pptx.chart.axis 源代码

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"""Axis-related chart objects."""

from pptx.dml.chtfmt import ChartFormat
from pptx.enum.chart import (
from pptx.oxml.ns import qn
from pptx.oxml.simpletypes import ST_Orientation
from pptx.shared import ElementProxy
from pptx.text.text import Font, TextFrame
from pptx.util import lazyproperty

[文档]class _BaseAxis(object): """Base class for chart axis objects. All axis objects share these properties.""" def __init__(self, xAx): super(_BaseAxis, self).__init__() self._element = xAx # axis element, c:catAx or c:valAx self._xAx = xAx @property def axis_title(self): """An |AxisTitle| object providing access to title properties. Calling this property is destructive in the sense that it adds an axis title element (`c:title`) to the axis XML if one is not already present. Use :attr:`has_title` to test for presence of axis title non-destructively. """ return AxisTitle(self._element.get_or_add_title())
[文档] @lazyproperty def format(self): """ The |ChartFormat| object providing access to the shape formatting properties of this axis, such as its line color and fill. """ return ChartFormat(self._element)
@property def has_major_gridlines(self): """ Read/write boolean value specifying whether this axis has gridlines at its major tick mark locations. Assigning |True| to this property causes major gridlines to be displayed. Assigning |False| causes them to be removed. """ if self._element.majorGridlines is None: return False return True @has_major_gridlines.setter def has_major_gridlines(self, value): if bool(value) is True: self._element.get_or_add_majorGridlines() else: self._element._remove_majorGridlines() @property def has_minor_gridlines(self): """ Read/write boolean value specifying whether this axis has gridlines at its minor tick mark locations. Assigning |True| to this property causes minor gridlines to be displayed. Assigning |False| causes them to be removed. """ if self._element.minorGridlines is None: return False return True @has_minor_gridlines.setter def has_minor_gridlines(self, value): if bool(value) is True: self._element.get_or_add_minorGridlines() else: self._element._remove_minorGridlines() @property def has_title(self): """Read/write boolean specifying whether this axis has a title. |True| if this axis has a title, |False| otherwise. Assigning |True| causes an axis title to be added if not already present. Assigning |False| causes any existing title to be deleted. """ if self._element.title is None: return False return True @has_title.setter def has_title(self, value): if bool(value) is True: self._element.get_or_add_title() else: self._element._remove_title()
[文档] @lazyproperty def major_gridlines(self): """ The |MajorGridlines| object representing the major gridlines for this axis. """ return MajorGridlines(self._element)
@property def major_tick_mark(self): """ Read/write :ref:`XlTickMark` value specifying the type of major tick mark to display on this axis. """ majorTickMark = self._element.majorTickMark if majorTickMark is None: return XL_TICK_MARK.CROSS return majorTickMark.val @major_tick_mark.setter def major_tick_mark(self, value): self._element._remove_majorTickMark() if value is XL_TICK_MARK.CROSS: return self._element._add_majorTickMark(val=value) @property def maximum_scale(self): """ Read/write float value specifying the upper limit of the value range for this axis, the number at the top or right of the vertical or horizontal value scale, respectively. The value |None| indicates the upper limit should be determined automatically based on the range of data point values associated with the axis. """ return self._element.scaling.maximum @maximum_scale.setter def maximum_scale(self, value): scaling = self._element.scaling scaling.maximum = value @property def minimum_scale(self): """ Read/write float value specifying lower limit of value range, the number at the bottom or left of the value scale. |None| if no minimum scale has been set. The value |None| indicates the lower limit should be determined automatically based on the range of data point values associated with the axis. """ return self._element.scaling.minimum @minimum_scale.setter def minimum_scale(self, value): scaling = self._element.scaling scaling.minimum = value @property def minor_tick_mark(self): """ Read/write :ref:`XlTickMark` value specifying the type of minor tick mark for this axis. """ minorTickMark = self._element.minorTickMark if minorTickMark is None: return XL_TICK_MARK.CROSS return minorTickMark.val @minor_tick_mark.setter def minor_tick_mark(self, value): self._element._remove_minorTickMark() if value is XL_TICK_MARK.CROSS: return