Nuitka Release 0.5.14

This is to inform you about the new stable release of Nuitka. It is the extremely compatible Python compiler, “download now”.

This release is an intermediate step towards value propagation, which is not considered ready for stable release yet. The major point is the elimination of the try/finally expressions, as they are problems to SSA. The try/finally statement change is delayed.

There are also a lot of bug fixes, and enhancements to code generation, as well as major cleanups of code base.

Bug Fixes

  • Python3: Added support assignments trailing star assignment.

    *a, b = 1, 2

    This raised ValueError before.

  • Python3: Properly detect illegal double star assignments.

    *a, *b = c
  • Python3: Properly detect the syntax error to star assign from non-tuple/list.

    *a = 1
  • Python3.4: Fixed a crash of the binary when copying dictionaries with split tables received as star arguments.

  • Python3: Fixed reference loss, when using raise a from b where b was an exception instance. Fixed in already.

  • Windows: Fix, the flag --disable-windows-console was not properly handled for MinGW32 run time resulting in a crash.

  • Python2.7.10: Was not recognizing this as a 2.7.x variant and therefore not applying minor version compatibility levels properly.

  • Fix, when choosing to have frozen source references, code objects were not use the same value as __file__ did for its filename.

  • Fix, when re-executing itself to drop the site module, make sure we find the same file again, and not according to the PYTHONPATH changes coming from it. Fixed in already.

  • Enhanced code generation for del variable statements, where it’s clear that the value must be assigned.

  • When pressing CTRL-C, the stack traces from both Nuitka and Scons were given, we now avoid the one from Scons.

  • Fix, the dump from --xml no longer contains functions that have become unused during analysis.

  • Standalone: Creating or running programs from inside unicode paths was not working on Windows. Fixed in already.

  • Namespace package support was not yet complete, importing the parent of a package was still failing. Fixed in already.

  • Python2.6: Compatibility for exception check messages enhanced with newest minor releases.

  • Compatibility: The NameError in classes needs to say global name and not just name too.

  • Python3: Fixed creation of XML representation, now done without lxml as it doesn’t support needed features on that version. Fixed in already.

  • Python2: Fix, when creating code for the largest negative constant to still fit into int, that was only working in the main module. Fixed in already.

  • Compatibility: The print statement raised an assertion on unicode objects that could not be encoded with ascii codec.

New Features

  • Added support for Windows 10.

  • Followed changes for Python 3.5 beta 2. Still only usable as a Python 3.4 replacement, no new features.

  • Using a self compiled Python running from the source tree is now supported.

  • Added support for Anaconda Python distribution. As it doesn’t install the Python DLL, we copy it along for acceleration mode.

  • Added support for Visual Studio 2015. Fixed in already.

  • Added support for self compiled Python versions running from build tree, this is intended to help debug things on Windows.


  • Function in-lining is now present in the code, but still disabled, because it needs more changes in other areas, before we can generally do it.

  • Trivial outlines, result of re-formulations or function in-lining, are now in-lined, in case they just return an expression.

  • The re-formulation for or and and has been giving up, eliminating the use of a try/finally expression, at the cost of dedicated boolean nodes and code generation for these.

    This saves around 8% of compile time memory for Nuitka, and allows for faster and more complete optimization, and gets rid of a complicated structure for analysis.

  • When a frame is used in an exception, its locals are detached. This was done more often than necessary and even for frames that are not necessary our own ones. This will speed up some exception cases.

  • When the default arguments, or the keyword default arguments (Python3) or the annotations (Python3) were raising an exception, the function definition is now replaced with the exception, saving a code generation. This happens frequently with Python2/Python3 compatible code guarded by version checks.

  • The SSA analysis for loops now properly traces “break” statement situations and merges the post-loop situation from all of them. This significantly allows for and improves optimization of code following the loop.

  • The SSA analysis of try/finally statements has been greatly enhanced. The handler for finally is now optimized for exception raise and no exception raise individually, as well as for break, continue and return in the tried code. The SSA analysis for after the statement is now the result of merging these different cases, should they not abort.

