迁移到 PyPI.org



pypi.org 是新的、重写的 PyPI 版本,取代了传统的 PyPI 代码库。它是人们期望使用的 PyPI 的默认版本。这些是人们与 PyPI.org 互动所需的工具和流程。

Publishing releases

pypi.org 是2016年9月起的默认上传平台。

Uploads through pypi.python.org were switched off on July 3, 2017. As of April 13th, 2018, pypi.org is the URL for PyPI.

The recommended way to migrate to PyPI.org for uploading is to ensure that you are using a new enough version of your upload tool.

The default upload settings switched to pypi.org in the following versions:

  • twine 1.8.0

  • setuptools 27.0.0

  • Python 2.7.13 (distutils update)

  • Python 3.4.6 (distutils update)

  • Python 3.5.3 (distutils update)

  • Python 3.6.0 (distutils update)

In addition to ensuring you’re on a new enough version of the tool for the tool’s default to have switched, you must also make sure that you have not configured the tool to override its default upload URL. Typically this is configured in a file located at $HOME/.pypirc. If you see a file like:

index-servers =

repository = https://pypi.python.org/pypi
username = <your PyPI username>
password = <your PyPI username>

Then simply delete the line starting with repository and you will use your upload tool’s default URL.

If for some reason you’re unable to upgrade the version of your tool to a version that defaults to using PyPI.org, then you may edit $HOME/.pypirc and include the repository: line, but use the value https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/ instead:

index-servers =

repository = https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/
username = <your PyPI username>
password = <your PyPI password>

(legacy in this URL refers to the fact that this is the new server implementation’s emulation of the legacy server implementation’s upload API.)

有关更多详细信息,请参见 规格 for .pypirc

Registering package names & metadata

Explicit pre-registration of package names with the setup.py register command prior to the first upload is no longer required, and is not currently supported by the legacy upload API emulation on PyPI.org.

As a result, attempting explicit registration after switching to using PyPI.org for uploads will give the following error message:

Server response (410): This API is no longer supported, instead simply upload the file.

The solution is to skip the registration step, and proceed directly to uploading artifacts.

使用 TestPyPI

传统的 TestPyPI (testpypi.python.org) 不再可用;请使用 test.pypi.org 代替。如果您使用 TestPyPI ,您必须更新您的 $HOME/.pypirc 以处理 TestPyPI 的新位置,例如,用 https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ 替换 https://testpypi.python.org/pypi


repository = https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
username = <your TestPyPI username>
password = <your TestPyPI password>

有关更多详细信息,请参见 规格 for .pypirc


为了帮助减轻针对 PyPI 的垃圾邮件攻击,通过 pypi.python.org 的新用户注册已于 2018年2月20日 关闭。在``pypi.org``的新用户注册是开放的。


虽然 pypi.python.org 仍可能用于其他 PyPA 文档的链接中使用,但浏览软件包的默认界面是 pypi.org 。pypi.python.org 这个域名现在会重定向到 pypi.org ,并可能在未来某个时候被禁用。


pypi.org 是下载软件包的默认主机。


pypi.org 为登录用户提供了一个全功能的界面来管理他们发布的软件包和版本。