self._element._add_minorTickMark(val=value) @property def reverse_order(self): """Read/write bool value specifying whether to reverse plotting order for axis. For a category axis, this reverses the order in which the categories are displayed. This may be desired, for example, on a (horizontal) bar-chart where by default the first category appears at the bottom. Since we read from top-to-bottom, many viewers may find it most natural for the first category to appear on top. For a value axis, it reverses the direction of increasing value from bottom-to-top to top-to-bottom. """ return self._element.orientation == ST_Orientation.MAX_MIN @reverse_order.setter def reverse_order(self, value): self._element.orientation = ( ST_Orientation.MAX_MIN if bool(value) is True else ST_Orientation.MIN_MAX )
[文档] @lazyproperty def tick_labels(self): """ The |TickLabels| instance providing access to axis tick label formatting properties. Tick labels are the numbers appearing on a value axis or the category names appearing on a category axis. """ return TickLabels(self._element)
@property def tick_label_position(self): """ Read/write :ref:`XlTickLabelPosition` value specifying where the tick labels for this axis should appear. """ tickLblPos = self._element.tickLblPos if tickLblPos is None: return XL_TICK_LABEL_POSITION.NEXT_TO_AXIS if tickLblPos.val is None: return XL_TICK_LABEL_POSITION.NEXT_TO_AXIS return tickLblPos.val @tick_label_position.setter def tick_label_position(self, value): tickLblPos = self._element.get_or_add_tickLblPos() tickLblPos.val = value @property def visible(self): """ Read/write. |True| if axis is visible, |False| otherwise. """ delete = self._element.delete_ if delete is None: return False return False if delete.val else True @visible.setter def visible(self, value): if value not in (True, False): raise ValueError("assigned value must be True or False, got: %s" % value) delete = self._element.get_or_add_delete_() delete.val = not value
[文档]class AxisTitle(ElementProxy): """Provides properties for manipulating axis title.""" def __init__(self, title): super(AxisTitle, self).__init__(title) self._title = title
[文档] @lazyproperty def format(self): """|ChartFormat| object providing access to shape formatting. Return the |ChartFormat| object providing shape formatting properties for this axis title, such as its line color and fill. """ return ChartFormat(self._element)
@property def has_text_frame(self): """Read/write Boolean specifying presence of a text frame. Return |True| if this axis title has a text frame, and |False| otherwise. Assigning |True| causes a text frame to be added if not already present. Assigning |False| causes any existing text frame to be removed along with any text contained in the text frame. """ if self._title.tx_rich is None: return False return True @has_text_frame.setter def has_text_frame(self, value): if bool(value) is True: self._title.get_or_add_tx_rich() else: self._title._remove_tx() @property def text_frame(self): """|TextFrame| instance for this axis title. Return a |TextFrame| instance allowing read/write access to the text of this axis title and its text formatting properties. Accessing this property is destructive as it adds a new text frame if not already present. """ rich = self._title.get_or_add_tx_rich() return TextFrame(rich, self)
[文档]class CategoryAxis(_BaseAxis): """A category axis of a chart.""" @property def category_type(self): """ A member of :ref:`XlCategoryType` specifying the scale type of this axis. Unconditionally ``CATEGORY_SCALE`` for a |CategoryAxis| object. """ return XL_CATEGORY_TYPE.CATEGORY_SCALE
[文档]class DateAxis(_BaseAxis): """A category axis with dates as its category labels. This axis-type has some special display behaviors such as making length of equal periods equal and normalizing month start dates despite unequal month lengths. """ @property def category_type(self): """ A member of :ref:`XlCategoryType` specifying the scale type of this axis. Unconditionally ``TIME_SCALE`` for a |DateAxis| object. """ return XL_CATEGORY_TYPE.TIME_SCALE
[文档]class MajorGridlines(ElementProxy): """Provides access to the properties of the major gridlines appearing on an axis.""" def __init__(self, xAx): super(MajorGridlines, self).__init__(xAx) self._xAx = xAx # axis element, catAx or valAx
[文档] @lazyproperty def format(self): """ The |ChartFormat| object providing access to the shape formatting properties of this data point, such as line and fill. """ majorGridlines = self._xAx.get_or_add_majorGridlines() return ChartFormat(majorGridlines)
[文档]class TickLabels(object): """A service class providing access to formatting of axis tick mark labels.""" def __init__(self, xAx_elm): super(TickLabels, self).__init__() self._element = xAx_elm