  • The code generation for del statements is now taking advantage should there be definite knowledge of previous value. This speed them up slightly.

  • The SSA analysis of del statements now properly decided if the statement can raise or not, allowing for more optimization.

  • For list contractions, the re-formulation was enhanced using the new outline construct instead of a pseudo function, leading to better analysis and code generation.

  • Comparison chains are now re-formulated into outlines too, allowing for better analysis of them.

  • Exceptions raised in function creations, e.g. in default values, are now propagated, eliminating the function’s code. This happens most often with Python2/Python3 in branches. On the other hand, function creations that cannot are also annotated now.

  • Closure variables that become unreferenced outside of the function become normal variables leading to better tracing and code generation for them.

  • Function creations cannot raise except their defaults, keyword defaults or annotations do.

  • Built-in references can now be converted to strings at compile time, e.g. when printed.


  • Removed gitorious mirror of the git repository, they shut down.

  • Make it more clear in the documentation that Python2 is needed at compile time to create Python3 executables.


  • Moved more parts of code generation to their own modules, and used registry for code generation for more expression kinds.

  • Unified try/except and try/finally into a single construct that handles both through try/except/break/continue/return semantics. Finally is now solved via duplicating the handler into cases necessary.

    No longer are nodes annotated with information if they need to publish the exception or not, this is now all done with the dedicated nodes.

  • The try/finally expressions have been replaced with outline function bodies, that instead of side effect statements, are more like functions with return values, allowing for easier analysis and dedicated code generation of much lower complexity.

  • No more “tolerant” flag for release nodes, we now decide this fully based on SSA information.

  • Added helper for assertions that code flow does not reach certain positions, e.g. a function must return or raise, aborting statements do not continue and so on.

  • To keep cloning of code parts as simple as possible, the limited use of makeCloneAt has been changed to a new makeClone which produces identical copies, which is what we always do. And a generic cloning based on “details” has been added, requiring to make constructor arguments and details complete and consistent.

  • The re-formulation code helpers have been improved to be more convenient at creating nodes.

  • The old nuitka.codegen module Generator was still used for many things. These now all got moved to appropriate code generation modules, and their users got updated, also moving some code generator functions in the process.

  • The module nuitka.codegen.CodeTemplates got replaces with direct uses of the proper topic module from nuitka.codegen.templates, with some more added, and their names harmonized to be more easily recognizable.

  • Added more assertions to the generated code, to aid bug finding.

  • The autoformat now sorts pylint markups for increased consistency.

  • Releases no longer have a tolerant flag, this was not needed anymore as we use SSA.

  • Handle CTRL-C in scons code preventing per job messages that are not helpful and avoid tracebacks from scons, also remove more unused tools like rpm from out in-line copy.


  • Added the CPython3.4 test suite.

  • The CPython3.2, CPython3.3, and CPython3.4 test suite now run with Python2 giving the same errors. Previously there were a few specific errors, some with line numbers, some with different SyntaxError be raised, due to different order of checks.

    This increases the coverage of the exception raising tests somewhat.

  • Also the CPython3.x test suites now all pass with debug Python, as does the CPython 2.6 test suite with 2.6 now.

  • Added tests to cover all forms of unpacking assignments supported in Python3, to be sure there are no other errors unknown to us.

  • Started to document the reference count tests, and to make it more robust against SSA optimization. This will take some time and is work in progress.

  • Made the compile library test robust against modules that raise a syntax error, checking that Nuitka does the same.

  • Refined more tests to be directly executable with Python3, this is an ongoing effort.


This release is clearly major. It represents a huge step forward for Nuitka as it improves nearly every aspect of code generation and analysis. Removing the try/finally expression nodes proved to be necessary in order to even have the correct SSA in their cases. Very important optimization was blocked by it.

Going forward, the try/finally statements will be removed and dead variable elimination will happen, which then will give function inlining. This is expected to happen in one of the next releases.

This release is a consolidation of 8 hotfix releases, and many refactorings needed towards the next big step, which might also break things, and for that reason is going to get its own release cycle.