Nuitka Speedcenter is back

Once a long time ago, I was benchmarking Nuitka more often. Check “What is Nuitka?” in case you don’t know what it is.


And I was considering the use of codespeed, and had some data online. But ultimately, it got discontinued. This has 3 reasons:

  • Moved the website to a dedicated machine, which broke the previous install.

  • Controlling which data is used for display was hard and not satisfactory.

    1. For example, I didn’t want to have to commit and push, just to let the benchmarks run.

    2. And I wanted to be able to re-run benchmarks with newer compiler, even newer Python, but old Nuitka. Using g++ 4.6 over g++ 4.5 should not impact the data.

    3. It turned out to be a nightmare to migrate to newer codespeed versions. I found myself starting from empty database - over and over.

    4. Many things were not supported.

      For example, I would want to collect all PyBench results, but only publish those who are expressive. That seemed difficult to achieve.

  • Benchmarks of Nuitka are not yet useful

    1. Nuitka was not yet doing type inference

    2. Most of the work was aimed at correctness, and effectively was often degrading performance even if only temporary. Seeing it wouldn’t have been too motivating.


I have simply created a small wrapper:

  1. Small script to run benchmarks and collect data.

    It checks out Nuitka in all versions in a playground, and then runs defined benchmarks, with valgrind, etc. taking exe sizes, etc.

  2. Data is stored in local sqlite databases.

    I have a database per machine, i.e. a distributed repository, where I collect information. That works for me, and will allow me to compare different kinds of machines.

    The advantage is that I have no risk of data loss anymore, and no issues and difficulty with poor interfaces to replace existing data.

  3. Data is merged on one machine, and then pushed.

    That allows me to inspect the changes before publishing them. It allows me to play with local commits, branches, with information that will go away. I can then push when I choose to.

That integrates better with my work flow. It allows me to retro-fit benchmarks results on the machine and to be tool independent.

In principle, I could publish the data in other forms as well, and I likely will. Making tables of e.g. PyBench results seems like one application. Recently, I have worked with Nikola, and could also imagine to integrate Codespeed graph functionality (which is apparently all I want) to there.