[文档] @lazyproperty def font(self): """ The |Font| object that provides access to the text properties for these tick labels, such as bold, italic, etc. """ defRPr = self._element.defRPr font = Font(defRPr) return font
@property def number_format(self): """ Read/write string (e.g. "$#,##0.00") specifying the format for the numbers on this axis. The syntax for these strings is the same as it appears in the PowerPoint or Excel UI. Returns 'General' if no number format has been set. Note that this format string has no effect on rendered tick labels when :meth:`number_format_is_linked` is |True|. Assigning a format string to this property automatically sets :meth:`number_format_is_linked` to |False|. """ numFmt = self._element.numFmt if numFmt is None: return "General" return numFmt.formatCode @number_format.setter def number_format(self, value): numFmt = self._element.get_or_add_numFmt() numFmt.formatCode = value self.number_format_is_linked = False @property def number_format_is_linked(self): """ Read/write boolean specifying whether number formatting should be taken from the source spreadsheet rather than the value of :meth:`number_format`. """ numFmt = self._element.numFmt if numFmt is None: return False souceLinked = numFmt.sourceLinked if souceLinked is None: return True return numFmt.sourceLinked @number_format_is_linked.setter def number_format_is_linked(self, value): numFmt = self._element.get_or_add_numFmt() numFmt.sourceLinked = value @property def offset(self): """ Read/write int value in range 0-1000 specifying the spacing between the tick mark labels and the axis as a percentange of the default value. 100 if no label offset setting is present. """ lblOffset = self._element.lblOffset if lblOffset is None: return 100 return lblOffset.val @offset.setter def offset(self, value): if self._element.tag != qn("c:catAx"): raise ValueError("only a category axis has an offset") self._element._remove_lblOffset() if value == 100: return lblOffset = self._element._add_lblOffset() lblOffset.val = value
[文档]class ValueAxis(_BaseAxis): """An axis having continuous (as opposed to discrete) values. The vertical axis is generally a value axis, however both axes of an XY-type chart are value axes. """ @property def crosses(self): """ Member of :ref:`XlAxisCrosses` enumeration specifying the point on this axis where the other axis crosses, such as auto/zero, minimum, or maximum. Returns `XL_AXIS_CROSSES.CUSTOM` when a specific numeric crossing point (e.g. 1.5) is defined. """ crosses = self._cross_xAx.crosses if crosses is None: return XL_AXIS_CROSSES.CUSTOM return crosses.val @crosses.setter def crosses(self, value): cross_xAx = self._cross_xAx if value == XL_AXIS_CROSSES.CUSTOM: if cross_xAx.crossesAt is not None: return cross_xAx._remove_crosses() cross_xAx._remove_crossesAt() if value == XL_AXIS_CROSSES.CUSTOM: cross_xAx._add_crossesAt(val=0.0) else: cross_xAx._add_crosses(val=value) @property def crosses_at(self): """ Numeric value on this axis at which the perpendicular axis crosses. Returns |None| if no crossing value is set. """ crossesAt = self._cross_xAx.crossesAt if crossesAt is None: return None return crossesAt.val @crosses_at.setter def crosses_at(self, value): cross_xAx = self._cross_xAx cross_xAx._remove_crosses() cross_xAx._remove_crossesAt() if value is None: return cross_xAx._add_crossesAt(val=value) @property def major_unit(self): """ The float number of units between major tick marks on this value axis. |None| corresponds to the 'Auto' setting in the UI, and specifies the value should be calculated by PowerPoint based on the underlying chart data. """ majorUnit = self._element.majorUnit if majorUnit is None: return None return majorUnit.val @major_unit.setter def major_unit(self, value): self._element._remove_majorUnit() if value is None: return self._element._add_majorUnit(val=value) @property def minor_unit(self): """ The float number of units between minor tick marks on this value axis. |None| corresponds to the 'Auto' setting in the UI, and specifies the value should be calculated by PowerPoint based on the underlying chart data. """ minorUnit = self._element.minorUnit if minorUnit is None: return None return minorUnit.val @minor_unit.setter def minor_unit(self, value): self._element._remove_minorUnit() if value is None: return self._element._add_minorUnit(val=value) @property def _cross_xAx(self): """ The axis element in the same group (primary/secondary) that crosses this axis. """ crossAx_id = self._element.crossAx.val expr = '(../c:catAx | ../c:valAx | ../c:dateAx)/c:axId[@val="%d"]' % crossAx_id cross_axId = self._element.xpath(expr)[0] return cross_axId.getparent()