Nuitka Release 0.6.8

This is to inform you about the new stable release of Nuitka. It is the extremely compatible Python compiler, “download now”.

This releases contains important general improvements and performance improvements and enhanced optimization as well as many bug fixes that enhance the Python 3.8 compatibility.

Bug Fixes

  • Python3.5+: Fix, coroutines and asyncgen could continue iteration of awaited functions, even after their return, leading to wrong behaviour.

  • Python3.5+: Fix, absolute imports of names might also refer to modules and need to be handled for module loading as well.

  • Fix, the fromlist of imports could loose references, potentially leading to corruption of contained strings.

  • Python3.8: Fix, positional only arguments were not enforced to actually be that way.

  • Python3.8: Fix, complex calls with star arguments that yielded the same value twice, were not yet caught.

  • Python3.8: Fix, evaluation order for nested dictionary contractions was not followed yet.

  • Windows: Use short paths, these work much better to load extension modules and TCL parts of TkInter cannot handle unicode paths at all. This makes Nuitka work in locations, where normal Python cannot.

  • Windows: Fixup dependency walker in unicode input directories.

  • Standalone: Use frozen module loader only at libpython initialisation and switch to built-in bytecode loader that is more compatible afterwards, increasing compatibility.

  • Standalone: Fix for pydanctic support.

  • Standalone: Added missing hidden dependency of uvicorn.

  • Fix, the parser for .pyi files couldn’t handle multiline imports.

  • Windows: Derive linker arch of Python from running binary, since it can happen that the Python binary is actually a script.

  • Fixup static linking with libpython.a that contains main.o by making our colliding symbols for Py_GetArgcArgv weak.

  • Python3.7: Fix misdetection as asyncgen for a normal generator, if the iterated value is async.

  • Distutils: Fix build_nuitka for modules under nested namespaces.

  • OpenBSD: Follow usage of clang and other corrections to make accelerated mode work.

  • macOS: Fixup for standalone mode library scan.

  • Fix, the logging of --show-modules was broken.

  • Windows: Enable /bigobj mode for MSVC for large compilations to work.

  • Windows: Fixup crash in warning with pefile dependency manager.

  • Windows: Fixup win32com standalone detection of other Python version win32com is in system PATH.

  • Fix, the python flag for static hashes didn’t have the intended effect.

  • Fix, generators may be resurrected in the cause of their destruction, and then must not be released.

  • Fix, method objects didn’t implement the methods __reduce__ and __reduce_ex__ necessary for pickling them.

  • Windows: Fix, using a Python installation through a symlink was not working.

  • Windows: Fix, icon paths that were relative were not working anymore.

  • Python3.8: Detect duplicate keywords yielded from star arguments.

  • Fix, methods could not be pickled.

  • Fix, generators, coroutines and asyncgen might be resurrected during their release, allow for that.

  • Fix, frames need to traverse their attached locals to be released in some cases.

New Features

  • Plugin command line handling now allows for proper optparse options to be used, doing away with special parameter code for plugins. The arguments now also become automatically passed to the instantiations of plugins.

    Loading and creation of plugins are now two separate phases. They are loaded when they appear on the command line and can add options in their own group, even required ones, but also with default values.

  • Started using logging with name-spaces. Applying logging per plugin to make it easier to recognize which plugin said what. Warnings are now colored in red.

  • Python3.5+: Added support for two step module loading, making Nuitka loading even more compatible.

  • Enhanced import tracing to work on standalone binaries in a useful manner, allow to compare with normal binaries.

  • Fix, the setattr built-in was leaking a reference to the None value.


  • Proper loop SSA capable of detecting shapes with an incremental initial phase and a final result of alternatives for variables written in the loop. This detects shapes of manual integer incrementing loops correctly now, it doesn’t see through iterators yet, but this will come too.

  • Added type shapes for all operations and all important built-in types to allow more compile time optimization and better target type selection.

  • Target type code generation was expanded from manual usage with conditions to all operations allowing to get at bool target values more directly.

  • For in-place operations, there is the infrastructure to generate them for improved performance, but so far it’s only used for Python2 int, and not for the many types normal operations are supported.

  • Force usage of C boolean type for all indicator variables from the re-formulation. In some cases, we are not yet there with detections, and this gives instant benefit.

  • Complex constants didn’t annotate their type shape, preventing compile time optimization for them.

  • Python3.8: Also support vectorcall for compiled method objects. These are rarely used in new Python, but can make a difference.

  • Remove loops that have only a final break. This happens in static optimization in some cases, and allows more optimization to be done.

  • Avoid using a preparing a constant tuple value for calls with only constant arguments.

  • Avoid using PyErr_Format where it’s not necessary by adding specialized helpers for common cases.

  • Detect del statements that will raise an exception and replace with that.

  • Exception matching is boolean shape, allowing for faster code generation.

  • Disable recursion checks outside of full compat mode.

  • Avoid large blocks for conditional statements that only need to enclose the condition evaluation.

  • Added shortcuts for interactions between compiled generator variants, to avoid calls to their C methods with argument passing, etc.


  • Updated Developer Manual with changes that happened, removing the obsolete language choice section.

  • Added 3.8 support mentions in even more places.

  • The mailing list has been deleted. We now prefer Gitter chat and Github issues for discussions.

  • Visual Code recommended extensions are now defined as such in the project configuration and you will be prompted to install them.

  • Visual Code environents for Py38 and Py27 were added for easier switch.

  • Catch usage of Python from the Microsoft App Store, it is not supported and seems to limit access to the Python installation for security reasons that make support impossible.

  • Make it clear that --full-compat should not be used in help output.

  • Added instructions for MSVC runtimes and standalone compilation to support Windows 7.

  • More complete listing of copyright holders for Debian.

  • Updated to newer black and PyLint.

  • Enhanced gcc version check, properly works with gcc 10 and higher.


  • Pylint cleanups for some of the tests.

  • Added test for loading of user plugins.

  • Removed useless outputs for search mode skipping non-matches.


  • Limit command line handling for multiprocessing module to when the plugin is actually used, avoiding useless code of Windows binaries.

  • Pylint cleanup also foreign code like oset and odict.

  • In preparation of deprecating the alternative, --enable-plugin has become the only form used in documentation and tests.

  • Avoid numeric pylint symbols more often.

  • Distutils: Cleanup module name for distutils commands, these are not actually enforced by distutils, but very ugly in our coding conventions.

  • The “cannot get here” code to mark unreachable code has been improved and no longer needs an identifier passed, but uses the standard C mechanism for that.

  • Removed accessors for lookup sources from nodes, allowing for faster usage and making sure, lookups are only done where needed.


This release is huge in terms of bugs fixed, but also extremely important, because the new loop SSA and type tracing, allows for many more specialized code usages. We now can trace the type for some loops to be specifically an integer or long value only, and will become able to generate code that avoids using Python objects, in these cases.

Once that happens, the performance will make a big jump. Future releases will have to consolidate the current state, but it is expected that at least an experimental addition of C type float or C long can be added, add to that iterator type shape and value analsis, and an actual jump in performance can be expected.