1.0 - abs(value) color_elm = self._xClr.clear_lum() color_elm.add_lumMod(lumMod_val) def _tint(self, value): lumOff_val = value lumMod_val = 1.0 - lumOff_val color_elm = self._xClr.clear_lum() color_elm.add_lumMod(lumMod_val) color_elm.add_lumOff(lumOff_val) class _HslColor(_Color): @property def color_type(self): return MSO_COLOR_TYPE.HSL class _NoneColor(_Color): @property def color_type(self): return None @property def theme_color(self): """ Raise TypeError on attempt to access .theme_color when no color choice is present. """ tmpl = "no .theme_color property on color type '%s'" raise AttributeError(tmpl % self.__class__.__name__) class _PrstColor(_Color): @property def color_type(self): return MSO_COLOR_TYPE.PRESET class _SchemeColor(_Color): def __init__(self, schemeClr): super(_SchemeColor, self).__init__(schemeClr) self._schemeClr = schemeClr @property def color_type(self): return MSO_COLOR_TYPE.SCHEME @property def theme_color(self): """ Theme color value of this color, one of those defined in the MSO_THEME_COLOR enumeration, e.g. MSO_THEME_COLOR.ACCENT_1. None if no theme color is explicitly defined for this font. Setting this to a value in MSO_THEME_COLOR causes the color's type to change to ``MSO_COLOR_TYPE.SCHEME``. """ return self._schemeClr.val @theme_color.setter def theme_color(self, mso_theme_color_idx): self._schemeClr.val = mso_theme_color_idx class _ScRgbColor(_Color): @property def color_type(self): return MSO_COLOR_TYPE.SCRGB class _SRgbColor(_Color): def __init__(self, srgbClr): super(_SRgbColor, self).__init__(srgbClr) self._srgbClr = srgbClr @property def color_type(self): return MSO_COLOR_TYPE.RGB @property def rgb(self): """ |RGBColor| value of this color, corresponding to the value in the required ``val`` attribute of the ``<a:srgbColr>`` element. """ return RGBColor.from_string(self._srgbClr.val) @rgb.setter def rgb(self, rgb): self._srgbClr.val = str(rgb) class _SysColor(_Color): @property def color_type(self): return MSO_COLOR_TYPE.SYSTEM
[文档]class RGBColor(tuple): """ Immutable value object defining a particular RGB color. """ def __new__(cls, r, g, b): msg = "RGBColor() takes three integer values 0-255" for val in (r, g, b): if not isinstance(val, int) or val < 0 or val > 255: raise ValueError(msg) return super(RGBColor, cls).__new__(cls, (r, g, b)) def __str__(self): """ Return a hex string rgb value, like '3C2F80' """ return "%02X%02X%02X" % self
[文档] @classmethod def from_string(cls, rgb_hex_str): """ Return a new instance from an RGB color hex string like ``'3C2F80'``. """ r = int(rgb_hex_str[:2], 16) g = int(rgb_hex_str[2:4], 16) b = int(rgb_hex_str[4:], 16) return cls(r, g, b)