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Python Enhancement Proposals

Release PEPs


This is the index of all Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) labelled under the ‘Release’ topic. This is a sub-index of PEP 0, the PEP index.

A PEP is written to specify the release cycle for each feature release of Python. See the developer’s guide for more information.

Index by Category

Other Informational PEPs

PEP Title Authors
IA 537 Python 3.7 Release Schedule Deily
IA 569 Python 3.8 Release Schedule Langa
IA 596 Python 3.9 Release Schedule Langa
IA 619 Python 3.10 Release Schedule Salgado
IA 664 Python 3.11 Release Schedule Salgado
IA 693 Python 3.12 Release Schedule Wouters

Historical Meta-PEPs and Informational PEPs

PEP Title Authors
IF 160 Python 1.6 Release Schedule Drake
IF 200 Python 2.0 Release Schedule Hylton
IF 226 Python 2.1 Release Schedule Hylton
IF 251 Python 2.2 Release Schedule Warsaw, GvR
IF 283 Python 2.3 Release Schedule GvR
IF 320 Python 2.4 Release Schedule Warsaw, Hettinger, Baxter
IF 356 Python 2.5 Release Schedule Norwitz, GvR, Baxter
IF 361 Python 2.6 and 3.0 Release Schedule Norwitz, Warsaw
IF 373 Python 2.7 Release Schedule Peterson
IF 375 Python 3.1 Release Schedule Peterson
IF 392 Python 3.2 Release Schedule Brandl
IF 398 Python 3.3 Release Schedule Brandl
IF 429 Python 3.4 Release Schedule Hastings
IF 478 Python 3.5 Release Schedule Hastings
IF 494 Python 3.6 Release Schedule Deily

Numerical Index

PEP Title Authors
IF 160 Python 1.6 Release Schedule Drake
IF 200 Python 2.0 Release Schedule Hylton
IF 226 Python 2.1 Release Schedule Hylton
IF 251 Python 2.2 Release Schedule Warsaw, GvR
IF 283 Python 2.3 Release Schedule GvR
IF 320 Python 2.4 Release Schedule Warsaw, Hettinger, Baxter
IF 356 Python 2.5 Release Schedule Norwitz, GvR, Baxter
IF 361 Python 2.6 and 3.0 Release Schedule Norwitz, Warsaw
IF 373 Python 2.7 Release Schedule Peterson
IF 375 Python 3.1 Release Schedule Peterson
IF 392 Python 3.2 Release Schedule Brandl
IF 398 Python 3.3 Release Schedule Brandl
IF 429 Python 3.4 Release Schedule Hastings
IF 478 Python 3.5 Release Schedule Hastings
IF 494 Python 3.6 Release Schedule Deily
IA 537 Python 3.7 Release Schedule Deily
IA 569 Python 3.8 Release Schedule Langa
IA 596 Python 3.9 Release Schedule Langa
IA 619 Python 3.10 Release Schedule Salgado
IA 664 Python 3.11 Release Schedule Salgado
IA 693 Python 3.12 Release Schedule Wouters

PEP Types Key

  • IInformational: Non-normative PEP containing background, guidelines or other information relevant to the Python ecosystem
  • PProcess: Normative PEP describing or proposing a change to a Python community process, workflow or governance
  • SStandards Track: Normative PEP with a new feature for Python, implementation change for CPython or interoperability standard for the ecosystem

More info in PEP 1.

PEP Status Key

  • AAccepted: Normative proposal accepted for implementation
  • AActive: Currently valid informational guidance, or an in-use process
  • DDeferred: Inactive draft that may be taken up again at a later time
  • <No letter>Draft: Proposal under active discussion and revision
  • FFinal: Accepted and implementation complete, or no longer active
  • PProvisional: Provisionally accepted but additional feedback needed
  • RRejected: Formally declined and will not be accepted
  • SSuperseded: Replaced by another succeeding PEP
  • WWithdrawn: Removed from consideration by sponsor or authors

More info in PEP 1.