
来自 Python 官方网站
Python 是一种类似于 Tcl、Perl、Ruby、Scheme 或 Java 通用的高级编程语言。它的一些主要特点包括:
Python 的理念侧重于可读性,从用大量空白划定的代码块到用直观的关键词代替难以捉摸的标点符号。
Python 有时被描述为 “自带电池(batteries included)”,就是因为它拥有大量的 标准库,这包括正则表达式、文件 IO、分数处理、对象序列化等。
Additionally, the Python Package Index is available for users to submit their packages for widespread use, similar to Perl’s CPAN. There is a thriving community of very powerful Python frameworks and tools like the Django web framework and the NumPy set of math routines.
integration with other systems
Python can integrate with Java libraries, enabling it to be used with the rich Java environment that corporate programmers are used to. It can also be extended by C or C++ modules when speed is of the essence.
ubiquity on computers
Python is available on Windows, *nix, and Mac. It runs wherever the Java virtual machine runs, and the reference implementation CPython can help bring Python to wherever there is a working C compiler.
friendly community
Python has a vibrant and large community which maintains wikis, conferences, countless repositories, mailing lists, IRC channels, and so much more. Heck, the Python community is even helping to write this guide!
Hitchhiker 的 Python 指南旨在为 Python 初学者和专家提供一个关于 Python 安装、配置和日常使用的最佳实践手册。
本指南由 Kenneth Reitz 以开放的形式进行架构和维护。这是由社区驱动的成果,服务目标就是服务社区。
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